Is the West Completely and Hopelessly Lost?

Hitler had German elites who supported him like Krupp, Thyssen, Bosch, Henschel, Junkers. Back in the day German elites were mostly German and not interbred with Jews. However today in the West the opposite is the case. Even Trump who got barely got elected has his bloodline 100% kiked, with all his children are being married to and engaged with Jews. As I see it all Western elites are either old Jewish families, Jewish newcomers, people married to Jews, or people willing to marry Jews. In a few generations I doubt anyone will be left who isn't a Jew. Even the majority of the so called American far-right political elite falls into these categories, with Mike Enoch, Alex Jones, Jared Taylor all being (or having been) married to Jewesses.
I see the possibility that an anti-semite could ever get elected in North-Western Europe or the Anglosphere as exactly 0%. That doesn't mean that you should give up, no, you should keep fighting the good fight, but it won't solve anything by itself. The only way that the Jewish World Order can be defeated is if anti-semitism comes to power in Russia and then sweeps across Europe - like Hitler, but as opposed to Hitler actually winning the war. The elites of Eastern and Southern European countries aren't interbred with Jews so they could side with Russia, like many of them sided with Hitler in ww2.

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It's why the message keeps being repeated that a physical fight is necessary. Understand? Like the Balkans, pick your decade. A real, physical fight in which weapons are used, people are killed, and shit is taken. You have to kill people and take their shit because you are never going to get the things needed to build a society without doing those things at this point.

Barron is engaged?

The future of white people are Jews.

Fuck off demoralization shill.
Report and leave.

You're an idiot or a shill if you dislike facts. You can't repeat Hitler success if none of the prerequisites are met, you will simply waste your time.

Stop expecting someone else to save you.

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He didn't mention hitler and no shit you can't repeat the success of the nsdap, but I am reporting your thread because of that.
Not because of my admiration for hitler.

We're never returning to 1980s America. Whites will find a way to thrive somehow though, we always do.

I'm from Eastern Europe so it doesn't apply to me, but you Westerners have to come up with another strategy because simply winning political power won't work for you.
Maybe do what Varg does, found parallel societies and live on welfare to weaken your economy.

you're just a kike

You probably should've second thoughts before making a cuckchan tier thread.
Enjoy the ban with the rest of the cuckchanners.

This is why we simply go French Revolution and kill off the entirety of the elite to start anew.

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It's the truth and the only reason to ban me would be if the kike mods want to shut it down.

There are no white aristocrats left. Those few that are still alive are devout shitlibs and cuck for jews and nigs at every turn. There has never been a successful bottom up revolution that i know of, and we have nobody to lead a top down revolution. So it's pretty much civil war or pray for antarctic space nazis. Men like Ford should have fought harder.

Maybe if high IQ whites actually take on board the challenge of coming up with a solution, which they aren't. Most high IQ whites are taking advantage of low interest rates to enrich themselves, and thus unexpectedly falling into the jews trap of finance capital.

what do they call the breed of jewess who is raised to target rich and powerful goyim? there was a name for this special group.


End Interest Debt Slavery we must. Feder was right.

quality thread

This. The west is completely ZOGGED.

Nah fuck off with this life is struggle.

Khazar milkers?

All I'm saying is that you should struggle smartly in order to enable geopolitical players like Russia and China to pressure the Jewish West, because an internal solution isn't possible if the elite is interbred with Jews, that's a simple fact. If you look at history civil war only breaks out when there is scarcity, and if the Amerisphere keeps dominating global economy there will never be real scarcity. The prelude to the French Revolution was France's loss of the Seven Year's War and its subsequent bankruptcy. Make Jewmerica/NATO lose wars if you want political change.
Like I said, the Varg off-the-grid/welfare style seems like an option, but you can brainstorm other ideas.

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I for one welcome or jewish overlords

Yes. Does this mean whites are guaranteed to go extinct? No. It just means we won’t hold political power until some massive cataclysm allows a numerical minority like ourselves to take power back. But I wouldn’t hold my breath for that.


There is no voting our way out of this situation. Last chance we had to vote our way out of ZOG was back in the 1930s. Now, as others in this thread of said, the only solution is armed rebellion, an insurgency, a civil war. Think the Yugoslav wars, but on a much larger scale, with far more loses of life, far more mutilated body parts, far more dead children, far more destroyed cities and towns, we need to seize territory for ourselves and exterminate the shitskins and traitors within them, while providing just governance for our people in our territories. The US military is filled with mongrels, and led by mongrel and nigger military officers, they will be nothing more than an annoyance. We will raid the gun stores, we will raid the military bases and National Guard armories, we will raid the homes of shitskins and massacre them, and steal any weapons they have. Through farming, stealing resources, and rationing we will mostly be able to survive starvation and dehydration, but we must train ourselves physically and mentally to be able to survive these conditions. Prepare yourselves brothers, the future belongs to us!

