Zig Forums
You are only demoralized if you believe you are demoralized. The internet is a great means of communication however it is becoming a sandbox for containment when it should serve as a nexus for communication and organization.
I think we all realize by now Trump is not our guy. He was spared by (((Adelson))) and that tribe owns him. Trump was a pressure valve to contain the rising sentiment of nationalism. He allowed the people to feel as if their needs and voices were being listened to because the previous system was so far against their will there was a genuine threat of an organic movement derailing the (((agenda))).
If we review history, we can see that all revolutions require masses of people who have reached a boiling point to rally against the system in unison. However, I believe virtually all revolutions with the exception of the American one have been co opted very quickly. The French revolution led to the rise of Napoleon, a genuine figure and great leader. However he was a tool of the Rothschilds. What was his role? To destroy the monarchies of Europe so the banks could exert power directly over so called democratic forms of government.
The American revolution is an exception obviously because the founding fathers gave us the 1st and 2nd amendment. Why was this allowed to happen? You had a great stock of men with a deep sense of history (they took inspiration from Roman history and government) and they were literally a world away from the Old World continent.
We all know Jewish bolsheviks were responsible for the Russian revolution and I wont debate the NSDAP revolution. Obviously the cold war was a long series of proxy wars and intelligence agency directed coups (revolutions).
What these all have in common is a group of disaffected people getting behind an orchestrated and concerted political, social, and militant movement motivated at the end of the day by extreme FINANCIAL hardship.
There will be no change in the system UNTIL the economic prospects for a large amount of able bodied young men becomes so dire that their life is worth risking for a better future. HOWEVER, revolutions are not enacted from keyboards, we can communicate and organize her but EVENTUALLY the time must come to take action IRL.
I am not calling for that at this time, the prerequisites are not met. Emotions are not strong enough and any movement is doomed for failure until that point, however I would like to make you all aware that this very medium is under constant psyops of demoralization and co-opting.
WHY? This site in its beginning attracted certain personality types (theres a thread on it currently, basically INTJ), so called MASTERMIND personalities. A fair amount of us here are high IQ and fairly motivated. We are also somewhat united in goal and spirit. That makes us a cabal if we ever got the resources and balls to organize into something meaningful.
Clearly we, Anons of Zig Forums, have had an impact on the entire political landscape. We went from complete obscurity and irrelevance to being on the radar of every intelligence agency and major world leader. We are an existential threat to the very control system of this entire civilization.
That should tell us that we are doing something correctly. However, we should stop the one off terror attacks. Not only do they fail to put any sizeable dent in the system but they give our enemies further credit to mobilize political solutions (ie censorship and gun control) against us.
I firmly believe that one day an organized revolution IRL is necessary. However at this time I think we should begin to form political and social movements to gain momentum.