Fuck off FBI & CIA!
Now I'll show you what I can do with my high-level computer skills.
You have understood nothing of this world.
Chaos will break out in 2 hours
No clues
Fuck off FBI & CIA!
Now I'll show you what I can do with my high-level computer skills.
You have understood nothing of this world.
Chaos will break out in 2 hours
No clues
What are you gonna do, call someone a faggot over the internet?
Go hack, that site's been pissing me off
9:11 pm east coast time?
insert bigthinkmeme.jpg
Posting in potentially historic thread.
I abjure all criminal acts and none of my guns have been illegally modified, FBI
will be waiting for the news
Larp or muslim, you decide!
I gots butterflies in my tummy now.
You gonna remotely deactivate an (((old lady)))'s pacemaker?
mobile posters are truly cancer
you won't do anything you nigger
If the Feds can't pull off a single coup in Venezuela of all places, they really fucking suck at this point anyways. Grandpa really is out of his prime it would seem.
Put mE in the ScreeN cap faggOt!
9:11 pm (EST) it's all going to come to an end. Lights out, no 911, no help, EMP attack occurs, the Chinese win. Wholesale murder to follow.
OP is a GOD amongst GODS.
We are all fucked now
Just post the insurance file password.
Plz livestream on Facebook senpai!
rolling for not a larp
Absolutely worthless thread.
Nigger I'm interested. This might be historic.
watch what I am not going to do, fuckers.
Livestream is up
beat me to it
another fbi/cia/civil war/asteroid kosher blackpill, keep em coming, I need input data to train my AI jewdar
Put me in the screencap
Leeloo Dallas Multipass
The countdown begins
it was just some finnish girl streaming
I hope this is legit and not just some faggot spam.
posted it as a test, jew shut it down in less that 45 seconds. If that is any indication as to how closely homeland security monitors this board. It was a teenage girl, used as an example
Are things about to get spooky?
testing your theory
presumably they won't fall for such obvious bait?
The threat is real
Gabi is real
You're probably right, could be bots though
Hmm been up for more then a min..
Women shouldn't be allowed to point cameras at themselves.
This nigger gets it.
Lying nigger.
cruel, cruel world
did it happen?
See how quickly the global jew works their magic?
Heild for truth
she stopped it by accident
inb4 the grid is gone by emp
Hell, then I can enjoy a nice walk
I used to want to conduct a terror campaign targetting shoe stores and makeup stores.
Just to fuck with exactly this kind of whore.
Also what a mutt.
OP never delivers
Gabi is going to crash the world economic gird in 14 minutes. OP is real
Is that AOC?
show khazar milkers if true
Cool I will be waiting to see what you do user.
user that looks like a dude. Why you want to see a dudes tiddies?
Fuck {scrolling up} the kike dude is showing its ugly tits…{hide mongrel subhuman titties}
She's adding water to her vodka, and gulping it down hardcore. Gabi is going to burn main stream America to the ground with her nipples.
8 minutes left, hope this is good.
are they trying to, or are they trying to make trump look bad?
LARP, mega larp…remember the golden rule of kikery on Zig Forums
#1 Create distracting and worthless/irrelevant threads on Zig Forums
shut up kike
Your comment doesn't make sense FAGGOT, LEARN ENGLISH…fucking subhuman poos
Can Gabi pull off the collapse as wasted as she is?
What the fuck are you doing? Filtered
She wants the jew pimple to pop but can she pull it off in 3 minutes?
Who is this disgusting slag?
bleeeez dondu id
BREAKING: North Korea fires unidentified short-range missile towards the East Sea - South Korea
That’s interesting. Is it defo real? Should be posted in every thread.
sauce pls.
Reminder that its's legal to rape illegal beaners.
okay nothing happened now close it mods
Put me in the screencap.
The kikes on Zig Forums hate it with a passion and trash talk it every time they see it posted.
Yes it was taken by someone in their ranks and distributed here on Zig Forums to let us know their agenda. Apparently they have a daily agenda of subversion and misinformation that they all coordinate…and they wonder why we want to exterminate them…HA!
The coyotes think so, but who would get POZZED by fucking a subhuman even if it was free?
KYS Nigger
shuddit down
So what's BEARSCLAW supposed to be, their code name for the cuck porn spam?
Fake and gay
So we should agree with BASED non-whites and trump is doing great for whites now? IMO it's a double ruse
Fuck mate get a job.
Well that fag keeps shilling his beaner whore.
Doubt it. I think it is something they coordinate with the CIA/GOvernment…an entrapment scheme. It is also great for flushing out kikes so that you don't have to listen to their bullshit anymore.
Oh, that slut subhuman is a sepharidick kike? No wonder she is showing her tites like she was a fucking sow.
It's about shooting journalists.
But wouldn't that make the sting operation bulletpoint below a bit redundant?
Filter me too!
Lemme see, not sure which day I posted…here have the others…
Are you a kike?
She's an undocumented beaner from LA. The fag shilled her on /b/ some weeks ago selling her for 50$
Good luck madman
This was for you
…not the filter me faggot