Now we have finer control over CRISPR gene editing
Scientists say they've created safe, more precise gene editing approach
Now we have finer control over CRISPR gene editing
Scientists say they've created safe, more precise gene editing approach
archive and greentext
TFW shitskins turn themselves White
Oh shit, it's CRISPRAnon again.
No, you Brazilian faggot, CRISPR can't cut the nigger out of you, it's just too much. CRISPR is good for cutting out one or two genes. You are just going to have to an hero.
Will they have big penisu?
The way Europe and the US are demoralized, there's a risk of white women making even more negro babies, to be brothers of the babies they already had from "refugees", Africans, rappers, third worlders and casual sex.
But anyway, in the long term it's the only way to restore the healthness of the world.
The answer to that question is the Jews anyway.
Whores will fuck anywhere, anytime if you have the money. It's really that simple.
These are normal European and American women, not whores.
Only CRISPR will fix the situation in the long term, nothing else.
drugs, drug addiction
overall, the subversion of society by jews
it's an age old tale, and why they jews have been expelled over 1,000 times now from towns, villages, countries, and even what they claim is their homeland, and it'll happen again.
That's a prostitute.
That's burgerstan, and she is a cam-whore.
Lying sack of shit.
Someday SOON(ish) there will be an injectable retrovirus that rewrites your DNA in ever single cell in your body using CRISPR, gene-drives and other gene-editing tools which will literally change your race on a genetic level. It will become a procedure to have a racial change. The only questions is, who will be the first to stick into mosquitos and change the world for good?
But not more complete. If I remember correctly, CRISPR treatments only affect about 50% of cells
Can't happen if we institute targeted biological weapons to wipe out the subhumans first.
I am glad someone knows their whores. Because I had no idea…but she sure isn't 'normal' no matter who she is.
Kek, niggers wrecked again.
It might be possible.
No, that would just make a smart nigger with no impulse control. Just what the world needs.
BTW, where did you find such a study with that wrongthink? I'd think that paper would be a career ending move in academia.
I just hope we can get the collapse, RAHOWA and the actual shoah on the road before this sick robocop shit reaches market-readiness.
We already use CRISPR all the time user.
I had no idea. I haven't looked into all of this because I am so focussed on the jews and white genocide. This genetic modification stuff really scares the shit out of me. Super chinks etc.
Yeah, well that is on the way as well. Pretty much anyone with a lab in their backyard is going to have control of retroviruses that will modify peoples DNA while they are just standing there. This is why I push ETHNOGLOBE. We have to get in their FIRST and kill them all so that there is only ONE PEOPLE on the planet and we are tied by blood and kinship. Two races/nations will not work anymore because who knows when Habib is going to build a retrovirus of peace and release it.
< you need kiked transhumanism because of this image of a jewish camwhore in seppo land
thanks kike
Fuck off with that Utopian bullshit
are you sure youre not one of those niggers youre talking about?
Oy hot bitch, be distracted goyim!
There are PLENTY of intelligent psychopaths user, we call them 'jews' and they are the the only living genetic bridge between Europeans and niggers. Do you really want to live on a planet composed entirely of globohomo kikes and part niggers who are completely psychopathic? I mean {hehe so appealing} who wouldn't, amirite? I am right.
Quit selling my seed to Asia you fucking retards. You're screwing yourself because you're scared of an allergy.
Jews aren't Psychopaths
LMAO…ok, wow…I mean I have a lot to say about that but I should simply start with the fact that they are so immoral and evil that you have had to redefine evil to accommodate their level of evil because it causes so much cognitive dissonance to see it in real life. They are literally the most evil thing that has ever manifested on the planet.
Two questions:
1) Who said she's Jewish? Just out of curiosity…
2) If your country is in a healthy state (what I wish for you, but I doubt it), you don't need to resort to any artificial method. Then you're fine. Go enjoy it.
But in many countries (or in most countries) the tier has clearly gone down for decades, and it won't go up.
The "establishment" spends more energy trying to explain and justify the general decay than ALL the people they defend have in value.
They're going to double down on equality and every country will go even lower with millions of Africans in the next years.
Only CRISPR can help.
Fuck off you.
I know plenty of otherwise intelligent people with low impulse control. Look around you at all those people constantly finger fucking their mobile phones. Would you call that high impulse control? I know plenty of smart people who drink too much, also, lack of impulse control. While it's true there's some correlation, if there were anyone who could break the rule, it would be genetically "enhanced" niggers.
Alot of those bitches are kikes user. They are immoral and deviant people.
If you can't tell immediately then your Jewdar is broken beyond repair.
Some girls really hate their fathers.
In 100 years from now on everybody will have adopted the appearance of what was once only a universal beauty ideal. Blond, white, blue-eyed … Aryan.
Ethnoglobe ftw
Thank god. Now we just need to apply string theory to CRISPR, so we can improve nuclear weapons and send them into the Black Hole. That way we can finally end world hunger, fight climate change and combat antisemitism.
