
That creature in the photo, that's what we call a "grotesque".

If you look closely, it doesn't physically resemble its mother at all. The purpose of having babies is reproduction, that is reproducing your own genes into the future generation.

If the spawn is so genetically distinct from you to not even resemble you physically, then you have gone against nature in producing it, hence behaved in a grotesque fashion. A product of such behavior can only be called a grotesque.

Attached: grotesque.jpg (770x400, 372.63K)


That's the first picture that comes up when googling "white mother with child". The rest on the page are the same.

I just call it a gawk-skulled room temperature IQ niglet

Turning beauty into a puddle of shit

Attached: 9be0d30f973e2db2fade1651100dd88a2670bf0c2762bec38b0334acc1aa18f7.jpg (500x417, 38.42K)

looks adopted
the niglet looks like one of them khoisasns or wahtever them south african natives are called

what's with these weaksauce threads preaching to the choir lately?
what's the news? what's the plan? there's nothing to do with this thread but bitch

Attached: ucphqlyplza21.jpg (675x1200 637.66 KB, 91.14K)

Most of these women are (((white)))

Nature is fascinating

Attached: .jpeg (638x640, 53.83K)

Honest and practical question

These white women betray their nation.
What to do of them and their vulval monsters, realistically, if we were in charge?
Deportation out of white lands, physical punishment, camp labor, slavery, death penalty, infanticide for the bastard children, etc.
Post your intelligent and honest suggestions please.

Why censor the names, this isn't cuckchan?

that's a model holding a purebred nigger, that is not a mixed race child

it's called a demoralization psyop and JIDF do 5 posts of it per day on cuckchan

Kill them. Mudshark Hunter will be a paid profession during the collapse.

I didn't see this part. Still kill them, or deport them to Africa, but that's a more costly action, extermination is much easier.

They either join their mongrel spawn in Africa or stay in the white man's land and enter a nunnery or something to that nature.

Attached: Warrior of Slaanesh.png (918x1408, 494.2K)

That was my first thought, but OP has a good point. If your children do not take after you, they are not even your children.

standard Roman punishment for treason, thrown off a high cliff

Maybe because it comes from this book cover about INTERRACIAL ADOPTION?


Attached: Adoption.jpg (291x520, 54.53K)

Making it that subjective is why America is so mixed. As it stands, your line of reasoning allows mixing with Meds, MENA peoples, and hapas. You should limit it to 2 persons from the same small area of land who both go back at least 7 generations.


You can whiten the gene pool by having them get raped in Africa. Only problem is that soyboys might feel sorry for them and want to take them back.

Blease you bastards, you bain’t bean a bothered bet. You want to see grotesque? Let’s get some stitched piebald people. Biotech be a blowin’ wind. Let’s get some grafted multipart people! Let’s properly freak the straights again! Live in flesh as you do, live in fleshtech as you shall!


Attached: google being ironic white mother child - Copy.jpg (1863x897, 719.1K)

Is missed this the first time but look at the lower second to last photo.



lol that whore from Sex and the City

Attached: larry-fine-2.jpg (900x750, 63.51K)

Two years of mandatory lurking, torpedo.

A swift death is the most merciful end for these chimera.

not many people are going to label the mothers race unless it's to differentiate from another.
second from the right, middle row. white/white, yet it doesn't use the word "white"

even full black babies get more black as they get older

Honestly, I would rather view gore posts than the complete destruction of White DNA with subhumans.

Send them to Africa where they belong. Africa will need the increased immigration to keep their population numbers up since they won't be getting gibs and thus their reproduction rate will be plummeting. Of course, all of this won't even be an issue in the future ethnoglobe.

If there's anything I've learned from /po/ it's that most of these white women never look quite right. They always look like they're mixed with some kind of alien species J E W I S H. God damn there's a lot of them all over these propaganda photos.

The creature os obviously adopted, you should have chosen a better example.

Only the white baby is labeled cute.

Spoil that shit you ignorant nigger. Nobody wants to have to see this nasty shit in the catalog.


I knew it, OP must be a faggot!

The blonde in the 3rd image is especially shameful. She could have been very happy with Chad and had nice children.

Attached: 50s.jpg (976x642, 268.13K)


Nyuck nyuck a wise guy!

The bottom line is white people are albinoid negroids. And you are displaying pedophile tendencies by googling pictures of little children

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I guess all you can do is google pictures of children since your women don’t want to fuck you🔥

Beat the roastie to death with its offspring. Funny AND effective

I will be called a muslim for this, but honestly, disfiguring their body, followed by beheading, and finishing it up by hanging up their mangled corpse for display on a public square.


OP must be a reporter looking to write a hit piece about "the toxic Zig Forums culture and why it must be shut down"

Dude I worked with once.

Attached: C107B44C-2536-40EA-AC20-C4AAE0992C1B.jpeg (720x720, 96.31K)

Grotesque in noun form: a very ugly or comically distorted figure, creature, or image.
Yeap. Sounds about right.

Tell us moar.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (380x470, 182.15K)

The west needs to hop on the arranged marriage train.

