Islam is behind the Hitler love post and a few dumb white people who they are misleading.
This is why out of all the crap Google doesn;t delete.
Google would destroy us.
We, the jokers, have been in here making jokes. You follow us and honk for Justice.,
Islam has come for your rights and willing to pay oil money to gain world dominance. Look at what is happening and tell me I am wrong.
Linda suaruas a MUSLIM IS leading womens rights and gays. What the fuck!!
The ghettos of blacks are now becoming Muslim.
The invasion of the US has begun. The only way we can fight is to realize it is happening.
Fight this stupid shit. Make memes showing what is happening .
Attack the throat of gen-iced of the whites,,,
Islam will kill all…
War has come to America!!
MSM is controlled by Islam, not Jews. We are getting Islam.
Whites are smarter then this..
You want you children to Live then stop your stupid pride and guilt and remember family matters most..
You are getting owned by Islam chan
Other urls found in this thread:
They don't even come here.
You are delusional.
Not really.
I don't play the faggot number game. I don't even associate with the trash that does
Take a look at the banner.
That alone is enough to debunk you and by the way if you think you are fooling anybody you are still retarded, how many threads had we got you hasbara shills btfo by now?
Sorry mate this is a national socialist board and will always be keep crying and moaning like a bitch, don't hide behind a pilpul pal trying arguing.
t.someone who got convinced a month ago.
Muzzy found.
Get mad I am exposing you.
So you hate statistics and proof, only believe Muhhamed the child fucker>???
Friend of mine works at a restaurant. Whenever a jew, muslim, or vegan/vegetarian comes in he always gives them the tomato sauce that has pork in it.
I tell the truth Muzzy scum
America will not fall
Islamic men suck goats off.
Islam is behind the Hitler love post and a few dumb white people who they are misleading.
This is why out of all the crap Google doesn;t delete.
Google would destroy us.
We, the jokers, have been in here making jokes. You follow us and honk for Justice.,
Islam has come for your rights and willing to pay oil money to gain world dominance. Look at what is happening and tell me I am wrong.
Linda suaruas a MUSLIM IS leading womens rights and gays. What the fuck!!
The ghettos of blacks are now becoming Muslim.
The invasion of the US has begun. The only way we can fight is to realize it is happening.
Fight this stupid shit. Make memes showing what is happening .
Attack the throat of gen-iced of the whites,,,
Islam will kill all…
War has come to America!!
MSM is controlled by Islam, not Jews. We are getting Islam.
Whites are smarter then this..
You want you children to Live then stop your stupid pride and guilt and remember f>>13229030
Your 'friend' is going to be serving soup in hell for eternity.
Again your not fooling anybody oh ya
Hello newfaggot shill.
Come back if you have proof if you don't then gtfo
White children will die when G-d sends the angel of death comes for them like he came for the firstborn of Egypt.
Maybe, but he'll be serving it to jews, muslims, and vegans/vegetarians.
I hit Contol V
So sorry
Muzzy found.
Muhhamed gave blow jobs to goats.
I am telling the truth. That is why you are mad.
You didn't tell the truth at all you told a lie and if you were telling the truth you would be backing it up which is why your arguments tend to fall apart each and every time schlomo.
Yeah Chan is not infested with Islam Shills.
C'mon my brothers. see what is happening and Fight back..
Clowns United…
islam is a religion of brown monkeys, and brown monkeys are not allowed.
hatred for kikes and fags is like breathing air or drinking water, these are fairly universal thing.
in the end, they are still darkies, and follow a cult, neither of which are desirable.
I agree, but does not change the fact we are getting invaded.
Make fun of them'
Expose them..
Let the muds breed like a septic infection. They are savages who are unaware of basic medicine, and the kill switch is ready.
The media is controlled by muslims????????
I reckon Jew watch lied to me.
what's in it for me?
I see what's in it for the jew, and that alone is enough to make me balk.
pretending that mudshits are "controlling" the media is certainly not honest.
the invasion has been organised by kikes which, in their spite, try to hurt what reveal them for what they are due to unflattering comparisons.
That's what some yids got wrong since the beginning.
They hoped that introducing some foreign "in your face" element would not drive people to blame them for the behavior of said imports.
In the end mudshits are accused of their own acts, while yids are accused of both their own acts, and the own of mudshits aswell.
Yids are a fairly stupid deluded bunch whose only skill ever has been corruption.
Whenever true moral rigor is maintained, the jew hold absolutely no power, never forget that.
The reason why the South lost was because of 6 to 1.
England gave the Irish to America to keep the union at a cost.
We no matter how talented can not kill a over sizes force.
Have you seen the movie about the brittish forces who with superior ammo got defeated by Zulus.
Men count in war.
Muzzy found.
Or a stupid cuck white who hates America.
You go out to Antifa rallies.
I hit the button didn't I..
I am sorry you can;t get laid ugly fucker.
Cuck up some more.
Nice try kike but we all know who controls the media.
Found the non-white.
it was 5:1
there was also the problem of railworks in the South who were non-standardised which led to serious logistical problems, and simply keeping hordes of niggers in check which required guards.
i'm neither a mudshit, nor a self-hating amerimutt, nor some pantifag.
as much as those brown fucks may be detestable, yids are hatable.
everything done by yids is on yids
everything done by mudshits is on mudshits AND yids, because yids imported them.
that means yids lose every time, because of their complicity in others crimes.
the poster boys for dunner-krunig simply didn't think that through, pretty much like anything else they do.
Nothing is lower than a jew, and only faggots reach the cesspit of infamy the jew dwells in.
At this point, my decision processes can be summed by the answer to the question: what would hurt the jew and the fag the most?
I have very little doubt that many people follow the same principle, given that the same kind of path in life should lead to similar conclusions.
Maybe if those vermins didn't behave the way they did, we (and they) wouldn't be in such place, but it happened, and none of it is ever going to go away.
I don't want their kvetching, their empty words, their promise or what have you.
I just want them dead.
All of them.
By any mean necessary.
I guess that trying to demoralize whites just doesn't turn up the way one would expect, and instead lead to immoralistic whites.
Probably not something anyone with sense would want, but hey, that's their problem, and one of their own making, as usual.
Still, I don't understand why one would defend yids in any way shape or form without being one.
Kikes are quite simply, and demonstrably, the worst.
good catch.
Kike shill language example:
Saudi Arabia owns MSN
AH you believed MSM lie that Jews owned MSM
I bet you will defend a nigger fucking your son.
I bet you it'd be one of your kike brothers that would film such filth as they always do
Like the other guy said, you are to blame for everything and will be held accountable
So the MSM have been reporting on Jewish power in the media?
I must have missed all of the (((Times))) articles pointing out that incontrovertible fact
Truth hurts child fucker.
Whee I own you…
Child fucker eh?
Rich coming from a Jew
That's one of your destable races main passtime
You are losing Muzzy
Call me anything. What I have no feelings.
Fuck off already muzzy.
Child fucker religious want to be,
Kill yourself already for humanity muzzy.
I killed over 5 muzzies// You mad.