Clown World, Accelerationism, White Nationalism and the State of the World
Allow me to begin by saying that these are my own personal observations and opinions, Zig Forums and imageboards are not one person and I have no intention of attempting to speak for everyone or even anyone other than myself. I am not the oldest of oldfags, and I will inevitably be accused of some form of shilling, but such is the board culture and I hope people who honestly feel I am a shill or otherwise acting in bad faith will write a somewhat cogent point so that I may discuss with them, in a civil tone, their opinions and differences. Constructive dialogue seems to be lacking on this site since Trump’s inauguration. I will treat all one line, useless, halfchan tier posts as spam and hope the other anons will as well. Also, this is a blog post, so if you are illiterate please move on to a thread with a video or a picture of a scantily clad female which will probably be more suited to your tastes.
Clown World
Perhaps the most important, true meme we are all experiencing is the phenomenon christened “clown world.” While this obviously is intended to describe the absurdity of the western world, with its transgendered children, outrageous sexual misconduct allegations, a political spectrum spanning from 1984 to Brave New World and a media apparatus wholly in support of some hyper-individualistic dystopian future where the lower class is forever engaged in some form of seeking instant gratification (e.g. masturbation/pornography, superhero movies teaching no realistic examples of how to exist, conspicuous consumerism, etc.) while the upper class of present (((International Oligarchs))) maintains power through a transition to a post currency world (hence why universal basic income is being considered). All of this seems to be glaringly obvious to people who read and observe rather than parroting opinions of whatever talking heads are discussing (e-celebs are just as cancerous as MSM).
The clown world I want to discuss is the one on imageboards. Prior to 2016, it was far easier to have a discussion about a quasi-important topic and have a somewhat constructive discussion. It could be argued that it was prior to 2015, but shills in 2015 were easy to spot and their presence let us know we were right and we were winning. The major shift in shilling techniques appeared around mid-2017. Please, remember one thing, there is only one effective tactic against groups/movements/ideas Divide and Conquer if there is only one thing you take from this entire post, please let it be this point. The powers that be changed the psyop strategy to this, they also added in a lot of noise (signal to noise ratio) on the sites with lots of one line, inflammatory posts which add nothing to the discussion, anyway, back to divide and conquer. “Is X white?” “Are Japs honorary aryans?” “Trump good vs. Trump jewish” “Vote vs ACCELERATE” “100% genocide vs 100% civnat” etc. The main strategy employed is that every situation is completely black and white. Zig Forums used to be more productive because there was less screeching about not being extreme enough to be /oneofus/. Part of it is obvious fedposting, but I think some people here have taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. For example, you can vote for someone who locally wants to enforce immigration laws, and ACCELERATE by postering/protesting/organizing/etc. Another example would be realizing that white areas remaining white is the goal, and taking back many areas controlled by non-whites is very important, but also acknowledging that getting 10-20% of the population behind killing all blacks world-wide isn’t terribly realistic as a starting point, things rarely go zero to genocide right off the bat. Anyone who wants to add realistic caveats to discussions gets some combination of zealots and shills saying they aren’t truly part of the group or are somehow mentally deficient for not wanting to read siege and join atomwaffen. I feel like many people who are new here think this place is all about edgyposting, when historically, what passed for edgyposting was providing factual information about Hitler and debunking historical hoaxes and false flags. The truth used to be crazy part of this place, now it’s some form of “come larp as a hardcore terrorist so the feds can build a psych profile for you.”