There is no voting our way out of this situation. Last chance we had to vote our way out of ZOG was back in the 1930s. Now, as others in this thread of said, the only solution is armed rebellion, an insurgency, a civil war. Think the Yugoslav wars, but on a much larger scale, with far more loses of life, far more mutilated body parts, far more dead children, far more destroyed cities and towns, we need to seize territory for ourselves and exterminate the shitskins and traitors within them, while providing just governance for our people in our territories. The US military is filled with mongrels, and led by mongrel and nigger military officers, they will be nothing more than an annoyance. We will raid the gun stores, we will raid the military bases and National Guard armories, we will raid the homes of shitskins and massacre them, and steal any weapons they have. Through farming, stealing resources, and rationing we will mostly be able to survive starvation and dehydration, but we must train ourselves physically and mentally to be able to survive these conditions. Prepare yourselves brothers, the future belongs to us!

Sorry for the double post, by the way.

Every week, eh moshe?

We're not going to become a minority, you blackpilled fag. Shitskins can't outbreed us when we put a bullet in their heads, including their children. By the time we're done they wouldn't dare sneaking into our lands ever again.

Why wouldn't you though. Try talking to low IQ whites about the problems of niggers and jews and they'll lynch you. Fuck them.

Definitely, your best bet is to get a azn gf and start learning her language

They'll fall in line real quick when SHTF. Most whites tow the kike line so they wont lose their comfort and freedom, soon they wont have that comfort or false sense of freedom, they will have to join their race or die. White faggot race traitors will end up getting killed by the shitskins they call their "comrades" before we get to them.

I just dont understand why almost all of them are jewish
Is it a shield so people dont realize that theyre babylonian death cultists
So they can cry muh anti semitism
Also trump is one of them fuck him

You have a point OP. That is why I have repeated that the only solution at this point is a folkish movement and segregation.

You don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes. All of these random acts of mass murder are kike influenced. Our society is sick, and makes people sick enough to want to kill randomly and indiscriminately, because they're tired of everything and aren't educated enough to see (((who))) is responsible for our twisted modern society. While heroes like Tarrant and Earnest did what they did also as a result of kikes, they did what they did because of what kikes have done to our people. Tarrant killed shitskin Muslims, who were in his country only because of kikes. Mass murder is a big phenomenon because of kikes and what they've done to our world, what they've done to the minds and lives of our people, ruining our men and turning our women into whores.

I'm convinced that Faith Goldy is of sephardic ancestry. I have never seen a goy with a name like Goldy. I believe she is white identifying and don't think she is being subversive, but I believe that she is a sephardi. Same with Mark Collett. Even peripheral figures of the alt-right like Laura Loomer (open Jew), Martina Markota (crypto-Jew). Even Martin Sellner is suspect looking. You will never see an old stock German or Austrian in North America that looks like him. He's either a halfbreed turk or a kike.

No shit, e-celebs are plants. Controlled opposition. We have to become our own leaders, instead of letting Shlomo trick us with their own golem plants.

I actually like Faith Goldy. I used to think she was a bimbo, but she's not an idiot.

Oh hey cia how ya doin
Its the goyim jews not us kabbalists freemasons and catholics

sage all demoralization threads

all weak jew shit

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Women belong in the kitchen, and should share the same viewpoints as their husbands. Women are so easily manipulated and a white man that they love can mold them like a piece of clay. Their purpose is to get normalfag men interested in white nationalism with "hai look at me tits".

Those are just 3 sides of the same jew coin. I'm not saying moderate cohenservatives serve no purpose, the edgier ones have resulted in leading some highly brainwashed white men to the red pill, but we're not the ones who should be falling for them. They are, at best, stepping stones to the truth, when what they were intended to be were distractions to lead the goyim towards the wrong path while making them think they are opposing the system.

It's been like that for decades, now they are aiming to make lesser officials/industrialists kikes too. The great majority of countries in the world (especially western ones) are 100% kiked, and the game is 100% rigged from the start. There is zero chance for anyone opposing them in the slightest to have any position of power (economic or political), and the only way to have a chance at winning is to bring their entire system down, globally.

You couldn't be any more wrong. I'm South European and our elites are extremely kiked, married to kikes or controlled by them by other means.
Russia is not an exception. It's a false dichotomy.

It's like saying Weimar Germany was no exception. Russia can be unkiked, as opposed to the West, which is my point.

Yeah I have noticed that too. His face is off. He also refuses to discuss race or the jewish problem, instead he talks about some nebulous identity that is in danger of being lost. If it looks like a jew, discusses like a jew but claims otherwise…. its quite likely it is a cryptojew.

t. northern euro

fuck off commie russian duginist shill. Antisemitism was an executable offense in Soviet Russia and YES their elites are interbred with and/or are actual kikes.

