Holocaust Poll results: If today there is a Holocaust, and you have the opportunity to save Jews, will you do it ?
Mods are jews for deleting previous thread.
Holocaust Poll results: If today there is a Holocaust, and you have the opportunity to save Jews, will you do it ?
Mods are jews for deleting previous thread.
nazis are such losers who think rigging poll has any effect. Also this is a slide thread.
Jew Qushner mods deleted previous thread.
Slide thread? A poll of 10,000 users on Twitter showing organic hatred for jews? Fuck off kike bitch. Mods are Qushner jews.
Hello spamming kike.
Nice projection
Ah huh/
Explain why this is a slide thread mods shouldn't have deleted the last thread.
What are the reactions to the results
Right, because twitter isn't targeted at all
Qushner jew mods will delete this thread too but that's the original account.
Yes it is. By cuckchan's Zig Forums and Infinity's Zig Forums. Considering that Twitter is a jew controlled platform it is telling that both Zig Forums's managed to get the result it did.
I don't why they deleted the original thread seems a bit cucked to me. I voted no btw.
More bait and propaganda reinforcing the holohoax lie. Whites are too stupid to figure it out.
Twitter is a jew run platform so it looks terrible that a majority out of 10,000 users shifted the poll to depict the amount of redpilling going on. Zig Forums did good, this poll should have read the opposite results considering Twitter is a kike operation.
How is it reinforcing it? The question doesn't say that there was holocaust, but asks what if there'll be one.
Saint Tarrant is going to be released too faggot
Maximum Security btfo and country house wins the day eat shit get fucked
Memetically relevant
Everyone that voted in there was put on a list by Moosad and will be moved to FEMA camps on the first day of the civil war.
Sure as hell I wish kikes would ship me to a camp in the US from Eastern Europe. Would save me the money and the effort of doing the trip myself.
Sad but true.Tyrone will have a nice time with their spinchters lol
Stop projecting jew cuck.
Cry harder kikel!
Let no one doubt that the Jews work this board.
What is it with libtards, cucks and soybots, they all seem to have a black prison rape fetish, it's always brought up by them when the subject is related to jail. Don't you have some cuck porn to watch instead of wasting your time posting here? :^)
Always fun to screw with an online poll.
This sort of poll is invalid anyway.
No you will shipped to the niggest of nigger prison and then have your asshole torn apart. Lol
I eat apes like this on breakfast. Turn off your hollywood movies, most niggers are unfit and are more fat than muscle most of the time. Who do you think is responsible for the most of obesity in the us?
All they did was vote. Get out the vote. Buss them in. Vote early, vote often. You know, democracy.
How? Twitter is a jew platform with a leftist supermajority. The results should have been reversed.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
That is why it is so significant.
Big House rape is the jew's favorite genre of porn after the holocaust.
It's invalid because it's on platform that does not provide a representive sample.
It's invalid because we could find it and skew it.
but it's still a fine fuck you to the jews.
Go jerk your cock already faggot
There's hope after all!
The memetic potential here is rich. A "Country House" beating "Maximum Security" (jews) because the latter cheated.
Uncle Ted , Roof , Breivik , Earnest , Tarrant , Bowers all sprung due to a “country house”
This timeline is weird but funny
Can anyone post screencaps of the comments? I don't have Twitter.
Was this exclusively a cuckchan raid or something? I was here all day but missed it.
Yeah, it was on halfchan last night.
Pure gold. As I recall, Twitter was deleting redpilled comments as quickly as possible.
There was a thread here but mods shoa'd it. Many (((anons))) likely brigade reported it as a slide.
Fuck niggers and these kike mods and fuck codemonkey for ruining this board I hope he impales himself when sucking on faggot cock
Nah mods are just legitimate kikes here neinchan.com/pol/ needs more based NatSocs
Using Twitter via browser is one thing but phone fags installing apps are guaranteeing they're being monitored by Glowniggers who have access to literally EVERYTHING on their phone
Stop posting a potential bunker.
It's crucial when Glowniggers are all over this website and mods are literal kikes
Thats some sick moves lmao
The BO and mods are fucking worthless nigger trash indeed
Crucial to telling them where to go next while actual anons go elsewhere, sure.
Keep coping, kike boy.
Feds aren't online on weekends newfag
Can't wait till all the Goyim die in Iran after our Goy enacts the draft. Going to be great.
God bless
88 with love from the east
He willl return!
just a little while more boys, I feel He is just around the corner now. dont crucify Him again when he shows up
WTF? We're memeing for the return of Hitler. Go back to Zig Forums
Globohomo never stop thinking about taking black cock up his ass.
They crucified both…that is what they do to people who are moral and decent here in this world.
No, they should all fucking die.
>TFW (((you))) are so bad at English that you can't even use the conditional mood
Nice catch. OP's language is rather perturbing.
Lame enough to bump; bump it for me now, please. I’m feeling too lazy to drag this thread all the way to the top.
It's copied directly from the tweet. The name on the Twitter account is (((Yanki Farber))).
Their cucked.com accounts keep expiring, so they have to shitpost here.
