Hilary Clinton celebrates birth control anniversery. says women freedom founded on freedom 2 be slut

Twitter post yesterday.

Who the hell celebrates this anniversary?
Who the hell believes that taking a pill that makes you infertile can in any way be good for you?

I fucking hate this world

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Other urls found in this thread:






Prior to the advent of the Pill, there was a great danger of pregnancy associated with sex. As a result, women had a greater incentive to secure a marriage _before_ being exposed to any risk of pregnancy. (And so did their parents have the same incentive on their behalf). In fact all society was based around it. Chaperones, debutantes, early marriage, social shaming, even laws against providing hotel rooms for unmarried couples.

As a result of this, men had a strong sexual incentive to be "marriageable" men: to be educated, to be 'bona-fide', to 'have prospects', to have good intentions, to be clean, sharp and smelling good, and to display honest signals of commitment. These are all improvements in men caused by their powerful (sexual) incentive to cater to women's preferences.

On Productivity: To be marriageable, i.e. to cater to female preferences, a man had to be able to support not only himself but also a wife and 5 or 10 children. So a man had to be productive enough to cover many times his own needs – and so there was greater competition on the sexual market for men to have _high productivity._ This built a wealthy society, which further catered to the female preference for access to resources.

Similarly, there was a competition among _women_ to be marriageable, and thus to cater to _male_ preferences. Male preferences that is, for long-term commitment. For example, males prefer chastity, fidelity, submissiveness, "peace love and respect" in the home, not to be embarrassed in public, etc. Pleasantness. Attractiveness. We all know the list of traits that men prefer in a mate.

But after the Pill was introduced, women had less incentive to secure a marriage before engaging in sexual activity. As a result, attractive men were able to access sex much more easily and with less need to make the sacrifice of a long-term commitment. This made men less willing to commit, which increased sexual marketplace pressures on women.

Women thus came under more pressure to cater to men's _short-term mating strategies_ because other women were doing so, leading to an increased pressure on women to engage in promiscuity, in competition for the most attractive men. (The old _"Johnny Football Hero is going to dump me for the other girl if I don't put out"_ routine.) Women were thus put into a more intense competition against other women to cater to men's short-term mating strategies instead of men's long-term mating strategies.

Ironically, the increased pressure to cater to male short-term preferences (through promiscuity) made women _less_ attractive for long-term commitment.

It should be noted that even women who did not take the Pill, were still subjected to the new pressures in the sexual marketplace, imposed upon them by the Pill – a pill they didn't even take!

The biggest irony is that the whole purpose of the Pill was ostensibly to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

But what are the _actual numbers_ regarding unwanted pregnancy, between the 1960s and today? There was a massive increase in unwanted pregnancies. (And a resulting increase in the number of abortions.)

The third strike for men is the financial and legal risk of the child support and family court apparatus that has since been imposed on men to cover the costs of all the above unwanted pregnancies.

The fourth strike for men (against marriage) is the risk they face in divorce court.

There are also welfare costs, which although a burden to society, are not a direct strike against marriage in the eyes of men. However, they are _indirectly,_ because subsidization of unwed mothers makes women even _less_ incentivized to cater to male preferences to secure a marriage. Why should they? They are already subsidized. This increased failure to cater to male long-term mating preferences lowers men's incentive to get married even more.

Not only are the more attractive men less willing to commit than they were in the past, but men also have less incentive to be _marriageable_ in the first place. It's very easy for a man to support only himself, when he doesn't have to support 10 other people. He can dump his productivity in the toilet, and instead sit around drinking beer, smoking pot, and playing video games all day. Productivity goes down, and there is also a drain of the remaining resources to cover the increased costs to society of all the divorced and unmarried women and their children. And let's face it, they really are nothing more than a drain on society. Those children of unwed mothers grow up to be pregnant teens and juvenile delinquents. Show me a neighborhood of primarily female head-of-household and I will show you a territory for gang activity. We end up with more dysfunction and poverty in society. For example, the sugar-baby/sugar-daddy phenomenon is not an expression of the liberation of women, but rather, a practice more commonly associated with poor, third-world countries.

