I'm white

I'm white.
My boss who calls me in to work shifts on 2 hours notice and pays me fuck-all is white.
The cops who beat the shit out of my brother over made up charges are white.
The agribusiness CEO who polluted our family farm with hog shit is white.
My corrupt representatives that allow all this to happen are white.
Basically everybody who has been a cunt to me and my family has been white.

How the fuck would an ethno-state benefit me?

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Nice blogpost, nigger faggot.
Lurk for 2 years before posting again and check my dubs

There’s a thread that the anons are more than happy to your question. Like said you need to lurk the moar for two years.


Answer me in my thread faggot.

Imagine how fucked you'd be living in Detroit.

I will answer your question if you post your question in .

You are the nigger now cumsk!n.

Dumb baboon, ethno-state / national socialism implies solidarity, community, SOCIALISM and so on. To judge the idea of an ethno-state based on your experiences in clown world is beyond stupid. Like basing your opinions off the movies you watch.

The world is controlled top-down by criminals. If you put somebody in charge that isn't, then all the problems down the line will disappear over time.


1. You will work harder for better pay and the incentive that your work helps your volk and nation.

2. Cops will respect communities instead of being brainwashed and jaded by jewish training programs and exposure to violent niggers.

3. Pollution and general mistreatment of the environment will be taboo.

4. Corruption will be replaced with meritocracy and accountability. Nat Soc does not tolerate wealness and failure.

5. Anecdotal evidence. Ask yourself who creates culture and why (((they))) might want things this way?

You wish you dirty shitskin. Go be Nat Soc in Apefrica not in white territory.

This question deserves its own thread.

Why is it that previous examples of national "socialism" involved crushing organized labor and waging war on other European countries? I don't see how fascism benefits anybody, least of all common people like my family.

What tools does white nationalism have at its disposal to deal with corrupt white criminals? Because it seems like right-wing politics only empowers the CEOs, police, and politicians who make thing miserable for white and black people alike.

You act like the God of Zig Forums bitch. Fuck you

The future English-speaking European ethnostate in North America is going to be a lot different. Everything about society is going to be restructured, with the thought of what will benefit working class whites the most. This is going to start with an ideology pushed in the schools, television, etc, which tends to instill the idea in us that we are one big family. This itself will probably be the greatest change in society, leading to a lot less internal violence and corruption.
Most important industries will be majority controlled by the government, and there will be formal procedures in place to answer the grievances of workers, which give workers the benefit of the doubt against management, though in which there are safe guards in place to catch people abusing the system.
As for small time farmers, the government will of course listen to their concerns. Ultimately, we are aiming at the development of a socialist society, where the government serves the interests of the people, and not itself. This doesn't mean there aren't contradictory interests between consumers of products and the people who create them, but the government will do its best to mediate any of these conflicts, with an eye towards what is best for working people.

He is right so please lurk the moar for two years.

Alright then prepare to have this thread deleted and you banned for posting low quality cuckchan thread.

That's because there is no such thing as right wing politics, or politics itself, when the whole system is controlled by criminals.

Common sense. Like for example direct capital punishment for inhumane crimes.

All the things that make Detroit shit didn't exist until neoliberal reform set in. There were two parent black households supported by decent union jobs up until the 70s.

Likewise, all the things you hate "niggers" for (absentee fathers, addiction, stupid names) are increasingly applicable to white people. isn't exactly wrong. Blacks were just the first casualties of capitalism, and white nationalism allows this degradation to ultimately spread to white populations because racists think "well at least it's not me." You all have your heads in the sand.

it won't benefit you. You will be a faggot regardless

it doesn't
it really doesn't



Because it was forced on both of them by jewish people. They call that move division and it's a war tactic.

Attached: Sun Tze.jpg (1920x1080, 513.66K)

Your sentiment is understandable.

This is why I despise the lofty sentiment of the Alt-Kike and many “pro-white” activists/groups who secrete the sentiment of “whites can do no wrong” or “white lives matter by default”

The traitors among us are even lower than our racial foes, for they have forsaken their noble birthright to sell out their own for personal gain while savoring the taste of kosher dick in their mouths.

It is not enough to simply be white. Proving oneself as a true Aryan warrior who will sacrifice anything for Total Victory is the real standard to hold high without compromise. The ideal of the Ethnostate would only harbor and serve the best of the best among us, with traitors serving as fertilizer at best.

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Stopped reading there. Neck yourself weeb scum.

This is where I have given up on Zig Forums completely. Whites have ZERO regard for one another outside of immediate family, other groups like jews or indians who place great importance on it will prevail in the long run. Stop being so fucking individualistic first and quit larping with the ethostate bullshit when you refuse to even financially support one of your own. Fuck outta here

If you were wouldn't have made this slide, cunt.

Niggerjew trying this hard

It's a problem in all western countries I think, but it's amplified in the US by our weird Protestant libertarian culture. My family is so poor and fucked over that we've yet to degenerate into barbarism, but some of my friends have been kicked out by their own Boomer evangelical parents on their 18th birthday.

You are an idiot user.

