The left is accelerating at full-speed ahead. What will all the Trumptards do when their favorite forum gets shut down?
Reddit CEO: "r/The_Donald should be banned"
Other urls found in this thread:
Flood this place and half/pol/, probably. The one saving grace is that Kampfy isn't in power, so there won't be any "toe the Trump line or get banned" bullshit, but it's still going to drag board quality down.
Checked honk
The normal faggots might finally honk
Further internalize their zionist belief structure and believe in its opposition to "duh grobalists".
Take to the streets and Civil War Begins. Either or Trump basically Screws over the entire Silicon Valley system and turns everything into a public service. Get ready for it you cheeto eating Bench dweller Faggot. INB4 Mainstream media fully migrates to Europe and china and attempts to Exile America completely
Why would Trump "screw over" the people he is collaborating with to effect regime change in Venezuela and Iran?
Accelerate, and do your part to get that zionist subreddit banned. Magaboomers need to live out their final years in pain.
Dont want them flooding here.
why not we need to be killing our enemies and destroying important things anyway. do you just want to post until your extinction?
Yes, but for opposite the reasons she thinks.
squeak squeak
That would be great (without Imkamphy of course), initially it would suck. But just like the lolbergs that came to our space after Ron Paul, we can mold 80% of them (20% of any group is a lost cause) and bring them to our side.
We are a relentless force of radicalization.
Why would shabbos goy supreme screw over Maduro, a literal sephardic jew?
This place is already dead, and the current moderation already bans you and deletes your threads for criticizing trump.
Good point
Isn't that what Zig Forums already did to them a few months ago when they were damage controlling around trump most of them converted or left?
People shit on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube but the biggest social media platform that promotes white genocide and absolutely hates white people is reddit. They have literal fucking members of communist parties as admins and staff.
Earnest and Tarrant played the wrong minecraft levels. A player playing the right level would have Breivik implications on the future of online discourse
This is a classic case of escalation. As with every community that bans certain opinions, people get more and more irradiated in their little thinktanks, and ergo, more radical.
You thought I was talking about Reddit? No, not just them, but here. Especially here. You've become so radicalized that you'd promote mass murder. Take a step back and think about that for a second.
It's what 4pol does since it's more accessible. This board always stays at 2000-2500 active ISPs. Only exception was when the muslim nigger shills flooded this board after Brenton Tarrantino's movie and it shot up to like 4-5k. Issues with this board is it is moderated too little and threads get often derailed with accusations of being jewish or too cucked / mild.
Even then I notice they are less trumpniggers and arr slowly going away just like everybody before them did.
Yup those are complaints I have about this board as well, the mods also love taking a long time as well.
Shut your fucking mouth, insect. If you think the simulacrum of morality is being idle and not doing the necessary because it hurts your feelings you have the most retarded personal philosophy I can imagine. Do you think we're not aware that we're radicals?
Not this tired shit again. We're the exact opposite of a hugbox. This board just splintered off the block of free speech as a concentrated racialist entity; not because of censorship, but because of a lack of censorship.
If you were actually as superior to us as you think you are, you'd present any type of argument as to why we're wrong
but you don't.
All people like you have to offer is
/r/the_donald is controlled opposition
Imagine having a conversation with someone IRL and saying this.
I remember the day they banned all ~20 mods except one that was a day old and openly bragged about being Israeli.
I wonder how much the JIDF paid?
If they start coming here it will be one of the biggest mass-redpillings this planet has ever seen
At least those kikes are good for rustling reddit's jimmies.
No they don't, nigger. You also have no source, you double nigger. You probably also spammed your shit, you triple nigger.
Please don't ban it. They will just pour in here.
I would. But then again, casuals such as you would piss yourself if you so much as looked at a NatSoc in public. Keep posting cope over based user though.
Imagine having no counter arguments at all.
