Inb4 nigger.
he'd look better with a bullet hole in the forehead but he ain't wrong. jewbook sucks
Yey he claims "2a right are safe with me".
Trump is jew.
SNOOP 2020
Yall get full auto and sheeeeeeeeeeeeids
Reporting this nigger
You were right with your prediction. Nigger.
Times of equal rights and fair fight have long gone from pol.
Luis farkmyass was a muslim and part of nation of islam and a nigger nationalist (there has never been a non-white created black nation) and hateful towards whites. So fuck him! Based jews, you'll get the rope second
OP can't inb4, faggot. Lurk 2 years.
On the point though, I don't know how to feel about this degenerate nigger. He somehow always seems to find himself on the right side for all the wrong reasons.
It would be nice if everybody just did walk away from Twitter Instagram and Facebook.
As snoop says, we should ban them.
This nigger is a bum anyway who has one hit. He was known for robbing fans telling them to bring weed. Snoop shit looks like ugly ass crack head always looking for attention now. It would be hilarious if he got shot up.
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are balls out crazy.
Look up "Big Head Yakub" for a giggle.. It's the ultimate,, we wuz kangs story.
At this point anything that can hurt big jew social media is a plus and should be encouraged. Personally I can't stand rap crap but hey if all the niggers stopped posting on Facebook and instagram and all the wiggers too, wouldn't that be great?
Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.
Anyone who disagrees is a jew, either racially or by conversion.
Stop wasting time.
That's the simple truth and we shouldn't be afraid to say it.
This slogan will separate the cowards and shills from the free human beings - the people who will sacrifice to make things better for everyone.
It's perfectly well protected by the First Amendment, but it also no doubt gets the attention of the mass surveillance program, maybe causing them to overreact and spread their resources thin.
We can't be afraid to say such things if we are going to have any chance at organizing effectively - we need a single-minded message that can't be negotiated and subverted (like 'the alt right').
Even if you are a coward, you can help those who really will take action by memeing this slogan.
So, how do we know there's no hope in this system?
One very important fact: The jews control the currency completely.
There is no way to pry control from them within the system because they can always print more money and fund a countermeasure.
We have to work hard to earn money and carefully build every effort, while the jew can just conjure money out of thin air and pay useful idiots to come and knock it all down.
Simply put the entire economy is a scam.
Our money is meaningless and worthless, but we treat it as if it's real. This mistake has fundamentally warped our collective psyche and is the root of all the problems we have, such as the popularity of leftist ideology.
If you don't know already, you NEED to understand how the central bank bribes everyone and everything to enact its social engineering goals:
(can anyone provide some better sources explaining central banking?)
and you need to understand exactly how they leverage this power:
(long video, but it describes exactly how they move money around and get things done, watching it and understanding it will probably completely change your life)
Cowards and shills might spam this thread, mods might delete it again and again, but they will never address the proposition directly, because it is their masters' greatest fear - what if we stopped being distracted and immediately focused on the root of the problem?
The jews and their dependent slaves aren't anywhere near ready for that yet.
It's an opportunity that I suggest we pursue.
Despite everything, we can not only survive, but we can win.
To anyone who really would take action immediately: Work hard to be truly ready to do what you know is right.
Make sure you are educated and trained and plan carefully.
Don't become impatient and spend your life on an act that fails to advance the true goal.
Oh noooooooooo that sucks. They kill and imprision white men who are nationalists. Just like they would imprison snoop doggy doggy for being a nigger lest he partake in their faggot orgies[which are all taped btw].
But nigger cattle don't notice or care about these things. Carry on, sorry for inturupting your night of social media and jewtube recommended videos, goys. And whatever you do don't look up during sunset :^)
He had a string of hits over many years.
At least they aren't cucks. They speak out about the Jewish supremacists.
We would never ban you sir, you are exactly the type of degenerate nigger we hope to attract to our platform.
However Louis Farrakhan doesn't have as many followers as you, is an anti-semite, and makes a great token nigger to make it appear that we aren't just straight up censoring people we don't agree with.
No one above 60 iq has a faceberg account. Its for containing rabbits at this point.
That's why ur posting here
only because they believe they are god's chosen.
these niggers think they are superior.
I would unironically vote for Snoop Dogg before I'd vote for the orange kike again.
He's still better than any of the kosher "pro-Whites" like Jared Taylor and Dicky Spencer.
In minecraft. Zig Forums is a board of peace.
Owner of Instagram is a Jew. The Farrakhan fellow openly hates Jews.
