Co-opting the GOP

Let's go over ideas about how we can co-opt the Republican Party away from a (((merchant))) based party to a true party of White Americans who are under attack. A genuine nationalist party. Why bother shifting the whole overton window when all we need to do is shift the politics of our own people. The first step to winning is creating one or preferably multiple fundraising organizations which will lead us to step 2, actually running for public office. From the lowest town council to the US Senate, and all the way to the White House itself, we can and MUST takeover the GOP.

Our biggest enemies in this aren't even the average Republican voters (if we play this right), but the establishment (((donors))) and the traitors Whites currently in the highest positions of power in the party. Let's get at it, brothers.

Attached: GOP.png (1024x1024, 65.67K)

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By the time any of you faggots are able to good goy your way up to being the Mayor of your municipality America will be 40% white

Read For My Legionaries

Attached: 6C91DE6B-3A96-4FCA-AABC-98C36CACB932.jpeg (1242x688, 563.21K)

Dear Gods you're stupid.

1. Not with that attitude.

2. Better than being 3%.White

might be easier to just remove the jews and reform the ANP after

kys op sage

Yeah yeah, its all hopeless.

California GOP Delegate Delights in Claim to Have Appointed Alt-Right Figure to Party Post

Attached: CBCC4C4F-3F19-4565-A554-7964B7AEFC72.jpeg (800x458, 49.38K)

white male children are already, right now, this minute, 25% of the population in America among their peers

He isn't saying it is hopeless. He is saying working within the system is a losing strategy and he is correct.

What's the alternative?

The Taliban model, which is on the verge of forcing an unconditional surrender of the United States.


You have no capacity to coopt the system, so in reality, you don't even have a leg to stand on. Its an 'alternative', its a SOMETHING, where you offer nothing.

*Its not an 'alternative'

either or shills are the biggest jews on this board, if I can get even one favorable policy through by manipulating the system, that's just a bonus towards whatever else I'm working for outside of the system, and you know that already

Okay. Ultimately it is your life.

You can't, and you haven't.
There are no political avenues at your disposal.

You have no capacity to meaningfully influence the system, because the system is grounded upon jewish money and ideology, and all the components are jewish puppets, all of which is consciously imposed and maintained.




You dipshits would have done better coopting the constitutional party, but its far too late for votecuckery anyway.

You faggots always say shit like this because you're trying to bait us into saying shit that will get us b&/v&.

Hey faggot, the ONLY thing you civnat dipshits do when in a position of political power is shit on other whites and grovel before your jewish/communist masters at every opportunity.

"unconditional surrender" is a bit strong.

The Taliban have managed to endure over a decade of American occupation, they haven't defeated us in battle, we can take anything they have at will.

But that will is fading,, sooner or later the United States will leave and the Taliban will have free reign in Afghanistan.

It's a hard won victory, but it's not like an "Unconditional Surrender" where they conquer America.

Unconditional surrender is not a bit strong. It is accurate. The US asked for bases in certain places in peace negotiations – peace negotiations that were never supposed to happen. In response the Taliban just keeps bombing the ever loving shit out of US troops behind enemy lines and instigating a steady drip of blue-on-green shootings while they reiterate that the US will get nothing. No bases, no favorable business considerations, mining rights, nothing. This comes after Trump's increase in troop levels there, that the media was completely silent on while they gave him cover with "two scoops" screeching. Now the US military is cutting off all information coming out of Afghanistan. Put it together.