Any is better than non at this point, see you guys at the start point.
there aren't any "nazis" but it's possible the poll got spammed.
okay, which one of you was the sam hyde guy?
We don't use anything but burner accounts user…besides who is 'twittering' these days? Leftists and nigger fuckers who can't compose more than 33 character comments (the most common length of a twitter 'comment'). Twitter is worthless and has always been worthless…a tool for vacuous nigger trash.
fuck off cali, go do roids
Be of good cheer.
The people have awoken.
polite sage for off-topic bullshitting but anyone else laugh the first time they saw this? If they were White I would be pissed or at least fucking feel bad but I can barely manage to not smile at those little niglets getting the shit beat out of them.
Bumping for more salt.
Nah man that shit isn't really funny. They're babies. There is a difference between a black person and a nigger. Thinking that all blacks are niggers is just as retarded as thinking all humans are equal.
There isn't. Fuck off back to reddit.
You're retarded. Pic related.
As if it needs representative sampling to be relevant. It doesn't need scientific validity, the truth of it is right in front of your eyes!
I swear, a great use of my productivity could be to take these Jewish Twitter one-off's, print out a bunch, and sticker them all over the towns of America. Wheatpaste that shit to walls and start with this one. Just SHOVE the Twitter reality that we see into meatspace and FORCE them to confront it.
Hmm. Thanks for making me think user
Go read a book newfaggot
Ohhh, did we hurt your little feelings libtard?I'm sorry she didn't killed them or baked them alive and than shot herself.Stupid wuss fuck off and go back no Kekistan, the land of cuckchaners.
I thought you guys cucked yourselves into irrelevancy?
Ah yes, atomfags strike again. Tell me more about how I need to sell meth to kids in order to cull the weak. You sick fucks don't know what National Socialism is. Keep your inverted ideology out of here.
And just look at the Jew media giving him attention.
Make a point or fuck off
Just imagine how many people missed out. It could have been 5 to 95.
Pick one faggot, the abominations you call blacks are lower than fucking animals.
You abuse a person - this is bad
You abuse an animal such as a dog, cat, etc. - this is bad
You abuse a nigger - get a pat on the back.
They are not human, not even close to human.
Have you ever been around them for a prolonged period of time?
Sure, there is a 1 in a million chance that they'll act "normally" around you,
but then you start realize that no matter what happens, everything around them
degrade and deprecate in value.
do you want a nation that allows backs and whites to co-exist in the same environment?
I grew up around niggers. I learned to hate them because of this. Anytime I shitpost, I refer to all blacks as niggers. But in the meatspace and aside from shitposting, a nigger is a term that implies disrespect. There are respectable blacks, as few and far between as they are. Less so than in some other races, like the Japanese, but they do exist. Look at Muhammad Ali for example.
The tenants of National Socialism are not about hating other races. They are about loving your own. I felt the need to discern this because beating and choking babies is wrong. I can't believe I have to spell it out for you. Usually only niggers and chinks need this kind of talking to. It could have been a cat or a dog like you said. Beating and choking babies is wrong. Got it, nigger? My point being that who we area as a people and a collective consciousness, we do not think this sort of behaviour is okay and this is what makes us, Aryans, great. Leave the torture, live skinning and blow torching skulls to the bugmen and niggers. We are better than that.
Where the fuck do you think you are? Aside from visiting as tourists to get a glance at how glorious our ethnostate is, or visiting as diplomats, nonwhites should not be allowed in, especially to be granted citizenship.
This is a white person post. A civilized man posted this.
Non-Whites should not be allowed to live. You are inviting predation and invasion if you let them in at all. SO MORE OF THE SAME BULLSHIT FOR YOU , EH?
Obviously we haven't 'had enough' yet by your standards.
Jesse Owens was treated with proper respect in the Third Reich because his merit warranted it. Had he gone and robbed a white couple walking down the road, then he would have been dealt with accordingly. Your conflations are disingenuous and reek of insecurity.
jews are fucked
I did not mean to start this little back and forth between you and the other anons but I want to say I don't think that throwing and choking babies is right either it's just my sense of humor is kind of fucked up. To give you an example one of my friends accidentally cut his finger off with a saw and as he's getting patched up we start laughing about a piece of bone and some meat that was stuck to his shirt. Another friend burned the shit out of himself when he tripped with a lit cutting torch. What does he do? Immediately start making darth vader jokes. i guess it's called gallows humor but in my experience it's pretty common among people that have had some bad things in their life at some point. emotion ends up getting channeled into laughter because it's really not good if it goes the other way.
You see, i'll agree with you on this point, it will however only apply to those who are white.
I simply do not consider them human. They are not deserving of the title.
You are only thinking of one side of the National Socialist coin, besides loving your race, you must also protect it.
From many years ago to even now, whites have been subject to a slow genocide through mass manipulation into
miscegenation, destruction of family values, etc. I see absolutely no problem in committing self defense genocide
against those who have harmed us in the past and are harming us in the present.
I see no way in which this would make you a worse person if it means the survival of your race.
Just because you enjoy violence, does not mean you are uncivilized.
If you are fighting for a righteous cause, it is justifiable.