This dynamic has been a great source of frustration and annoyance to many modern women. Not just the unwillingness of modern men to commit, but the dearth of marriageable men in general, replaced by gang members, video games, bongs, parties, etc. But of course men are only acting based on their incentives, which are few. Why should a man stop playing video games just because some broad is irritated by it?

The ultimate result is economic. While women are able to match men's capabilities in most areas, they are often unable (or unwilling) to do so with the _same level of performance_ that men are willing and able (on average) to do. They are also much less willing to take the risks that men are willing to take. And with no risk, comes no reward. Women have lower productivity in the workforce, and they leave the workforce much earlier than men, on average, because they have different priorities such as having children. And this cannot remain a wealthy nation for too long, as long as men's sex drive is no longer being channeled into becoming a productive member of society.

So what are the historical consequences of the Pill, now that the experiment has played out for several decades?

– Increase in unwanted pregnancy.
– Increase in unwed mothers.
– Resulting increase in teen pregnancy and juvenile delinquency (the offspring of those unwed mothers.)
– Increased promiscuity and disease.
– Less catering to male _long-term_ preferences by women.
– More catering to male _short-term_ preferences by women, out of sexual competition with other women.
– Less willingness of attractive men to commit.
– Less catering to female long-term preferences by men.
– Shortage of marriageable men.
– Shortage of marriageable women.
– Increase in number of abortions.
– Increase in bastard children.
– Increase in welfare spending.
– Increased gang activity and incarceration.
– Decrease in societal productivity, increase in general poverty.

I like how they defend against the new heartbeat abortion laws with:

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The FDA approved the very first birth control pill without fully testing it for side effects. As a result, tens of thousands of women (mostly white) died of cancer or had oophorectomies. That's what she's really celebrating.

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Damn, user. Saved in text file.

Someone cap this.


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Birth control
1. lowers birth rates of whites (shitskins are too stupid/impulsive to use it)
2. messes up women's hormones and fertility (at least the pill)
3. makes some jew corporation rich
4. encourages women being degenerate and having sex outside of marriage

Anyone know who the author of this piece was?

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It is a statistical and historical fact that men will simply drop out of society to greatest possible extent if said society is unwilling and/or unable to institute strict patriarchy. To be clear, that means, in practice, that the average man can expect to marry a virgin bride who will be exclusively his for the entire duration of both of their lives, who cannot dissolve the marriage, and who is his legal charge. Today, even on what hilariously passes for self-proclaimed "truth-telling" so-called outer-right, even the so-called far-right, such an arrangement is not even within the bounds of serious discourse. And yet the record of history is perfectly clear (pic related) - men will relax poolside if the alternative is not guaranteed lifetime exclusive monogamy with a virgin bride who is not legally autonomous and cannot unilaterally dissolve the marriage and kidnap the kids under color-of-(((law))), who is obligated to provide him with children and to provide them with care befitting civilized people, which children are likewise legally his property until majority and/or marriage at his discretion.

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Zig Forumsside

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Nice summing up user
I think that this was all entirely predictable at the time (and was indeed predicted by many). The fact that no policies were put in place to mitigate the negative impacts leads me to think that somebody wanted it to happen unimpeded.
But which evil fucks would want that?


This is an exceedingly important issue. It's very likely that the birth control pill goes so far as to break the bond of attachment from woman to man. More research is needed, but this is more than enough information to act and try to exclude the pill from women in your life.

Consider the article

I believe the Jew fears this topic. There is a backlash against feminism, but so far it been heavily insulated from politics. A political backlash against feminism would quickly evolve in to a backlash against the Jew. A feminist mindset is the norm in all politics of Western European countries. The evidence for abnormality and decline in our civilization is perhaps nowhere more obvious than in the decline of women. Therefore, it is necessary to make the women question a political one.

