Women are the most inherently evil and disgusting race on the planet. The Jewish problem was ALWAYS common knowledge but women were ALWAYS recognized as the worst evil
Men will NOT get married in a Nazi society because it is feminist, and obviously, women are worshiped while men are workhorses
Hitler was never in on some big secret and neither are you. Jews were always heavily criticized, killed and expelled from European states. When Jews were allowed to live, they were often supposed to wear separate dresses so that they would be recognized. Sometimes, interacting with jews was frowned upon. Jews were regarded as the worst of MEN because of their religious teachings, but women were recognized as INHERENTLY EVIL. Hitler was a feminist and woman-worshiper. No wonder he was so abusive.
Women claim to want equality, but make sport of men as their ATMs and slaves. In private, they argue viciously because they want to make you feel bad and question your own sanity. All "traditional women" want to make you their workhorses. They turn men against their friends, brothers and parents. They also turn boys against their fathers and indoctrinate them to become feminazis. They play the husband's victim even though they've been leeching off him and treating him like a slave. 80-91% divorces are filed by women because they don't care about the emotions of their sons nor about family. Women's liberation is the root cause of loneliness today. They all support the ongoing oppression of men in one way or another. They will never approach you because they want to hold the power and make it seem as if you need them more than they need you. WOMEN KNOW NOTHING OF MORALITY. They make your life hell in marriage because they can't control their urge to make you feel bad. They lie shamelessly about rape, what they said/meant, violence, their height/appearance etc. They claim they don't want to be objectified yet without patriarchy to keep them in check they'll start wearing tight/short/revealing clothes to entice you. They are the source of constant problems and sorrows. Women were always known to be evil if not the root of all evil.
The ONLY end these evils in society and the oppression of men is to RETURN TO "PATRIARCHY" , ie, strip women of their rights (even their right to live can be debatable)
Women of all ethnicities belong to the SAME EVIL RACE and this has ALWAYS BEEN known