Sup glow, I don't condone any violence and killings. This is just a hypothetical discussion.
It's Cruel to Be Kind, why Aggressiveness Matters
> Colonies founded by aggressive spiders successfully fought the intruders off, but produced fewer offspring because of the continuous conflict.
>In contrast, the predominantly docile colonies ignored intruders and continued to reproduce. In 2009, the docile colonies were flourishing, and their offspring had begun three times as many new colonies on nearby trees and shrubs compared with offspring from aggressive communities. Yet by 2010, the docile spiders' apparent advantage began to wane as invaders increasingly ate them and stole the insects snagged by the colonies' webs.
In nature, A. studiosus colonies consist of a mix of docile and aggressive individuals. In short-term studies, Pruitt says, aggressive spiders appear to be troublemakers because they often brawl with members of their own group. However, this study showed their importance when it comes to defense. "Originally, I thought aggressive spiders exploited docile ones, but now I see that the aggressive ones catch most of the food and take care of the society," he says. Without aggressive spiders to care for them, docile spiders would go extinct whenever other spiders abound. Pruitt speculates that docile behavior still exists because it is useful to the colony in small doses. Perhaps docile individuals provide better care to hatchlings, he says.
This could be an argument of support towards accelerationists. It doesn't matter if you outbreed the enemy, as long as the culture or people remain passive, they can easily be wiped out/or enslaved because they don't have the necessary means to fight. This is one of my and many others question as to why more people don't fight or seem to lack that fire that aggressiveness to get shit done. This is also a chance to cultivate aggressiveness if you don't have any. For those that have it, you should help others so they can bring it out. Possibly an argument to as the negative effect it has had on society when it destroyed/got rid of the warrior class. Any thoughts?