We’re all niggers. You’re just albino

Attached: FB812E81-1818-47EA-922F-E0C7FCAEC181.png (1136x640, 3.1M)

Looking like raw chicken

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Why because the girls don’t want you? You can’t force them. Nobody wants to fuck someone who looks like their brother or nephew. It’s boring.

Attached: 04D3F043-1508-4CE7-AFE4-584C91DEF075.jpeg (640x273, 51.17K)

Shame and social shunning were always the most effective weapons against women's traitorous and retarded nature.

No need to use violence. Learn from our wiser ancestors.

"OMG oy vey, these goy are acting in their own racial interest, quick tell them that is hate to love themselves".

Attached: OUR_FÜHRER(1)(1).mp4 (889x613 58.55 KB, 664.29K)


Third and fourth cousins are biological optimal partners, they have the most healthy babies.

Why do you want to fuck women?

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You sure thats not a j-

Ahh so thats probably a jewess. The nose looks very beak like.


Deport to brown countries, together with their spawn. If she wants to pass those genes along, she can go where those genes come from.

The biggest question is how many white men are waging our war of dominion. We need replacements, even shitskinn waves will eventually kill men of worth. While I doubt the numbers of whores with nigger children is that massive, there are vast numbers whom have dabbled in getting fucked by one shitskinn or another. Not a one is worthy of being an honored mother figure in the future. But they all carry the ability to produce the future generations of men we need to continue. I've come to some conclusions as should all future warlords. Each situation is different but most of the following cover the majority of issues I think. Add in suggestions or ideas.

#1. killing off all of them is likely impractical, many are of worthless genetic stock one way or another, aged out, subpar breeding stock, or mental cases. All of those are clearly to be culled with the mongrel hordes. All mongrels with no exception need to be wiped out as well. Most females will likely have to be salvaged somewhat. Without heirs most men after this type of utterly brutal war will need something to ground them again, an connection to the future they helped (or are currently helping) bring about. Once most fighting is over, they eventually will turn to some forms of crime, degeneracy or war if heirs and responsibility there in are not demanded. Granted, any such females with incurable diseases need be culled as well, their rutting partners are rife with such vile shit.

#2. Many have male relatives whom may take exception to most brutal ways of dealing with them. White fighting whites has to be minimized and for better or worse whites tend to defend their own right or wrong. I would suggest those women whom are somewhat of value have their entire family gathered up, their father is brought forth and instructed to cull the mongrel spawn himself. Right there in front of them all. The price if he fails is the extermination of him and his sons immediately. If he does it his daughter is returned to him as explicit property and his responsibility should she do ANYTHING to stray in any way against her volk again. If she does falter again, the judgment will be done for his entire lineage, likely having his brother(s) do the deed or have them all culled outright. He will also be required to find proper male to take ownership over his daughter as soon as possible, to encourage his disassociation of responsibility over her to proper male guardian of worth and save the rest of his family. Those men whom cannot get in step with these requirements for whatever reason will have to be immediately culled the moment it comes to light, along with any supporters.

#3. Most of these females whom have spread legs for subhumans will need to be socially outcast and publicly so. Explicitly proclaiming that they can not and never will be 'mothers' or wives of men, just brood mares to produce offspring. I haven't decided if having them removed of tongue is ok or not, may be up to her owner. Decent women whom haven't accepted subhuman stock should be regaled as honored and revered wives and mothers, publicly celebrating them as such will go far in creating an society in which other females will recoil from offering pity or sympathy for fear of being cast in the same light. Even instructing specific garb/scar/tatoos be displayed to ensure they are clearly outcast is likely required so they cannot revert to hidden shame. This is not for her, but for the society at large to reign in forgiveness and pity.

Attached: waterfox_2017-02-22_18-44-12.png (1554x345, 109.29K)

#4. Her owner should be required to publicly punish her for any crimes against volk or disrespect she displays. His property, his responsibility and no other. If he doesn't then it should be viewed that she is subverting his authority with taught degeneracy from an prior age and have her removed and then executed for these crimes. He will have to be pacified with an replacement as well as private chastisement for overly coddling his 'pet'.

#5. All owners and dishonored females will be required to produce heirs quickly and repeatedly, if heirs for the male are not produced she should be removed and disposed of, or given to others for one last chance should problem be with male. An understanding of an heir produced every at minimum three years should be required. Her entire life depends upon servicing her owner, and if have access in some way to children their needs without ever at any time speaking of degeneracy which condemned her. Her agency is gone, or her life is to be culled for such crimes.

#6. All children produced from such females are to never be allowed to view these creatures as their mother. Likely sent off an raised with proper guardian if available. If these creatures are needed to actually raise such children then it will have to be under oversight of others with her only as caregiver and not as 'parent'. All child decisions are to be thru owner and proper guardians. The female should have utterly no say. That is for honorable and proper women of righteous standing.

There are other issue with males and their halfbreed spawn that should be mentioned but this shit is already too long.

Attached: k_gets_a_wife.png (960x720, 821.23K)

If you're going to use an argument from biology, then you need a robust answer to the following:


No, meme sound track from a hoax shooting isn't a robust answer.
But since you brought it up, here's the video from the second mosque, where "dead bodies" come back to life, and people collapse down and "die" while being completely unharmed.

