Beware the (((right wing))) dumbfolk Anons. There are a few here rewriting the narrative because they are paid shills.
Zig Forums in one image
all that text
I'm redpilling you anons on Zig Forums
This, Zig Forums has always been a leftwing board
This is why the left literally can't meme.
oh (((you)))
No u
whites oppress whites. you can't ignore the facts. you have to deal with reality
Jews aren’t white
Karl Marx is a literal pedophile jew, you can't ignore the facts, you have to deal with reality
Fuck off with the board meme subversion you damn glow niggers. The jew is pic related, not your retarded cartoon.
more commie kikes for you
Holy fuck. Its like I'm reading a comics.
pro tip: less text = better meme
Pedophiles are not a problem. You're helping the op, ty.
We have ids retard
I know we do.
can we get the actual text of the letter?
Fucking retarded
Here enjoy this letter instead : )
I know I got my deep hatred of kikes from the media.
Mainly from seeing their faces 24/7
OP is a homosexual, jewish leftist, coward. DIE KIKE.
You're from panel 1 on the left side.
You're from Panel 2 in the middle.
shit meme kys
Panel 1 on the left.
Wew pretty sad
karl marx married into the rothschild family, not even kidding
Yes because the letter wasn't typed out by a scheming Austrian anti semite. Of course whites wouldn't try and backstab the jews and construct a fake letter.
Zig Forums on suicide watch