
Hahahaha, this is what happens when you leftist cucks support an invasion of Muslim subhumans into white countries! Hail Tarrant! Hail victory!

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Praise kek now there are no more muslims in the west

personally i support the cause because historically, christian societies have always shifted towards anarchism and critique the church a lot more than muslims or jews

if we were to live in a world with nothing but christians it would be easier to achieve anarchism than in a multicultural world

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Great, now the liberal security state is out for us leftists and you rightists. I'm not sure what you can be be so proud about considering there are now less venues for rightist thought?


And? Just because the Jews help the Muslims to invade white countries does not mean that the Muslims are innocent, you stupid cunt! They deserved to be killed! Now keep sucking Muslim dicks, you fat cunt!

Stop misappropriating Natsucc culture Mr. Presumably Boomer.

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Sure, National-Socialism means that whites racemix with Arabs and niggers and live together as a multicultural society… By the way, I am part of generation Z, nigger.
