Trudeau's Secret Gun Ban
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Since they are all together in one place. Subscribe to pew pew die pie.
Leftists will never give up on trying to confiscate guns. Just today there was an article about New York requiring gun insurance, which is a proxy gun registry under a different name.
I only see two paths forward:
1) balkanize the country on left/right basis, call it ideological balkanization
2) all the left is purged
It's inevitable that one of these two outcomes will happen.
Time for the annual springtime fishin' trip eh? I'll ready the boats.
Dude, fuck. And look up the meaning of "Urchin Tracking Module".
Look at the bright side though…things can only get worse and more lawless. If Whites survive it will be because they become the most RUTHLESS AND MERCILESS OF ALL GOD'S CREATIONS. JUST NON STOP FUCKING OF THE SUBHUMANS WHEREVER WE FIND THEM.
Day of the rake soon!
Gun confiscation is already a thing, way to show that you don't live here in Canuckistan OP. This is basically the final stages you saw in the EU when hunting guns are taken after everything else has been made as hard to acquire as possible then taken away.
INB4 the race war starts in Canada. Wew, did not expect that.
the barbarian don't wanna give up their guns, they'd rather see their children be shot at school instead
Mow lawn, LaBay.
Haha good, fuck Canada.
liberals wanting to disarm the population hasn't been secret for a century now
the confiscation of weapons, whether they were swords and knives, and now guns has always…. historically preceded extreme government oppression.
The question used to be asked, why didn't the jews fight back against the Nazi's……… simple answer is they had been disarmed, and now it's turn-about is fair play. The jews are getting ready to fuck the world
Canada's ruralfags (especially Albertans) will completely lose their shit if they hear this. We have until June 3rd to prepare. How do we spread this shit and awaken the ruralfags from their slumber?
the west is full on communist
Trudeau supports Islam because he is a Satanist
There are more guns inside BC chinese restaurants, biker clubs and mosques than in any duck hunter's shed. Of course it's easy to just legislate a problem away. Get to your local hardware store early because there is going to be a run on packing grease, just like there was 20 years ago. As well, Transport Canada forecasts a lot of boating accidents this summer.
The beautiful Vancouver Convention Centre, a LEED® Platinum certified facility on the waterfont, is an ideal location to host this world-class international event.
shut up tough guy
You paid a faggot to rape a dude so you could call him a faggot in public and you're acting all tough.
Metal poser discovered.
British Columbia is going to be American Columbia if they can't get their gang and money laundering situation under control. The US would love to own the entire west coast anyway for strategic reasons.
54-40 or fight
>>>Zig Forums
Take your rape fantasies there
It used the word 'barbarian' which means it is a bugman chink.
Faggot jewboomers are so fucking stupid.
Come to the US, leafs. Freedom to make, carry, and use your own firearms.
Checked for Columbia 3.0.
Washington state and Washington DC were/are both "Columbia".
satan is king
hail satan
you mad, feeble christnigger?
Somebody should shoot him with an illegal firearm and stream it.
Jewposting is so ugly, yuck
Daily reminder its only a matter of time before they take the guns in America. The only people that seem to care about guns are old white people and they're living on borrowed time. Once Tyrone and Pedro become the majority, bye bye firearm ownership.
Have a bump because this is actual news.
The want to ban guns because that's the only thing that kills reptilian Dracos.
Americans really shouldn't comment on the Canadian gun scene, its nothing like it is in the US
Id drive north for a Canadian bacon war as long as expulsion of jews is in the mission statement.
Get raped by a nigger like your whore mother, torfag.
When did this faggot forum get so bad?
Literally no one in here beyond the OP is actually discussing the topic.
What can leafs do at this time regarding this gun grab, and what are the steps forward to accelerate a cuckservative victory? Lets get the fucking thread back on track.
Okay, nobody I know will give up their guns if anyone actually comes for them. A few of them are stubborn enough old men that they'll either shoot or get shot by whoever tries to take them. If it's voluntary you will see a few hand-ins and a lot of angry rednecks.
Ways to fight this is to talk about it with any canuck boomer, hunter, libertarian, ect as more government interference. Liberals love gun laws even though we have no fucking gun crimes.
If you want the conservatives to win, promote them and Andrew Sheer as the only people that can stand up to Trump/work with Trump, and fix our world image/deal with china, if anyone talks about voting liberal or ndp argue for green party if you know there's no chance they'd think of a blue vote.
Truduea looks like he's going to cry whenever he's being asked questions on camera, nobody likes him east or west and now that pot is legal he's probably fucking gone.
there is no gun grab at this point so there is nothing to do
BULLSHIT! First off the Nazi's didn't 'do anything' to the jews other than CONFINE those communist collaborators in camps for the duration of the war so that they couldn't actively stab Germany in the back during the war (I know not being able to injure your host makes you seethe with fury). Second, the Holohoax never happened so there was nothing to 'defend' themselves against.
So there is no 'turnabout's fair play' like you fucking kikes PRETEND.
Isn't that "pride parade" season? Safe bet he'll be too busy getting spit-roasted in some bathhouse or other.