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You understand that you can't bring a government down without the help of another government? The people i.e. majority population will never rise up, and all that we will have at most is a group of revolutionaries (across many countries) against the loyalists and governments of these countries - an unwinnable fight.
Either we will find help in Russia, China, and the anti-(((Western))) bloc, or we will perish.

Russia is not the Soviet Union.


Yes. Western leaders are suicidally authoritarian. They will not give up surveillance; they will not enact new programs of expansion. They are controlling their societies into the mirror of their own swiftly dying patterns. Their philosophy of government involves abusing the public and then whining as people convert to foreign “authoritarian” ideologies that lift the fervent authoritarianism of a society offering only compliance and reproduction to people who are not famous and/or criminal.

We could live forever in this world, most of humanity physically could live forever with augmented biotechnology, but getting there would involve employing legions of the people who the tard-lites in power consider dead and worthless to do the countless petty things that are needed to improve the world so people can breathe free again. We would need better employment for people than retail, and a society that puts people into greater contact with each other without reducing all things to soulless vapidities of commerce and reproduction.


The mods get a kick out of allowing blackpill threads by deradicalization shills.

The sad and grim reality of our situation.

Just as Poland is not the PPR, and so on? Due to the fact that there was never a cull of commies and they disasembled their regime on their own terms, it's ABSOLUTELY the fucking same. Nothing has changed, except for the tactics used.

I get a kick out of the fact that they extend so much time, energy, and their rapidly dwindling resources on this shit, AND IT HAS ZERO EFFECT BUT TO RAISE OUR IRE, AND STRENGTHEN OUR RESOLVE.
Personally, I'm glad these fucking kikes can't evolve past these pathetic tactics.
It's only a matter of time now, and I look very forward to meeting all of them.

Aww, chin up, lil' user!
These are the days for which true Aryan Blood was designed by our Gods.
Fear not your own fire, lad. It will only burn your enemies to ash, while keeping you cozy and warm.
Demoralize yourself, and face to bloodshed.

(so close to a double-triple get)
Thanks mate; I needed that.

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The reasons for the French Revolution are multiple and not just limited to losing the war.
Also, forget about Varg. He's not off the grid and certainly not without money either.

There was never an internal crisis in history without a lost war preceding it.

The newest popular one, “No White Guilt” is annoying. He has a lot of good points about “White Well Being” and /sig/ but constantly shills JewTube “superchats” and even has a merchandise store. Also he’s from Washington DC and “worked in the political scene.” Co-hosts with Mark Collett.

sage for demoralization gambit

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He's been around for a year or two now. I believe he's ex-military. Pretty sure he makes his living from this so he's gotta keep shilling, it is what it is. Shilling's not too hard to ignore.

Wrong, every political movement worth a damn has sprung from the middle class.
Only boomers believe ivanka and her kids are anything other than spoiled dumb rat faced kikes.
Trump's DNA clearly has some lazy nigger admixture.
You couldn't pay me to fuck one of these bush or Clinton (young sexy Hitlery not included) wasps.

alex jones is very clearly mossad/chabad kikerino. we are fucked bros.

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Is the west lost?
What did Africa and China look like 50 - 100 years ago and what are they projected to look like 50 years from now?
You have only lost if you give up.

Yes. I wonder if it can be accomplished politically.

Ever asked yourself why Trump's mother was an immigrant, two of his three wives were immigrants (and Maples wasn't old WASP stock either) and his children married Jews or Mischlings?
Here's a little hint because the Blue Book/Social Register types consider Trump to be a declasse newcomer and they'd rather die than see Trump or his offspring with one of their daughters.


it's always darkest before the dawn user

Jews use friendship and sex as a weapon.

Your jewish neighbor will be your best friend. (and does favors for you and expects repayment for every jew, in turn while, other jews will harm you and your kind, but you can't fight back because one of your friends is a jew who did you favors…)

If you're rich or influential man jews will try to marry your son or daughter.

I don't know how wimpy, ugly jews manage to seduce the daughters of rich and powerful men (maybe it's the confidence that comes from the support of a tribe, or maybe they practice on women who are economically vulnerable to them, and develop skills that way) but they do.

The messed-up thing is once there is a jew in the family, the fathers and grandfathers act like they married the jew. Basically they "whore" the whole family.

I suspect Putin's daughter who has a Dutch BF (trained on brothels) may also be a jew.

Jewish advisers got the neurotic jewish princess Diana for the English. (no wonder she went for an Arab lover)

Charles Manson already spelled it out for you dumb fuckers.

Any revolution to unseat Jewish power in the modern age will by necessity have to come from the bottom up ie the common people.

The common white man and woman.

Not the Jew pozzed and cucked so called "elites".