I am just really torn on this. On one hand, you have people like Lauren Southern, who are pretty popular, but also hated by people for not going far enough. Then you have some trash, who might have the maximum right-wing opinion, but speaks publically the same exact way like we do on anonymous imageboards and talks about putting spics into wood chippers and just tries to say the most edgy stuff possible. Then you have guys like Patrick Little, who has bad optics through no fault on his own. It's not his opinion that I have a problem with, but the fact that his career with a six figure paycheck was ruined. Our message should improve people's life and not ruin them. Even if what we say is true, it really doesn't shine a good light on us. In the end, we are social creatures that desire money, a fullfilling life, friends, love and family. And a guy like Mike Enoch basically lost all of that for his podcast. And he isn't even that liked by the movement. (which may be valid reasons, but still proves my point)
What would you guys recommend to someone looking at this and thinking about joining the public fight? I consider myself a good potential debater and I think I could do some good videos proving a right-wing opinion as true. You don't have to believe me, but for the purpose of giving me advice, just act like you do. I don't think "you would just be another guy that repeats what has already been said". I believe that there are still some arguments to be made. I see people talk about issues, but often miss some important core aspect or a relationship between things.
For example if you guys remember the public debate about gay marriage in Ireland, Australia and the USA, I was pretty pissed off that not one public figure of the Right, whether Mainstream or Alternative made a good case of representing a good Contra Argument. It was just feels, never supported by any arguments. And it would have been so easy. Even a mainstream Conservative could have easily said that marriage privileges should remain with heterosexual couples, because it's in the public interest to decrease the extreme tax burden a little for them to encourage breeding. Because now the Conservative Position is to support tax credit per child. "Every Child deserves a mother and a father?" Okay, then how about you at least mention that some statistics exist, so the public can look up how bad lgbt parents are for children, instead of giving the impression that it's just a baseless opinion?
The reason why I make this thread, is because I am torn. On one hand my skills are suited to be a guys making intellectual videos about politics. That's what I would be good at. The other end of the spectrum would be to become a "normie" youtuber, where I'd be able to show my face, without having my life destroyed. Do some videos about backpacking in some foreign country (always wanted to do that), Let's Plays, maybe Self-Improvement videos and interact with other Efaggots. I'd still do some "intellectual" videos, but they would be more about philosophy, geopolitics, more neutral analysis about politics, without obviously mentioning controversial opinons about race, but maybe some subtle hints here and there to encourage a redpilling process in my viewers.I always wanted to be part of a book club, so I might do that as wlel.
I'd be probably less suited for that, because you need to be more extroverted and have social skills, but that journey would also help me improve myself in these areas. It would be more difficult overall, because there's a delicate balancing act. You don't want to be fake, because people like you more for stating your opinion and not being a wimp, who self-censors and is thus avoid of any personality, because it might offend some people. That's what I notice in some ecelebs I watch. I can detect it like a smell. They have this fear of talking about politics and actively avoid it. That topic is like a black hole to them.
You don't want to be too controversial either and accidently sperg out and reveal your power level. But you are kinda insecure, because you don't really know yet how far you want to go. I don't really know, if "encourage hetereosexual couples to breed with tax incentives" is already too far for normies or if only the reddit crowd would get offened by that. Like would that already warrant a "Me and my cuck husband just cried for 6 hours, because the streamer we watch said something problematic" on a subreddit or wherever? And of course I don't want my Zig Forums friends to think I am a cuck either.
So what do you think?