He used to present himself as a Dutchfag and argue on those grounds, but nobody really gave a shit and his argument was garbage.
Next he tried to argue that Hitler's pseudo-alliance with the muzzies was some demonstrably terrible thing, but that also didn't see much headway.
Most recently he's been aligning himself with the Poles and British, trying to argue that the Poles dindu nuffin to nobody and Prussia was always Polish bro; coupled with arguing that the British were being 'noble' in stirring up war with the Germans via the Anglo-Franco-Polish military alliance (which was specifically and explicitly designed to antagonize Germany).
Coupled with this is the claim that he is a National Socialist, but doesn't like Hitler, etc, as previously described; but again, this facade falls apart the more he is pressed.
Usually, once so-pressed, other posters will appear in the thread out of nowhere to back him up and/or attack anyone who was attacking him. In some cases, the number of posts these Anons accrued will then be used to attack them, even as the person they're arguing with maintains post-counts into the hundreds.
Long story short, there is an individual or organization that has targeted National Socialism on 8/pol/ as something that needs to be attacked, discredited and generally maligned in whatever way possible, and this faction/factor has initiated an operation to push this agenda on the board.
The moderation staff, to their kosher credit, appears to be supportive of this, and there's a fair argument to be made that the moderation staff themselves are the source of this, as these threads are never curtailed in any fashion, while myriad other threads are deleted under extremely-dubious assertions as to their content by the moderation staff.
If/when this is cited outside of the meta - that is, if you make a thread like this suggesting what I am, even if you present evidence as seen here , the mods will deny any wrong-doing and in most cases will claim that you are in fact attempting to attack them, usually alluding to you being associated with the previous moderation staff in some fashion and/or to you being the source of the very material you are citing as being of issue. They then brigade the thread and bumplock or delete it, usually with a ban for "meta outside meta" or the like (despite the fact that nobody reads the meta thread, making it just as worthless as the meta board, making the whole exercise just another expression of the same motive behind the meta board, which was to keep meta discussion out of the view of the board populace at large).
Thus, if you complain about something on the board, the counter-argument is that you must be the source of that which you are complaining about, and/or are associated with the previous moderation staff, and no effort to curtail the behavior is made.
I should note that since this image started being posted they have become more aggressive in their moderation of specific posts, and as a result the post in question no longer appears to be engaging in such blatant spamming campaigns.
Instead, they engage in more subtle campaigns of similar intent, saying the same thing but in different wording to avoid being so blatantly identifiable.