I had better not be accused of being anti-woman. I love women. Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.

The Woman Question may be an easier angle than the Jewish Question. How may have encountered the machinations of Jews directly? (I have.) How many have seen the decline of women for themselves? Most men have seen it. The Woman Question is of vital importance.


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100% Chelsea is the second born and her older brother now lives with Moloch. Hillary HATES babies.

Wew… And 95% of white women agree with this.

It's the truth. Face it. Like
said a women's dream is to have as much sex as possible in her youth
and she will unless we temper that dream for something better in the long run.

So genocide white women?

Kamisama, that's a big leap. Genocide is the solution to the Jewish Problem, not the Women Problem. "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

suit up boys. *its time for war*

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This is actually frightening, not only do hormonal contraceptives (HC) impair pair-bonding between a woman and her partner, but also with her child.
As you say, more research needs to be done (and who will want,and pay for, that?), but it certainly fits in with the world we now find ourselves in. Women on HC are potentially unnaturally distanced from their partner and, more frighteningly, their child.

Abortion is wrong unless raped abused or black.

So turn them into sex slaves?

Is making a wife of a virgin to manage your family, and raising healthy virgin girls, not an option, rabbi?

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No. Men are 50% of the population. Over 90% of women have more than one sex partner. That means 45% of men can't have a virgin, Ahmed.

I'm quoting this so you can't take it back, retard. The Jewish IQ is not as high as they pose.

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So you know I'm right. I win.

Infertility cults, like weeds must be uprooted and burned.

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I guess you would prefer to see more abortions

Your math fails completely

How does your fucking math work?

I don't understand why 90% of women having more than one sex partner means that 45% of men can't have a virgin? Do you think it's just 1 dude who is deflowering 90% of women out there?

See my post.

or more self-control for themselves and society's sake?
I know, I know, too much to ask from women

Priestess of Moloch.

Is it just a coincidence that the rise in aborted children has massively increased in the same period that (((evil))) influence has increased.
Maybe there is something to child sacrifice, especially when it's done by the mother going against her very nature. I expect 50 million dead kids buys a lot of favors from Moloch

Remember lad, abortion and birth control = eugenics.

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That's ridiculous and you know it. Birth control is used by females to delay motherhood in to their 30's, which measurably degrades their genes. That's such severe degradation, to claim it iseugenic somehow, is ludicrous.

Hypergamy = (Fisherian runaway or runaway sexual selection) and that's not eugenic either.

Eugenics can be practiced by sterilizing inferiors. Otherwise, the inferiors will simply breed even more degraded genes in their 30s and 40s.

I'll tell you what else is eugenic: artificial selection. Men choosing who their daughters breed with.

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Which is the definition of eugenics, "controlled breeding" and also serves to prevent Somalia-tier looking children from living out some pathetic existence in a trailer park. You want to advocate eugenics then you've got to accept that the pro-Choice position is actually perfectly acceptable from that an anti-equality point of view. Do you think people with down syndrome should have children? Serious question.
And by aborting potentially autistic children. You're pro-choice and you don't want to admit it simply because the dreaded feminists would agree with you
Doesn't preclude them getting abortions, especially if they're having kids with niggers.

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Negative, the definition of eugenics is
Improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. If you allow women to delay having children, their genes decay. The most dysgenic problem imaginable.

I'm not considered with niggers. They can be killed or die for all I care. I won't have them in my community.

I don't need to respond to your unfounded projections on to me.

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Apparently you don't know what "genes" are or how they work. Women having children in their late-20s as opposed to in their teenage years is the difference between setting your children up for a decent life or a shitty pathetic life. Abortion is controlled breeding by any definition. We're having this argument in multiple threads. It's the difference between giving birth to a pea-brained magapede or an actually physically-fit white nationalist.

Now you have denied science. There is no way around the reality of genetic decay.

The best thing for children is being raised by a mother instead of daycare. She should have children instead of going to college. You know that don't you?