Thing is all you fuckers left because you couldn't handle anyone arguments, hell Zig Forums went as far to go to Zig Forums and tell them how silly it is to have an ecochamber because they couldn't argue well and wanted them back on the board so did the trumo niggers who I remembered being a numerous amount of them left a few months back, the problem isn't Zig Forums since they didn't do anything that got them to leave. The problem is you, you couldn't handle the truth or getting beaten and proven wrong to the point you left the board this happened multiple of times throughout.
fuck yes it should be banned r/thedonald is the reason why there are so many normies on 4chan ffs
I literally never disagreed with you, I'm just saying this board is an echochamber and it has radicalized you. Had you been in a place with counter arguments you wouldn't be advocating mass murder.
I have never seen anyone get banned for not being fascist / NatSoc. This board is the exact opposite of an echochamber; something is not an echochamber if there is a broad consensus. Anyone is free to post here, that doesn’t mean they won’t face ridicule. If you transgress against board-sanctioned and enforced ideology on Zig Forums you get permabanned. Start arguing better, nigger
Just for the Drama, I hope Reddit does. MIGA on brothers.
Zig Forums isn't an echochamber it had plenty disagreements before.
This board didn't radicalize people the actions of others and clown world and lies that we've been told did.
Zig Forums is showing you what is exactly wrong with our current landscape it is not telling you to get up and start killing shitkins and others for muh people.
It's an anonymous imageboard brainlet.
They'd flood this board with their boomer memes.
I think you missed the last three years, nigger.
Fuck that. Everyone working at reddit deserves to be tortured. Their HQ should be burned to the ground after the doors are locked and their screams livestreamed.
You can do it 564d24
Couldn't Reddit get sued for censoring political opinion?
The counter arguments of reddit admins are none, they censor and ban. Anyone that supports free speech would support the mass murdering of reddit staff.
I hope that shit gets shut down. All it is is a safety valve and a distraction from the uncomfortable truth. If they come to us, it'll be gay for awhile, but we've got a better chance at recruiting them than they do us. The rest of the retards will leave eventually.
Take it to the streets with "boycott israel" signs. EZ.
A third class passenger on the Titanic was dragged down less than the current quality of this board.
We will be flooded and it is a good thing, more number for our cause.
They'll end up on, they call them reddit refugees. It's a natural progression. They fuck up voat for a while, then, eventually they get beat up enough on that board that they either leave or end up on cuckchan. A few years later they end up here. Ask me how I know.
Special exemption from 1st amendment lawsuits. Same as what Facebook has.
Good. Fuck the ZOGnald. This shit is all fake. All this censorship of ONLY MOSSAD AGENTS like Laura Loomer, faggot PJW, Alex Jonestein, etc. It's designed to make boomers think they're under attack and vote for Trump.
Fuck Trump and fuck Reddit and Fuck OP
Reddit is broke af, they probably got a smoking deal.
Most likely the majority will go to Voat, some to 4chan, a bit to here, and some to nowhere really. Like when they banned the Million Dollar Extreme subreddit, some came here, most went to Voat, and a good portion just dispersed to other subreddits that were similar.
It's because they need to see those up votes. It's the facebook effect of providing narcissism. Then when they see nothing works they feel the need to scream, to do something foe that internal, mental and physical pain. They need guidance. Zig Forums is this very place that those prayers are answered,this guidance both mental and physical, is given. After that they can either become blue pilled or black pilled or they become warriors of honor, tradition and nature itself.
Take a step back and think about that for a second.
reddit is already here
i call for more goreposting
Its all true, I've been radicalized. I don't feel as something has been forced itself on me, but as coming naturally to those conclusions. It is weird, because it becomes a time paradox. Even if I miss the illusory 'comfyness' of my normalfag life, I still cannot bring myself to rollback time not knowing what I know now. My old life is just a place in my mind that I can sometimes go back too when I close my eyes. But I'm completely aware that as soon as I open my eyes, nothing have really changed. You can never go back.
r/The_Donald is by far my most favorite board to discuss the future of Israeli expansionism that begins with Golan Heights and will end with South Africa. One day, the Middle East will form a union and Israel would be the center of that union. It will be a great day indeed, guaranteed by our President Donald Trump.
