I've been making posts recently from an objective standpoint, praising "noble Christian knights and intelligent priests, strong Viking warriors and their wise shamen, and analytical, inventive scientists and technologists." Atheists, Christians, and Pagans must stand together. But Christians must choose a side that is not Christian, or they will be easily subverted, and will destroy our movement.
I refuse to be divided.
I am completely positive that Christianity is literally SJW style subversive literature, but for ancient Romans. At this point, I am positive that Christianity is a brainwashing cult deliberately devised to make people weak and cause nations to crumble.
There is no god.
Jewish Passover, a holiday still celebrated even today, was not the actions of a god.
The Jews went door to door and murdered children.
The jews murdered children.
And they celebrate that, even today.
The jews murdered children, door to door slaughter, and they celebrate it.
I have to say it that much, with all that pleddit spacing, but I must get the point across as to how insanely evil they are. Waiting until everyone is asleep, and then creeping into houses to silently kill all of the children.
And when the Egyptian adults woke up, they chased the Jews out. Then the Jews went on a rampage, killing everyone in all the villages, raping their women and children, and they call that an exodus.
Not even the the Vikings did a thing like that, and Vikings are said to be fierce. The Jewish religion is fucking evil, and Christianity?
Slave morality. Not "morality that makes you behave more like a slave."
No, it's "The morality that you TEACH your slaves."
Jews are truly our enemies, and will only manipulate us further. No matter how they can try to demonize our past, there is one shining concept of how truly evil they are:
They murdered children in the night, and then they fabricated a god to blame it on. And they celebrate this every year, even today.
They made up a god, a fictional god, to escape the guilt of murdering children in the night. The moral here is simple: The jews will do terrible things, the MOST terrible things, and then lie about it. They will simply lie. And then they go on to begin murdering and raping children until their numbers grow large enough to call themselves a "people."
They are willing to do anything to survive. Not in the sense of the 14 words, where we are saying, "We want our children to have a future!"
No, it's not about the future for them. They are willing to slaughter children, when we would normally think to welcome them into our society, into our homes. But they rape. They rape and they kill and they lie and they subvert.