It's not a shitty pathetic life to work for a husband instead of a Jewish owned corporation. It isn't. And this would raise children that the Jews would doubly fear.

I know you're set in your ways but you have some things to think about.

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So then she should be less poor and obligated to not have a job therefore if she fucks up and has one anyway she should abort the damn thing to avoid forcing it into daycare. There goes that retarded argument.
She would be more obligated to work if she has a child earlier on in life, which again, suggests that an abortion is preferable to guarantee quality of life, because abortion is eugenics. Anyone who is pro-life can't argue from a logical point of view, all you're doing is preventing eugenics and preventing the ability to control breeding. Your arguments support my conclusions when given enough forethought.

No need to get that extreme just send them to the brap barn

He’s saying at least 45%.
He’s counting the woman’s first partner as “having had a virgin” even though she goes on to commit adultery.

I wrote it. You can attribute it to 'user'. No need for real-world credit on this board.

Muh Hillary Clinton

Pools Parties are for altkike

I made a screencap version.

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But then how are they to compete with men. We all know that men are having constant sex. Why can't women?

It's not that simple. You overvalue the male whore's importance in the scheme. The idea that kids should have sex and girls should do this free sex thing instead of marriage, does not come from "men" or "chads" so to speak, but it comes from the K-12 school teachers and media who are pushing an agenda. (For the Jews.) They just tell the little girls to have sex. It isn't chad's fault. In a workable system, parents would guide girls to marriage instead of whore college and a dead end job.

What I'm trying to say is, people don't have so much choice in what they do. They don't have agency. They mainly do what they're told. That's why we need a strict system to traditional rules and shaming for the behavior of both chads and whores.

And nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home. So the college meme is especially dead for women.

This is part of the reason why democracy is nonsense.

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You can add "usage causes lasting change in female brain structure" to that list

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Fuck you nigger lover, Hillary is specifically talking about exterminating nonwhites through abortion, stupid faggot. Figures some Christkike cares more about niglet fetuses than some white pagan or white atheist.

Hillary has always been /ourmom/.

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Nigger, how come then there are no planned parenthood locations in white neighborhoods? How come they're all located in nigger containment zones?

Either you're a paid shill or literally retarded, Margaret Sanger started planned parenthood in order to genocide nonwhites.

You're also the same faggot who made a thread the other day crying about aborted niglets and how abortion is wrong even when it's only done to niggers.

Of course she's pushing this.
Hormonal birth control from a young age fundamentally damages a women's sex drive, causes obesity, causes women to search for beta Male types because they are constantly in a "nesting" phase and makes "pregnancy brain" a 24/7 state of mind, including the effects of depression that occur when you have a miscarriage, except women don't know why they're a bitch.
Not to mention massive weight gain and the fact that xenoestrogen ends up getting into men's good and drink.
There are fucking hundreds of published scientific studies on this.
Women should be having kids between 16/21 above replacement (2.5) so that they can enjoy their later adulthood once they teach the age of 4 and are in school.
After that, a copper IUD AT MOST if they really want to avoid additional kiddos but if you ask me we could use all the white kids we can get.

Nah, it's just a coincidence….probably

Nigger, how come then there are no planned parenthood locations in white neighborhoods? How come they're all located in nigger containment zones?

Either you're a paid shill or literally retarded, Margaret Sanger started planned parenthood in order to genocide nonwhites.

You're also the same faggot who made a thread the other day crying about aborted niglets and how abortion is wrong even when it's only done to niggers.>>13256382

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Promptly kill yourself

Why doesn't this cancerous cunt die already?


Trump sucks baby dicks

These fucking cunts. (Not you guys in Zig Forums but the cunts like Hillary Clinton). Women may not be breeding sexually and reproducing as much, but what they are doing is breeding the selfishness of "I can have sex with who I want, when I want." That shit has no place in society- male or female. I feel so fucked living in America with all the people who feel that way. Sexual freedom is not freedom. These people are locked in a cage stimulating their reproductive organs and actually think "I'm free." They must have serious damage to their frontal lobe. Either that, or ignorance is bliss. Us anons were born to this Earth for a reason that is not bestowed unto us, but I am most definitely sure it is not to let this shit go on.