You know I was going to call you a retarded faggot, which you are but none the less crazier things have happened.
Finish their invasion here…
Oh well, this place was starting to smell funny anyways.
…come here
Considering the absolute state of Zig Forums as of late, one might be forgiven for thinking rtd had already completely migrated over here.
That's illegal BTW, especially with Twitter boasting that their platform is a "public space".
Those who run those platforms are ideologues who don't care if the platforms are relevant in 10 years from now.
A picture of Ellen Pao smiling
she's like that Asian eel WN meme
Its all so tiring.
…they'll come here and cuckchan's Zig Forums
Oh god no
Big brain take is that Ellen Pao, while certainly a degenerate SJW, was used as a scapegoat. The people who own reddit made a bunch of super unpopular changes while Pao was the face of reddit, and after they pushed all that through and even average redditors started getting pissed off, they replaced her and everything calmed down. Even though all the changes that everyone hated stayed in place, getting rid of Pao calmed the masses who went back to pasture.
Let them fight.
T_D has been utter garbage kike propaganda since at least the day Zognald Trumplestein won the election.
"can this BASED tranny Magapede get an upboat?"
"can this RED PILLED Magapeda who just adopted his Wife's boyfriend's litter of niglets get an upboat?"
"can this TRUMP TRAIN Rabbi who preaches MIGA to his Synagogue get a brick?"
worst of all, the memes on T_D haven't been funny in years. it's a Zionist echo chamber now, and it shows. Zognald better be shitting bricks about his re-election, because organic memetic worked in 2016, but now that it's all Corporate slop that sounds exactly like fake, canned virality from David Brock's Sharia Bolue, Trumplestein won't stand a chance against the Communists. plus Zognald hasn't accomplished a single one of his campaign promises. where the fucking Wall? and that orange idiot had the gumption to actually say he no longer wants to Lock Her Up.
i say put a bullet in T_D. i would love to see it banned. you faggots whining about "MUH CONTAINMENT" are not thinking things through. 6 million Magapedes are not going to come here when there is no T_D anymore. the Magapede is a type of Bolshevik. their MUH CIVNAT optics operates exactly the same way as a Shitlib–any explicit Naming of the Jew provokes the Magapede's autoimmune response and their Limbic brain hijacks their Cerebellum like an Epileptic Seizure and shuts down their cognitive faculties. there won't be any Endless Summer wave of invasion on Zig Forums from T_D. they will all just go infect the rest of Jeddit and slowly get censored and suspended and banned. many of them will become blackpilled and awake to the JQ and join us. most of the Magapede faggots will just disperse and be absorbed back into the Shitlib cultural kudzu from which they came.
the primary reason i want T_D banned is because i want to humiliate Trumplestein. i want the Magapedes to see how powerless they are against (((TPTB))), and to see how their GEOTUS can't do shit to save them except for tweet about it. i want the Magapedes to see with their own eyes how phony their Savior was, and how they got played by the Deep State into taking a size in the false dichotomy of our simulated 2 party duopoly. there is only one Party, not 2, and (((you know who))) control both sides and play you goy like a dreidel. by the way, it was Israel who hacked the DNC and Podesta's emails, and it was Israel who started the porno Dossier and the Russian Collusion witchunt, because it was Israel who wanted to make sure that whether it was Zognald or Crooked Hillary in the WH, that it would be Israel who pulls their puppet strings.
it doesn't even matter if Zognald wins or loses in 2020. no matter who wins, Israel wins.
Fuck you, OP. Link to an archive and include a better summary in your post.
The Right wing:
The Left wing:
If there weren't a bunch of Nazi Socialist Retards pretending to be right wing… This would be a lot easier.
Trolling or retarded?
T_D moderation may be kiked (the mods here are as well) but Jew-woke comments often get upvoted.
I'm tired of the constant D&C on this board against anyone who isn't fully natsoc. Pretty sure kikes are trying to weaponize us against other white men who aren't fully initiated yet.