This. Want an example just take a look at the altright tools always pulling each other's legs. As they say we really will be below 7—10% by 2100.

I stole a woman's car, I crashed it into another one's, I got out, they both fought me, I beat one of them down, two guys come to attack me, a taxi driver comes and helps me, I nearly get knocked out by the second guy so I run away, there's a cop car not far off, I run to the police and he's still chasing me, the cops get out, draw their weapons, and start to arrest the two guys. I take the cop car, I escape and as I look back I crash it into a pole and end up in the hospital.

Now I'm here.

This, white traitors who are not worthy of their race are lower than niggers.

Don't judge individuals, don't just see the color. Understand natural law and teach it, otherwise there will be endless division.

Blood comes from the family unit, many family units are called a collective, which is the race. Race protects family, which creates clean blood, which creates individual traits. These traits will then be used to strengthen the collective (race), which creates culture. Add a fixed position and you call that a country, which will grow into a nation, which is called a civilization.

All these individual parts working together is required to create the best possible offspring, and every attack against any individual part reduces the quality of the offspring. Blood equals life, and it needs to be protected at all costs.

Gas yourself faggot.

mentally is semite/nigger
white skin color it's first and good but not enough
if you don't understand it you are on the wrong board

Would you prefer it if Arabs Blacks Jews or Chinese were a cunt to you?
People are cunts, diversity doesn't change that.
Can you name a single improvement it's going to make to you, are you hoping diversity will make the ethnic minority the cuntee and you the cunt?

Lol back to reddit nigger.

This didnt deserve a thread, why do the kike shills always pretend to be borderline retarded, anybody actually new would look around first before taking a shit in the watersupply, kiles poison the well first and ask questions later.

I don't see how diversity makes a difference when the people ruining everything are bosses, cops, and politicians: not brown people.

If I had a Chinese boss I'd hate him too.
If an Arab guy gets fucked over by faggot cops like my brother did, then he understands our situation far better than some retarded white bootlicker does.

I know that, but how do you think you can just undo all that damage in a couple years and have a great functioning nation state with no degeneracy. Or are you planning long drawn out war and chaos for years before a handful of survivors can begin this utopia anew?

Did you just ip hop?

>>>Zig Forums
You ousted your self.

Phoneposting at work, sorry.

I outed myself in my first post. There's been no point in my thread where I pretended to sympathize with your retarded ideas.

Atleast try not to use newspeak words when posting on h8chan. Take this to reddit

It muddies the water and creates division among people who would otherwise be able to point the finger and say " You Sir are a greedy cunt" and there be no manufactured race, sex problem.
Diversity is just further division allowing cunts that have floated to the top to remain there.

I understand what you're against, but what system are you proposing as the alternative?

Where has it had great success?

The alternative is National Socialism and its cousin Fascism. You can learn about them and their glorious successes on this board and elsewhere.

Why answer a question meant for OP?

I misread. Ignore it user.

I'm in favor of labor-driven democratic socialism. I like Jeremy Corbyn and wish a US politician had his balls.

I want politics to be unapologetically pro-worker and anti-imperialist. All of the refugees that people complain about are only here because of Western-backed militarism and coups. I refuse to blame my problems on people from Central Americans escaping years of Hillary/Obama/Trump meddling.

I think performative liberal wokeness, indentity politics, and racism create those divisions, not the mere presence of ethnic minorities. The proud Latinx womyn in your HR department who tries to get you fired for any minor transgression is a demented product of capitalism's professional managerial class, not something intrinsic.

Where has democratic socialism had success in a diverse country?

None of that would be possible if they had not been dumped off into our countries and told that these are now their countries, in fact there are no countries, because an un-nameable un-checkable global entity already is a global government in all but name.
And if they all went home it would be fucking blatantly obvious who was making these factions. Of course their presence is a pre-requisite for those manufactured problems to be possible.
Life was less complicated before their arrival, and I can see no benefit at all, not one, since they arrived (I'm old). Corbyn is a nasty little Fabian ideologue, do not assume you know what he's about, just the marxist opposition to the zionist. All fake.

Public institutions like universal healthcare and university have been successful in every advanced economy that has implemented them.

What very diverse country would be on that list?

They weren't merely dumped in your country by chance. Somebody went to their countries first and incorporated them into your supply chain. Somebody forced them to speak your language. Somebody converted them to your religion. Somebody continues to conduct drone strikes and raids in their territory. Somebody backs rebels the moment they try to elect a left-wing government. Somebody knows they can be employed for half the rate you're asking for. There's no need to resort to conspiracies when the naked economic interest of the ruling class is so readily apparent.

hi CM, I hope you like such quality threads. Please delete QTDDTOT

go live in detroit. civnat faggot.

dude, there is r/t_d I'm sure you will love that place. Plus you will love all the niggers wearing maga hat!

Yet another dumb ass commie on Zig Forums.

And they wouldn't be killed/deported by chance too.

Anything else you want to say?

It's not even civnat.

The OP is a commiecuck.

He loves all niggers if they are communist. Just send him to Africa.