You're advertising how gay you're again?
This. Snoop is only butthurt because it was a yakubite mudslime he likes that got banned.
A thread died for this pothead stupid fucking nigger. Anyone that talks like him and his stupid -izzle garbage, nigger or not, needs to be shot and decapitated in front of their families.
Fuck this old crusty stick figure with tourettes. Looks like all the California soy got to this niggers head
This would only be maybe interesting if this caused Facebook to reinstate Farrakhan. Until then who cares.
Its my right to do drugs it harms no one else but me
It has always been my understanding that this Scouse drunken slut anus finger banging board was a forum of peace.
This nigger is fake af everyone knows it just look at his background and real name.
Quite odd for a nigger to be so politically engaged in such a short time. Which leads me to a theory: Snoop is probably on some glow nigger payroll. His entire persona seems to be synthetic, used solely to push out ideas the establishment desire. They probably pay their dancing monkey in cash and weed, with an emphasis on the latter.
You get mad cause your black nigger dog.
Well the white man told you this was going to happen. and now you are crying.
Nigglers are so stupid…
Welfare checks to snoops mom made him hate the white man.,..
No shit. Everyone in the mainstream entertainment industry is pozzed to the max and sucked more dicks to get & stay there than you could imagine. I wish I was exaggarating.
some dumb nigger would be who would convince them to stop censoring people. all the intelligent arguments from white people: nothing. nigga nigga weed: magic unban.
Memeing that rappers suck dick will most probably make them lash out with lots of homophobia. . .
My enemy's enemy is my friend until I kill my enemy, then my enemy's enemy is my enemy again
FB must have done this for publicity. They're hemhoraging clicks, so come up with a fatwa against king nigger and alex jonestein, just to start a controversy they can control.
Dis gun be gud!
*gets popcorn
He just did. Faggot.
I hear ya, Snoopy. Fuck dem fat cats and dey banning niggas and all dat crooked shit. Beep bop click bixnood muhfugga.
Daily reminder OP's intentions are to waste your time on a retard and keep you uninformed.
The chad Zig Forums lurker knows this thread is bait and that it doesn't really matter.
What does really matter is that you spread awareness about the fact that OP will keep on gagging on bankers' sperm.
Did you know it's mathematically impossible to pay for (((our))) public debt?
That's right, we are paying for (((our))) debt with debt
And you guessed it right, it's a fucking scam
But wait, there's more, this scam is actually called a ponzy scheme!
Now proceed to ignore this thread as it's garbage and watch some real chad information
Video source:
Fucking bot or fucking schizo? It's getting hard to spot the difference.
This. Our main goal should be to dismantle jewish influence, the next should be making our state pure by ousting bugmen, pajeets and nogs.
There are no leaders here. Nypa is why subversion ultimately fails here. Go try this shit on cuckchan, it's just pure cringe and redundant here.
And we don't? I wouldn't want to live around them, and they should take africa for themselves, maybe raise the iq from 60 to 80 wiping out bantu subhumans and chinese, but it is in every rave's intetest to unite against the jew.
He was banned for antisemitism, not black nationalism.
jew rat
This nigger is absolutely right. Farakhan is a good boy he ain't do nuthin. He's exactly what we should want from a black leader, talks shit about yids nonstop and tells blacks to not be around whites. If whites were only this indignant and in your face we wouldn't be having this problem.
Does this mean he's an anti-semite?
Snoop Dogg occasionally posts anti white shit, if any white person posted what he posted he would be jailed by now.
Shows you who the masters of the niggers are
You'd think niggers were at least able to put 2+2
inb5 nigger
Black nationalism and white nationalism are potential allies.
Can you image the double whammy?
Fucking riots and shit for ethnostates.
Would be grand.
Louis X is anti semetic btw.
He is a good man.
This is a good thing snoop is doing.
answer is to setup black ethnostates and separate white ethnostates.
Many shills in this thread.
He wants to exterminate all whites. He thinks jews are white. Fuck off. He's not a good man, he's a fucking shitskinned nigger
And yet none of that is why he was banned. He was censored because he was anti jew you retard
A nigger with a shred of brain is still a nigger at the end of the day , also most of those faggots that got banned are jews so fuck them
There's nothing wrong with any of this. Any niggers who want to self-deport and try and make wakanda real or whatever are objectively good. Better than any of your based yids.
I'm down to let the nig-nogs fuck off and chuck spears if it means more problems for zionists.
Just imagine that first State of the Union speech…
Remember free speech benefits us because we are right.
