Germany to force vaccination on 600k people
Threatens penalties of up to 3000 USD for those who refuse.
Were antivaxxers right after all?
The movement isn't really a thing in Europe, yet the German ZOG wants to force it on it's goy cattle.
Germany to force vaccination on 600k people
Threatens penalties of up to 3000 USD for those who refuse.
Were antivaxxers right after all?
The movement isn't really a thing in Europe, yet the German ZOG wants to force it on it's goy cattle.
Why are they stepping this up globally all of the sudden? I’m not too redpilled on vaccines but it’s making me suspicious. Tracking devices? Poison?
Both probably, maybe even birth control.
definitely some autism juice in the vaccines, a relative's adoptive family did a boatload of vaccines all at once on their 6 year old and the kid swelled like a fucking tomato and became like a stroke victim practically
I'll kill someone for trying to inject me with some shit against my will
Quote me on that you ZOG faggots
It’s time for your toxic thimerosal dosage, goy. Don’t worry even though it’s poisonous it’s safe in this context!
Who makes vaccines and how much do they charge the govt per dose?
YKW and a lot of sheks.
No magical increase in autism since measled vaccine was invented.
Maybe just maybe you are all fucking insane.
Fuck those cocktail vaccines sure but one specifically for measles? Eh
All young white males will be given special vaccines intended to cause severe autism.
Vaccines for below 30 males will be designed to cripple, kill and maim.
Mercury and other heavy metal additives usually. In engineering, and scientific circles, mercury has 'no safe limit', which consequently indicates it damages the body upon entering it.
Heavy metal destruction in the body is cumulative, slow and easily disguised as a massive list of ailments, which are easily diagnosed as 'symptoms' and 'not the cause'.
Metal poisoning of kids is autism, the higher the autism, the higher the metal accumulation.
Pregnant mothers are now injected with what, 200 or so mercury and metal tainted vaccines?
The movie THX, which is a jew fantasy, makes out that people are controlled and conditioned via drugs, and removal of.
In the case of planet earth, jews will profit off your sickness till eternity.
Metal destroys coatings around neuronal structures in the brain, which, looks like that makes one hyper stressed, immune system deficient and open to catching just about any disease, despite the 'vaccine'.
They're paranoid.
thats strange there was a measles outbreak here too
Surely young white children need to be injected thirty times soon after birth! The media told me it’s more fake news!
be funny,assholes!
I have a better idea, goy! God was a fuckup for designing that, and jews can fix this problem by slicing your infant's dick and sucking on it! For a small fee of course!
The fact they force this shit and threaten people to take shots should make every right thinking white man very suspicious. I suspect there something in the vaccines that causes cancer, shortens lifespan, changes DNA or turns you into a liberal tranny or homosexual.
Its not just about "muh autism" I can assure you of that. That's an Alex Jonestein talking point.
While I agree the whole vaccine meme is bullshit, it DOES help at birth and shit, even if it does mash your brain a little (to be fair, some brains were mashed just right to have Jewdar). The REAL ZOG poisoning is the flu shot meme. They gotta resupply your NPC mind somehow.
That's quite a mild way of saying that's for sure that's the fucking case
Wtf inject me now please!
No, they are complete morons who don't understand basic science and are guilty of child abuse for not giving vaccines to their kids
It may do that, but it still protects from ancient diseases. Still, don't do the flu shot.
>(((basic science)))
Could this be the reason for the low sperm counts in the west that doesn't affect china?
The European Union and the International Banksters are controlled by Communists! LITERALLY.
The Rich fucks think that they have to maintain power over the common people for their own good, and they delegate all of the responsibilities to their employees who lie so that they do not have to risk their jobs.
This is all a big misunderstanding. The Rich fucks think that Communism/Socialism will work under their lazy pathetic leadership.
This won't end well.
what if you scare the immigrant muslims and niggers in germany about the vaccinations?
There I fixed it for you (((q)))
Kill yourself reddit.
Dumb immigrants that bring diseases/dont care about vaccinations, and that can disturb their slave farms, aka western economy?
I think any sane person would have to snap over that. Forcing anything, whether a substance or an opinion, proves ill intent on the part of the one doing it.
Lurk moar you dumb qnigger.
This can work. Niggers are easier to fool than kindergartners, and Muslims are defined by their ability to swallow bullshit. Checked.