Are you really that mad about it? Did porn make you lose your wife or something? Have you even heard of georgia tan? Not having babies is way more chill then child farms. Plus you can just stop taking that shit when you want to have a baby. Everyone agrees babies are dope but who the fuck is making your life suck so bad that you have to whine and bitch about it here? You sound like the guy I knew who took 10 hits of acid every day. He was like "I just want babies" and then would flip out on girls half his age when they didn't want to date him. You should go to the /sig/ thread mang. Shape up cause I luv u

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>ignore the overwhelming evidence of the ills that birth control and the (((sexual revolution))) have unleashed upon your civilization goy
>pay no attention to the ever-present and all-encompassing (((media))) aimed at your youth with intent to degenerate them
I pray for the DOTR.

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You just lost the game.
6 lines of green text isn't going to make me love life any less. There are better ways of dealing with your problems user. What do you do to help out in your community?

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You do know they have yout personality mapped out unless you are an NPC which I assume you're not…
They definitely follow the hot girls around.

Wake up and open your eyes. It's hell on earth.
Who are you really behind that keyboard.

I, too, pray for the DOTR


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Children can't give consent for sex. So either sex with women is impossible or any sex with women is rape. According to you. Checkmate.

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Given how women get away with retroactively withdrawing consent, i'd say you're right.

A husband has automatic consent because the wife is under his authority.

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Not sure if you are being deliberately stupid. (Actually I am sure).
You're supposed to fuck your wife. You're not supposed to fuck your kids. Everyone knows that.

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Who can't give consent.

Shlomo, imagine the twisted consent in the Talmud that allows you to fuck little boys. Now imagine the normal healthy version of that which is where you fuck your wife. Her father gave you all the consent you need when he married her off to you. If she had a problem with the marriage she would have stopped it by complaining to her father before the initial consummation.
I won't be replying to you again since you probably get paid for every reply you get from suckers like me.

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+ hormonal contraceptives reduce the ability of a woman to pair bond with her mate and, more scarily, with her children. So, if a woman goes back to HC after giving birth, it hampers her ability to bond with her child.

haha YES
really fucking makes you question why we hire niggers we don't know as custodians instead of keeping it ingroup where the children will be protected due to similar beliefs about how to raise children!

You can pick one.
Unless you are double thinking commie who wants to enslave women but call it freedom.
This is the problem with convservacucks they want to enslave women but have no bravery to call thing by proper words. Conservucucks want to virtue signal to world that they are good goys who reject slavery because its bad (okay? slavery is bad okay?). Of course their emancipation of women in words also give trump cards to liberals for real emancipation of women.

What do you mean? Teachers?

I mean rootless cosmopolitan (((capitalism))) is a detriment to society when compared to a clan system or something similar where you fund people you like and agree with; Instead, in capitalism, you fund people who give you feel goods or clean your shitter for the fewest value slips even though those people are subversives who will rape your children and sell your toilet bowl scrapings to geneticists.

There is a reality that does not conform to concepts like rights/consent/authority and we should deal with that instead of pretending everyone is on the same page.

Muttmerica was doomed long ago.

Yay Feminism.

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Meanwhile, the American Birthrate drops below extinction levels while *100,000,000* immigrants flood the borders to take, what would have been, our children's spot.
The Next generation is going to be the rudest, dumbest, and most Democrat generation that has ever walked the earth…

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It started down the path of self destruction when they shifted from an agrarian economy to a business economy. The path was cemented shortly after the civil war when Booth shot Lincoln, preventing any compromise between a federal currency and state currencies; leaving a massive hole for a jewish private bank to fill.

The mods are afraid of people saying reciprocate the firewall, pass it on