Likewise the Rockefellers were major funders of not only Cold Spring Harbor but also the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, which became the center of the Nazi’s extermination experiments. The Rockefellers’ Population Council, with the mission to advance birth control, was first headed by Frederick Osborn, a leader in the American Eugenics Society.[24] And there is no reason to believe America’s eugenic tradition has died out, although it has mutated into what might appear to be a less malignant form compared to the days when over half of the fifty states were conducting forced sterilization on poor woman and inmates in prisons and mental insitutes.
Nobody should doubt the eugenic agenda remains alive and well in America. In fact, behind the closed corridors among the global elite, it is gaining fuel. For these people, sacrificing poor people in the developing world on the altar of a distorted Manifest Destiny, and setting their own rules in modern technologies–vaccines and GMO seeds–with the potential to destroy every unborn child is simply racism and bigotry. Kenyon College anthropologist Ken Smail, in a 2004 World Watch article, wrote, “That there will be large scale reduction in global human numbers over the next two or three centuries appears to be inevitable. The primary issue seems to be whether this process will be under conscious human control and (hopefully) relatively benign, or whether it will turn out to be unpredictably chaotic and (perhaps) catastrophic.”[25]
The weakness in today’s elites’ depopulation agenda is fourfold. First it has always been the poorer, less educated segments of humanity that should be reduced and no one else. Therefore, second, since they cannot be allowed to have a freedom of choice or vote on the matter, the elites must make this decision for them. Third, their argument crumbles since it is the elites themselves that place value on one particular life as being different than another. And finally, since depopulation cannot be executed transparently, it must be done through deceit and clandestine means.
So what are the lessons to be learned from this? The wealthiest elite on the planet are rarely questioned about the correctness of their actions and schemes. As long as one of these individuals say they are giving huge sums of money to a cause to end disease and suffering, we are not suppose to probe further. Rather, in the case of mainstream media, such people are to be worshiped as saviors. The oligarchic elite are so well interconnected on multiple boards of directors, clubs for the rich and powerful, think tanks, and among the high ranks of elected legislators and politicians that it is difficult to have an open and honest debate on the merits of their actions and spending. When a Ted Turner says we should reduce the world’s population by more than half, and Bill Gates suggests a 15 percent reduction, do we really understand they are following a form of eugenic genocide?
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