If Jews didn't have inhibition control they wouldn't be able to manipulate people
I'd CRISP heR if you catch my drift
Have you seen them justifying their behavior? They do it all the time. Even the Orthodox Jews have numerous ceremonies and rituals to absolve themselves of their sins.
Psychopaths don't do that. They don't because they don't let that crap sit in their minds, they don't have a conscious, nor do they understand the concept of guilt.
True evil isn't what you think it is. While I agree that there are some evil people in the world and some of them are Jews, they are not the only evil people.
At best, the wealthy Jews are sociopathic. True Psychopaths are very very rare. As in maybe one person in a million might be psychopaths. Most are actually females, and most are created psychopaths. True Psychopaths are restricted to a few bloodlines, and none of them are Jewish.
Just like split personalities aren't real, psychopaths are ridiculously rare.
More of that blonde in the image
Those people would never be white. Whiteness is not skin deep.
Actually, it is. Which is why Jews can "pass" as white and get all the privileges with none of the guilt.
Given their scale of crimes against humanity and their inability to stop (they can't stop stealing either via usury), you are both wrong, they are a race of psychopaths to the last man, woman and child. Even better they breed completely true, you might have one that doesn't display the characteristic but the rest of that generation and all their offspring all breed true psychopaths. You don't get thrown out of host nations (whatever the count is 1000 times) and say that you have 'INHIBITION CONTROL'. This is why their own religion (whatever since they are all atheists now) says that they will be slaughtered to the very last person, because of their crimes here on the planet.
Rev 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues."
Rev 19:1-3 (talking about THE REAL HOLOCAUST, not the Holohoax of the kikes imagination)
After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to [b]the Lord our God! 2 For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot (that is the whore 'wife' of God that the jews claim they are 24/7) who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.” (In other words he slaughters his own whore wife and burns her body so that she and her offspring will never inhabit the Earth again) 3 Again they said, “Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!”
They are a disgusting and corrupted race that is without merit. I wish you could see their crimes like I CAN SEE THEIR CRIMES…of all the people in the world they will deserve their death.
Jews are not White and it is only because you have lived as their slave for 2,000 years that you cannot spot them. I know people who were raised around them who can spot them, (snaps fingers) like THAT.
They are not White, they will never be White, they are going to pay for their crimes which are unspeakable.
cute humanoid babies
what would be the costs to set up such a lab, what is the hardware to have, where are the docs/books/manuals required to use it, and how long do you think some random tinkerer would have to study to begin to make nice bio-pranks with it?
it's for a school project
pretty please
Sociopaths/psychopaths are the same thing essentially on a mental level but with only one key difference in the threat they pose to humanity which is sociopaths are more destructive in their personal relationships be it romantic or business and psychopaths are more physically destructive ie willing to murder, maim and or otherwise harm severely at a moments notice.
Either way though both types are prone to creating cults and rituals for themselves which lines up with the Jews quite nicely.
And yes though they have no emotions or empathy for other human beings whom they view as objects to be exploited it has been said of the Cluster B personality disordered of which psychopaths/sociopaths (officially known today as Anti Social Personality Disorder) are apart that they do have emotions for themselves, which is probably where psychopathic rationalizations exist and why they so often engage in projection ie for example Jew psychopaths claiming white Europeans committed a Holocaust against them.
The word Holocaust itself meaning “burnt offering” but in reality the real Holocausts of WWII took place via Jew psychopathic orders against white Europeans and the Japanese via the war crime fire bombings of the German civilian city of Dresden and the nuclear firebombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
So again Jew psychopaths project their own Holocaust crime against whites to absolve their guilt. Projection being one way of possibly many that psychopaths be they Jews or otherwise use to avoid developing dangerous real feelings towards their victims which in their minds will only cripple and render them weak and ineffective.
As for psychopathic rationalizations a perfect example of this lies in the Jew’s cult for the goyim Christ insanity via the implied psychopathic threat that if you don’t accept the supposed “free gift” from the false Jewish psychopathic blood god Jesus of salvation from the eternal place of torture he himself created called Hell for not only disobedient angels but also human beings that did not sufficiently kiss his sadistic ass while living, you’ll not only go to this Hell when you die to suffer eternally, but the Jewish psychopathic rationalization you will hear about this from pathetic Christian apologists is that you sent yourself there.
This is similar to the psychopathic rationalization of a psychopath from any race be it Jew or otherwise telling his wife or girlfriend that if she ever leaves him, he will hunt her down and torture her or possibly kill her and that she brought it all on herself by disobeying him ie his will.
See? In neither case does the real world psychopath or the Jewish psychopathic deity figure ever claim responsibility for their own evil actions.
It’s always your fault or someone else’s fault for the wicked things that they do, not their own.
This is thebosychoathic rationalization in a nutshell.
Mods should ban people for these kind of threads like they did in the past