BPA and other xenoestrogens in water are probably the culprit there. Also birth control pills being pissed into the water. Water treatment is useless so it just generates ever increasing enviromental contamination. To add to that multiple compunded hormones or hormone like chemicals have stronger effects than in individual cases. Look up some studies, it's all there, but the mainstream ignores it.
3+ million third world illegal invaders a couple of years ago.
Doctors in German hospitals saying they are riddled with contagious diseases and even ones that have never been seen in Europe before, along with diseases that had been nearly exterminated from Europe after over half a century of massive effort and expense.
Epidemics of measles, mumps, tuberculosis etc suddenly appear all over Europe.
Italy suddenly forces vaccinations, Germany follows soon after.
Not really a surprise or at all difficult to see where it has come from.
I wonder though if the 600k people are from the several million illegal invaders from the third world that brought the diseases, or if they are Germans.
Funny how clueless Americans are about this.
There will be two options, get jabbed or be executed. No one gives a fuck if you or your child becomes massively autistic as a result, it's for the greater good.
nano machines that target a persons specific dna type and kills the host of it.
weaponized nanomachines that can relay sensitive information about your body and gps location, and are powered your body heat.
however, they do not last forever, which is why you have to get the shot every few years.
China is fucking hueg user, the chinks living in the toxic wastes that is their cities have just as many problems but since China has tons of disposable bodies that's just a drop in the bucket. They're even evolving a natural tolerance for that shit from generational adaptation.
Is that Malon ?
hrmm, maybe we should just not ask questions like good goy
It's not like people have been trying to figure out how low lower our sperm counts and fertility for decades
This is a real difficult topic for anons without autism who have kids/are having kids.
There is shit loads of misinformation on this topic, it’s not like History where you can see it, there are names and dates and places. It’s science and you have to trust people, obviously we aren’t sceptical of all science, just things that are pushed hard by kikes are cause for concern. It’s all so tiring.
I don’t want my kids to die of a preventable disease because I believed a bunch of anons who may be a small minority of this board.
Reminds me of when I was back in school, I had to get the T-dap to go. But the part that was really fucky is that after I got the T-dap (mandatory to go to school, illegal to not go to school, you see where it's going) they asked me if I wanted the flu vaccine, I said no thanks, but they these harpies at the clinic kept on me like "cmon man! it's free!" "it'll only take a second" and shit like that. I basically told them to get fucked and left. Now that I am free from the oppressive indoctrinating institutions I will NEVER allow another one into my body.
I'm glad my doctor as a kid talked me out of most non-mandatory shit.
Why are vaccines such a touchy subject for jews and soyboys?
I hope they are Gates vaccines and for refugees.
Its not law yet.
This user knows his shit. If only you knew how bad things really are.
dumping anti vax info
yes you complete fucking idiot they're full of heavy metals
< The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm
but how to get to them? facebook? arabic vaccination memes?
< Anthony Samsel On Vaccines Contaminated With Glyphosate - Aug 31, 2016
200 Reasons NOT To Vaccinate
1930: Gradually I began to hate them.
2030: Gradually I began to kill them.
The swarm of needles starts getting a bit obvious.
As obvious as a grape of freedom bombs dropped on non-democratic countries.
WTF they're back? Who brought them back? Enrichers? Jews who kept them in their coffers (CDC)?
good news?
Eugenics warfare. The migration invasion brings endless amounts of diseases into your homelands, and these vaccines are designed to lower your defenses against them. Right now you can hear the ambulances all over the western civilization, which is the result of overburdening the hospitals to the point where the staff will flee or commit suicide, just like they are doing with females in the police forces. They want to destroy all your defense institutions, by driving you out and replacing them with useless migrants.
This is all now pretty much in the states of open warfare, with politicians openly betraying you, media vilifying you, Muslim extremists radicalization out in the open, city after city falling into poverty despair, racist propaganda to instigate race wars, capitalistic institutions downsizing by suicidal marketing, taxes as robbery to drive as much of your income into the hands of migrants, all out censorship of dissident behavior, gun grabbing, forced diversity into military and law enforcement, forced feminism to put women at the front lines against violence, which gives us steadily rising suicide rates, clown world education curriculum with as much race mix propaganda and sexual perversion as possible, and never ending fake news to further push division, fear and confusion.
It's war, but the jews responsible don't have the decency to proclaim it.
No deportation this time around. Slaughter them. It's for our own safety.