Attached: SeconD-HivE-SwatteD.mp4 (1024x576, 7.88M)

Caucasians have recessive genes, it’s not the mother’s fault her child looks so different.

She's also gifted him with an average IQ of 90.

Disinfo; you are an idiot. Stop posting here.

See the paid shill kvetch
The video speaks for itself
"Victims" alive, then dead, then alive.
Fake blood, on, off, on, off.
"Dead bodies", then "alive and walking around".
Kike on.

Not actually, partner selection is directly related to the likelihood of future viable offspring. by selecting an 'black' mongrel as an partner she has increased the probability that even in an peaceful civilized environment her spawn will be either injured or killed just by its own nature, by the influence of its own black relations, by the influence of other races against it. In an environment were the civilized discourse breaks down, the child and any future potential spawn is virtually guaranteed to be eliminated by competition or environmental factors her partners genes cannot assist the creature in surviving where an white or even other mongrel spawn's increased capacity for forward thinking and group cohesion is dramatically increased over the nigger genes. By selecting this as a breeding partner, she virtually erased any future potential non nigger partners from breeding her, thus capturing her genes in an cycle of increasing likelihood of elimination thru not having an viable protective male. This female has done the genetic equivalent of breeding with an downy, her genes chances of survival without benevolent intervention is nil due to we do not live in the only place niggers can survive naturally. Only perhaps breeding with an abo could have done her genetic fitness any less of an favor.

This thing you speak of only exists within inbred populations or populations that have inherent genetic defects. Overly specialized populations or cut off populations can created spawn of better genetic fitness if cross bred with other closely related groups. Humans do not have this for the most part when it comes to the subspecies. Some outliers like jews have severe deformities and genetic illnesses which allows them to increase their survival rate by interbreeding with other species, but not most others. Whites and niggers are utterly different species, separated by at least 125 thousand years of genetic drift, their genetics are no longer compatible and create a host of illnesses and problems that can not be corrected or bred out. Even excluding the problems of not having an parent race to support it, the spawn is very likely to have mental illnesses, genetic disorders, lowered immune responses, food allergies and in comparable world views with any other race. Due to the nature of social dynamics in long term survival, outliers such as this rarely ever survive being as the 'other' is always culled when times breed competition. Neither nigger nor white populations of species will accept the animal.

Now this would be a productive suggestion for dealing with the problem of mongrelization.

Attached: rjratstyul.png (580x768, 614.46K)

Posts a subhuman cunt as part of his comment…you are a nigger user.

what are you doing niggers

How is this a jidf thread?

and? hes probably of southern european ancestry.

Gee anons, learn to classify.
Qoman is obvious ashkenazi jewish. Just look at her mouth area, joker smile, nose, eyes, chin, etcetra. Dont be fooled by red hair, many ashkenazis stole aleles for red hair from us.
Also, nigled is not purebreed Negro, could be hers. It is just about Jamal nigger genome being strong. Also, jews are about 10% Negro admixed on average.
It is nice pic. Jewess with her son. Jewish Madona, lel.

Today's word.

Attached: Normal_Black_Baby.jpg (1056x792, 112.77K)

Sometimes not kikes, sometimes just straight bugpeople, like the Polish bitch here , doesn't have anything that sets off my jewdar, but the cheeks, jaws, mouth and the eyes scream "bugman".

Fucking kek'd


absolutely disgusting

I honestly don't understand how white women can raise the spawn of black men. I mean, their children don't even look 10% like themselves
how can you feel an emotional bond with a creature that does not even resemble you? Are they fucking retarded in their heads?

Once you go black, you become a single mom…

Fuck that bitches kid is just fucking UGLY…that is one of those children that you wish the bugs would run over and keep on going (as they are prone to do)


HOW ABOUT LETTING A NIGGER CUM IN YOUR PUSSY? I mean if you are raped you are raped and you get an abortion to kill their DNA, but fucking hell user, they mounted those Ape men WILLINGLY…I just ate and I want to vomit at the thought.

well of course, you can even ask mothers who are adopting across racial lines. they are guiltly unattached to the child because to be a parent, you want your child to pass on your genes. Resist race-mixing.

Looks like an arab or gypsy actually. You fiftysixpercenter americans have no real idea how white euros really look because you have never been over here and seen for yourself. How do you think jews got spotted so they could get pogromed trough the ages? They dont look like euros, not even like southern euros.

black is the new beautiful

I grew up in Whitopia USA. There were a few Feathers, and everybody else was Germanic. Just as I am.

Ultimately extermination, and preferably in an excessively graphical manner.
It MUST shock, so that lessons are learnt again, and as such a public is a preferable option.
One thing we may have learnt from the jews is that temperance, moderation and measure of strenght are NOT efficient, since they will be interpretated by the subhuman and their associates as weakness.
I genuinely think that the society to come should have cruelty as a cardinal virtue.

Attached: eyes.jpg (556x806, 479.08K)

Arab actually, you've never encountered a real Southern European before in your life. They look nothing alike. Probably live in a Jewish neighborhood and you don't even realize it.

Ain't first for me, but it's right behind various other abominations.

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