Rick and Morty named the Jew in August 2017
I have to confess guys, back in January 2019 when Dan Harmon got MeToo'd and we were using his baby-rape skit from years ago to embarass him, I was fully on the bandwagon. I'd never watched Rick and Morty so I wasn't really invested, figured it was some kind of shit show… but I actually got to watching it and it's entertaining enough, and notable in this clip I've attached it reveals that Rick is secretly critical of Israel when he's drunk. It's a perfect parody of how people have private critical opinions of Israel but are too scared to omit it and appear politically incorrect. It's genius-tier comedy, how even a universe-dominating genius is somehow afraid about not being PC, essentially breaking the 4th wall. He also views ignoring Israel as being worse than wiping out an entire planet. Also interesting is in October (a couple months after Vindicators 3 named the Jew) street artists started doing R+M anti-Israel vandalism on the West Bank's barrier, calling it an illegal wall, that Jews are engaged in racial segregation, etc.
Admittedly, we're talking about a 15 month delay here, but I think the Jew bides his time, if they had gone after Harmon right away then this might've clicked in people's heads, but by waiting this long, people no longer remember Harmon going after the Jews in season 3 and instead we just focus on his degeneracy. Sometimes a degenerate is good when he goes after the Jews, and I want to see season 4 now.