Notice the psyop that goes along with this, they have been brewing it for a few years now. They associate people who don't want to vaccinate with flat earth, and the "scientists" wasting endless hour refuting it often wear the shirt, that says, "earth isn't flat, we landed on the moon, VACCINES WORK"
The earth is round, but the other two are bullshit.
vaccines contain trace ammounts of pork, this is a fact
My sister just had HPV vaccine. Obviously I couldn't convince my mother to exempt her.
Redpill me on what this vaccine is actually for?
That's not the main problem. This is all happening because the usury debt racket is at it's end, and it has successfully made all our money worthless aka fiat, which is the jewish promise for worth. They are holding the economy of the entire western civilization together right now, while the debt is exploding into the trillions. This is all very much a jewish made disaster, and that's what they are now trying to hide, for which they either kill everyone that could threaten them or put the blame on somebody else.
Killing us all would mean either bacteriological eugenics, military genocide, civil warfare, or waiting it out and let poverty and violence do it's thing. Eugenics is too dangerous to keep under control so they keep in small (ebola to drive the blacks out of Africa), military attack by China and Russia could lead to their civilizations rebel against them, which is why they will not engage until clean-up is necessary, because they also have the job to conquer afterwards. Waiting it out is also problematic because the global jew hate is higher than it ever was in history, which is why the censorship is beyond ridiculous. That leaves civil warfare, for which the Muslims are getting radicalized. And as if that wasn't bad enough there is also endless amounts of black savages, and the friendly communist faggot patrol ready to kick your shins.
But that all doesn't really put the jews out of the line of fire, so they do what they always did and create a massive false flag to put the blame on others. The target is obviously the "whites" and so far it looks like as if the jews take down their oldest racket to achieve it. Namely…Christianity. Just like they staged the whole Jesus thing to get out of Christianity, while leaving behind a suicide manual for whites, they are now taking their creation out, which will be the symbolic deathblow to the white race aka the biggest betrayal in history yada, yada, yada. You know how melodramatic these little bitches are. Anyway expect a false flag that links usury to Christianity, and that puts the collapse of the economy on whites. Also keep an eye on the Illuminati satanic side of jewish insanity because they will absolutely be involved in it, their hedonism demands to participate in the death of what represents "good".
i think there's also just a flat mercantile reason with a lot of people pushing this too
they make the shit, if they can force everyone to take it they make more money, sure it's batshit insane but they probably only see ((($)))
That' most likely going to affect immigrants. The average German probably already takes his vaccines, it's mostly unvaccinated immigrants bringing pestilence with them.
The weaponizing of words and linking real and fake conspiracies together for division, is part of the whole CIA angle. These are all communist mind control and social engineering tactics. Listen to Bezmenov talk about that scheme.
Vaccines do protect against diseases and some of the diseases vaccines prevent are quite destructive.
On the other hand I passed out when I was 12 from an hepatitis B shot.
I would appreciate some redpilling too.
The fact they use mercury is really scary.
Kike A - All vaccines are good, especially those made by Jewish pharmaceuticals who have your health, and not their profit as a priority.
Kike B - All the vaccines are bad, flat earth now!
In this example, we see a typical case of Jewish false dichotomy. The truth is that there is nothing inherently bad about the vaccines, but about the vaccines which are made with an intent to poison you and make you sick/dead/infertile.
I have a theory that vaccines were meant to cause autism in order to create the perfect goyim slave. However, this backfired when the autists, who aren't as easily influenced by societal norms, started noticing certain (((coincidences))).
New counter psyop.
Vaccines cause antisemitism.
thanks, Kike C
Thank you for the good morning kek, m'user. This needs to be pushed.
i like it
Vaccines are good, but these are not vaccines. These are (((vaccines))) and are toxic.
Take your vaccinations, goy!
Also, vaccines were also done in NS Germany, but that's the only time that I would trust vaccines, I would never trust them in this kiked up era we live under now.
Ever notice that Q rhymes with Jew?
Exactly, if the Jews think that making us into a bunch of autists would prevent us from catching onto their schemes, it's done the exact opposite. We're hyperaware of it.
They are usually right. I invented an easy method to determine whether something is bad or good. Are globalist-communists pushing it hard? If the answer is yes, it's bad.
Fucking trumpcuck boomers.
uninstall your life faggot
Worst shilling I've seen in days. Go overdose on mercury.
what a great argument
best post in the thread
anyone have that "not you, not you, not you, yes you" image?
what the actual fuck
He's liberal and faggot, seriously.