Always remember that Canada is the US' largest national park that costs $4 to enter.
So you're gonna wait until until (((they))) do?
That kind of faggotry disgusts me, faganon
Vote Max.
This is our chance to be on the offensive about Canadian gun rights rather than the defensive. Scheer is a limp twink and picking him because "he isn't Trudeau" means you don't belong here.
It's not ok, no matter which country it's in.
Max is a cuck and a CSIS asset.
Buy packing grease and get your dog for a "hike" in the woods.
He's a moonchild.
Upstate New York detected. Cross over on land, no toll.
While you have a point, Canadians and Americans are close neighbors, I would consider us brothers, frankly. And there can't be much difference between each other's gun positions, Jews in Canada are trying to take away the already crippled "privilege" of gun ownership in Canada, and Jews in the United States are trying to take away the already MOSTLY crippled right of gun ownership in the US
Yep, it's inevitable, there's no reconciliation.
I think an initial balkanization will be necessary for the sake of consolidating our racial assets and power into real political units, and then from there we can use that power to reclaim our lost territory. I don't agree with the posters who always scream "kill yourself kike for ceding territory" at the thought of balkanization, right now we're too spread out and our power too diluted to be effective in the current situation.
To the leafs with any remnants of testicles left, you need to rent fleets of cargo trucks and stock up on fertilizer if anything happens and send presents to any local government building (in runescape). ==PRAISE SAINT TIMMY==
Isn't his term nearly up? Aren't we better off signal boosting the SNC Lavin scandal?
Yes. Everything Trudeau touches turns to shit so other than the pot he doesn't have anything to shield him from the fact that he's a petty backroom dealing shyster.
Actually Michfag there is no land crossings only bridges and a tunnel. But I have run out of beer on the water and darted over to the canadian side to resupply.
PS this was WAYYYYYYY b4 911 so a repeat performance would probably be met with.
i'm okay with being a barbarian, my ancestors were and i'm here
get out of here boomer
They will allow it, just like everywhere else in the West has allowed it.
Judea declared war on Germany in 1933 and start the "boycotting of German goods" campaign.
So it hurt the German economy and the Nazis strike back by disarming the Jews and counter-attack Jewish business by Stormtroopers.
But Nazis allowed guns for German people. Read Dr.William Pierce book about that topic.
The lesson is: don't mess with the gentiles, shlomo.
And build your fucking country without our taxpayer money and tech.
Of course you can't do that, because you're fucking sub-human parasite and this is why Hitler was right
Archive next time please.
This is Juden Peterstein's primary concern, and why the UN has tasked him with atomizing angry young White men thought Peterstein's system of radical individualism.
His opening barrage against "political correctness" was based upon the realization amongst far-left ideologues, that the actions of their lower echelons are approaching, and have in fact now reached the stage of dangerous overreach.
By over reaching to the extent they are, they are at risk of, the kikes like Peterstein fear, awakening the slumbering dragon of White racial in-group awareness and action.
Peterstein has stated this in plain language during interviews.
Most of the children and young men who follow Juden, thinking he is "right-wing", are wholly unaware that he worked for the UN in the role of "sanitizer" of a major strategy paper on the implementation of global marxist wealth redistribution policies.
Peterstein was hired to rewrite the paper in a way which seems less openly marxist.
Now his job is to take the stream out of White nationalism by sundering the various aggregations of White men, which threaten to coalesce into a uniform force, and tossing the atomized individuals into the wind.
Groove metal isn’t metal. It’s better and less gay
Thanks for reminder about him, user.
I know about Peterkike and even have saved thread about his (((puppet masters))).
Thanks, those will come in handy.
I'm in the unfortunate position of having recently learned that a friend I had not spoken to for some time, has become a Peterstein cultist.
His snake oil is very intoxicating.
Category: assault mass shooter child slaying firearm
Function: can shot 10 children per minute.
Action: banned.
A knife, sword, car can kill 10 children per minute.
The purpose of bans is not to prevent mass shootings (which are nearly all hoaxes anyway.)
The purpose of banning is to remove the possibility of resisting government forces.
If we aren't voting we should be shooting and I don't see you on the Talmudvision today.
If you don't see how this is an improvement from
give it a good think
i bet not 1 person will kill a zog politician or bot over this
many swords and knives legal in the US are not legal in the US so that particular whine doesn't work in Canada.
You are completely incorrect. There is no "jew" influence on either side of this, there is no "right to bear arms" in our constitution, and the main differences between pro and anti-gun folks is rural/urban. There is also very little support for handguns even in rural areas, the main argument here is about long guns.
aaaand saved
Citation needed… Is this post from someone scared of the only politician looking to remove magazine restrictions? Lower immigration?
There's gonna be lots of child killing, user. Not to mention the ones who can never be repaired after the dragmonsters have changed them. Best get over it.
Yes. Circle the area on the image where the Cuban gommunist scandalized your SNC Lavin.
There are at least 500,000 Neanderkiken in the Dominion. About three times the population of Injuns and Eskimos (skraelings) at about 6,000,000 times the cost. It is a completely unsustainable situation – the full Hall of Costs is too great and grim to ignore.