The free speech of some daft nignog who believes he wuz kangs benefits us because the more he speaks the more everyone can see how stupid he is.
The free speech of some ISIS moron who thinks hes going to suicide bomb and behead his way to a new caliphate benefits us because people can see how dangerous and backward those people are.
Just as the freedom to tell the truth benefits us because its the truth.
Haha, no, his handlers wrote the music, he just used his negro voice. Like any other fucking nigger rapper out there.
That's why you White Nationalists are a cancer.
Whether that's true or not is irrelevant. What matters is Faceberg may have overplayed their hand because if niggers like Snoop Dogg stop using the platform then others will follow because of their collective mentality. That might start the ball rolling towards a MySpace like ending and the sooner that happens the better.
One of the comments on Instagram
I hope that they will ban you also fuck you AntiSemitic mother fucker. I thought you are a good person but you showed me how fucking asshole you are. #israel_here_to_stay"
The comments are so similar to the Jew trolling here.
He isn’t wrong pleb
Fucking kill yourself with a shovel to the neck
Don't be deceived it's pure theater. He and Farrakhan are just a controlled op. It's where the gangsta rap op stops, and the new fag rap starts. Both psyops.
There is no way Jewish producers and publicists such as Rick Rubin were letting people like Public Enemy say "Farrakhan's a prophet I think you ought to listen to" without the full blessing of International Jewry.
This is a major crack in the relationship between the yid and his golem.
Stop randomly bantering, and put the hivemind together to exploit this rift! Where are the memes? Use Snoop's likeness, and these quotes to spread this shit.
What are some other wedge angles that can be amplified in this tiff? I can feel potential, but the coffee hasn't quite kicked in yet. Niggers can be made to look as stupid, and easily manipulated as they are, jews made to look as psycho censor as they are, Facebook made to take an irrecoverable hit. And no matter which way it falls, none of it gets on us.
There is potential here.
Any ideas worth activating? Or is this an empty endeavor?
I agree with you on the theatre. However, this is desperation, and very weak, and vulnerable propaganda. Playing such a polarized Hegelian Dialectic has the weak point of the optics. Pretending to be at war with each other can be made to look like a real opposition, and exploited.
They are not Machiavellian enough to pull this off while everyone is beginning to wake up to this shit. These niggers will never be able to compete on this level once we really start playing their game.
based nigger or based kike, which one should I like
Vote with a shotgun blast to the temple instead.
so now niggs are getting banned and nigs are upset?
who could have seen this coming?
When the Yids get an attitude,
Drop 'em like they're hot
And a million other easy two liners if you know plantation babble
The tyranny is so obvious at this point that even niggers are beginning to get redpilled.
How come blacks are so obedient to Jews when nobody else can control them at all?
Guess I can't use this anymore.
Oh, wait, he's still on twitter.
Maybe this is the right time for me to finally resign from my Farcebook account, with a flourish–showing solidarity with all truth speakers be they black white or gray. (As someone said here, free speech works for us since we are right.)
Farrakhan is good for blacks and whites because he promotes segregation frankly in easy to understand terms and has no qualms naming the influence of the juden.
Black nationalist YES
Wakanda YES
I support the black ethnostate
They banned Farrakhan becasue he was one of the rare niggers who A) could actually string a sentence together and B) understood that there is a difference between whites and kikes. This blunt huffing retard is in no danger of censorship.
If i squint really hard and then kill myself will I wake up from this absolutely fucking retarded dream?
they both hate white people equally.
Blacks have always been loyal slaves to the jews. And selling the illusion of freedom to a nigger in chains is an incredibly easy thing to do.
The NOI has always had amicable relationships with White activists, even meeting with Tom Metzger. Michael Hoffman, who wrote '"Tales of the Holohoax" with A. Wyatt Mann spoke at some event this past February.
so is he /ourguy/ now?
lol get a load of this guy
ITT: (((1))) and dones trying to shill their collective apathy toward this story
based black man! helped fuel degeneration we see today with his music in the 90s, but hes so fucking based!
How does not giving a shit about some music industry pizza nigger having a tantrum on facberg make someone a shill?
Hey, I don't give a shit about jews, but I'll take a cheap shot and point out the hypocrisy…
He has a thread here:
So why is he spamming that shit everywhere?
Great meme. Thanks for this; into the hard drive meme folder for future use. Thanks.
pipe down yid
All you're doing is enabling jews and helping to paint rotten kikes like Laura Loomer as victims.