I have listened to Joe Rogan for a long time. I know his psychology very well.
I've always known he was a blackmailed deep state democrat puppet shill… but I looked past it and enjoyed a lot of his interviews from his podcast.
It wasn't til he started advertising the upcoming vote in Colorado to legalize mushrooms did I finally see clearly his endgame.
I'm certain that Rogan and his handlers are locked and loaded with a plan to make some corporate mushroom shaman society
to use it to scientifically mold public opinion against trump and support globohomo and white genocide… etc.
Mark my words, if/when mushrooms are legalized in the USA, Rogan and his crew (Duncan Trussel, Ari Shaffir, Joey Diaz, Bert Kreischer, Brian Redban, Doug Stanhope, to name a few), I'm positive they're working with the leftist society manipulators going straight to the top of their heirarchy, to engineer some carefully crafted mechanism of membership and grooming of vulnerable naive people to build a SUPER FORCE for molding public opinion against us in this "big fuckin war we got here." I doubt they'll call it a "church" because of the cult stigma of that word, but that's basically what they're planning.
I know Rogan and his crew so well, that I feel like I'm just connected into their thoughts and I can't explain it all but I KNOW this is what they're up to.
And honestly, I'm sort of concerned with how successful it might be at combatting our awakening.
Rogan is a smooth salesman, akin to something like a CNN 2.0 for the new era.
Maybe if we can call Rogan out on it in a meme before it happens, then this would throw a wrench into all their carefully laid plans and make it ineffective.
Rogan is known to purposely be playing dumb, when he used to be a conspiracy theory guru spitting facts as fast as Alex Jones. He is one of the big guns of the enemy, make no mistake. Don't underestimate him. This is a warning for all of us to beware when they finally roll out this shit.
Make no mistake that Rogan and Team monitor edgey websites like pol to keep an eye out for the latest trends in order to keep Rogan's reputation of Mr. Cool updated. I'm certain this thread will get back to Rogan himself. So give him a piece of your mind, so that he knows to back the fuck off with his mind control shit.