Fuck off, faggot.
I'm making your faggot left vs right dialectic harder to sustain? Good to know, Qnigger.
You aren't white, and never will be.
Who's to say that maybe someone won't throw a juxtaposition like MAGApedo or MIGApedo in there for the fuck of it?
You greasy piece of shit, this mouseworld has me radicalized. God damn you. The lines are drawn between the kike and everybody else on the other. I don't much care how many cucks whinge, because I want all jews dead. Its the only way, but you niggers still don't listen. You W A N T to die. You are money's butch. Their very fucking kike god religion wants me dead or in chains. The secular ones laugh to the death of the White Man, when the shitloads of muds their politician friends pour in, squeeze us out of our countries. Go die, cocksock. Fucking hell, you're worthless.
Yes, I'm sure Hitler would be so proud of
I'm sure he would have rejected everyone who didn't agree 100% with him. I'm sure that would have given the NSDAP a great future.
Dumb fuck
Which is precicely what distinctively sets him apart from ~95% of Zig Forums users.
He welcomed men who added something. You don't. Even the jew could be soap or a lampshade.
Ideas alone don't win wars. People win wars. I'm trying to add people.
Honestly you're probably shills at this point trying to make us all look crazy.
You talk and insult like a Jew. And what is the grand crime? Not wanting to genocide everyone? You aren't serious. You're a shill.
No need to keep counting how many times a nigger he is, just being a nigger is as bad as you can get.
What's the tally? Show me. You don't add a bucket of shit, much less a man. Get the fuck out, and take your altkike trumpnigger evangelist buddies with you.
Nigger. Where did I accuse you of the crime of not wanting to genocide everyone? I didn't. This is a anonymous board, you aren't on anything like a trial, but you are a waste of time. You're a brick.
It's a private company, goy, don't mind the fact that we control a huge chunk of all online discussion!
Screencap a single search engine attempt. If I'm still awake, will provide source.
The letter of the 1A allows freedom of association, which is ok for everybody but blood and soil White Men. Only drugs and oil goyim are allowed to freely associate, within the jew court's parameters. This means you do not have the right to say what every non pozzed, white person wants to say on their platforms. Only moderntards allowed.
Actually as a soldier you do. Cops do as well. You should really stop and have a listen to the number of soldiers, vets and cops that post here. Might make you nervous when you realize some things. Your own protectors, are also part of your biggest enemies. Doesn't help the .gov actually let slip that we are enemy number one of all enemies. Hell, some of us can go down those lists of problem people and have a hard time finding a box that didn't include us. yea, most are normalfag sheep, but stop and think about what it takes to hang around here of all places. admit you were one of us and you are immediately lambasted as a zogbot (rightly so) and belittled because of service unto the enemy. Have it revealed irl and your own system will exile you and work tirelessly to ruin your life. Makes it oh so easy to hide ones powerlevel btw.
Our elites really do live in their own little echo chamber. They really do think we are going to protect them, over our own children. They really think we don't hear their words demonizing our own people and ourselves, about being vile racist and deranged for loving our own. For being willing to sacrifice for others. Hehehehehehe. Sometimes, its just better to keep ones mouth shut. When their doors close and they order you out to protect them from the demons of Zig Forums outside the gate. I do hope I get to be one of the ones to see their faces. When that door locks.
What the fuck is your problem? I've been here longer than you. Your inability to argue intelligently and propensity for meaningless insults outs you as a kike.
Fuck off, ZOGbot.
Sorry, mr bones ride never ends… we are all here forever. no fucking off for any of us that are one of us now.
If the think r/The_Donald is trouble, Murdoch Murdoch must have them shitting themselves.
Oy Vey! Shut it Down!
What counter arguments? I have been hearing you faggots say you had counter arguments for over a decade and I'm still waiting to hear them. I didn't hear them in the entirety of my Liberal college education and I haven't heard them in my entire time arguing with you faggots online. So go on, what are they?