Alright, Zig Forums, you've been getting sick of it just as I have. Absolutely EVERYTHING gets called a (((Mossad))) operation.
Some guy shoots up a synagogue in Pittsburgh ? A bunch of Zig Forumsacks called it a (((Mossad))) operation. Even though this makes no sense whatsoever.
A Muslim massacres a bunch of Christians in Sri Lanka ? A bunch of Zig Forumsacks called it a (((Mossad))) operation. Despite all evidence that it was Muslims.
A white man named Brenton Tarrant massacres a bunch of Muslims in NZ and posts a white power manifesto ? A bunch of Zig Forumsacks called it a (((Mossad))) operation. Despite the fact that no Jew would write such a manifesto.
Who is saying this on Zig Forums and why? The answer is that it's MUSLIMS.
To see why, let's take a look in their holy book, the Quran, which they think is the Perfect Word of Allah, the Creator of the Universe, Valid for All Times and Places, the Perfect and Eternal Truth.
Quran 5.82 :
- Muhsin Khan translation of Q 5:82.
More translations here:
Read that bit in all caps again. This verse states that Jews are the strongest in emnity towards the "believers" (which in the Quran means Muslims).
Muslims believe what is written in the Quran. Thus, when Brenton Tarrant, who is clearly a huge fucking enemy of Muslims, massacres a bunch of Muslims, of course they're going to say that he's a (((Mossad))) agent. That's written in the Quran!
Wise up and read the Quran, and learn to see through Muslim lies and propaganda, Zig Forums.