Gold in the Furnace by Savitri Devi
In this volume an ardent National Socialist gives a passionate and moving account of life in occupied Germany in the aftermath of World War II. With a scathing indictment of Allied brutality and hypocrisy, the author describes how individual National Socialists were subjected to “de-Nazification” by Germany’s democratic “liberators” through torture, starvation, imprisonment, show trials, murder and other horrors. She also chronicles the systematic plunder of a prostrate Germany by the Allies. Despite it all, Savitri Devi viewed this as part of a purification process—a trial by fire, separating base metal from the gold—the prelude to a new beginning. 294 pages/hardcover & softcover
The Good Society by Matt Koehl
What would Hitler do about Wall Street bailouts, the Federal Reserve and big banks, about the national debt, recession, mortgage foreclosures and mass unemployment, about student loans, national health care, and all the other pressing economic and social issues we face? In this unique booklet Matt Koehl gives us a fair idea, as he describes how things were done when Hitler was in charge, lifting a bankrupt, impoverished nation up out of the Great Depression to the heights of health and prosperity withing the span of just a few short years. 24 pages/softcover
Hitler’s Priestess by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
One of the most remarkable figures of postwar National Socialism was Savitri Devi, who played an amazing role in the revival of the Hitler movement and who was one of the founding members of the World Union of National Socialists. Returning to a war-torn Europe from India—where she had gone in 1932 to immerse herself in ancient Aryan traditions—she became a missionary of the Hitler faith to the German fatherland. Imprisoned under the Allied occupation, she continued her personal witness, writing, teaching and inspiring. Here is the fascinating story of a most unusual woman. Illustrations. 269 pages/hardcover
Ich kämpfe / I Fight
This book was presented to every member of the NSDAP. After World War II the Allies tried to burn it. Included are remarks by key National Socialist figures, quotations of the Führer, a description of the National Socialist way of life, a statement of purpose, a listing of important NS dates, a brief history, an honor roll of martyrs of the Movement, the Pledge of Loyalty, words to the Horst Wessel Song, and more. Reprint of the 1943 edition. English/German text. Illustrated. 142 pages/softcover
The Importance of Race in Civilization by Wayne Maclead
Challenging the anti-racial canards of academia and the media, the author shows that they represent a distortion of the facts and are based not on logic, but on emotional sentimentalism. He makes the case that the peoples which have saved themselves from extreme outbreeding—the Germanic Aryans, the Chinese and Japanese—are the ones which aspire to greatness. 90 pages/softcover
The Inequality of Races by Count Arthur de Gobineau
The classic study of racial variation and its effect upon human societies, which pioneered modern racial science. Recognizing that there are both strong and weak races, the author examines the former, to analyze their qualities and trace them back to their origins. 214 pages/softcover
The International Jew by Henry Ford
The great auto pioneer’s critical study of Jewish influence on various aspects of American life—including finance, politics, music, motion pictures, entertainment and public morality. Essential. 231 pages/softcover
Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak
Rarely does a Jew speak with such candor as does the author of this amazing volume. Drawing on a masterful study of the Talmud, Shahak traces the 3,000-year-old record of Jewish hostility and hatred toward non-Jews. This devastating study is must reading for anyone interested in understanding a most troublesome question. 130 pages/softcover
Judaism in Music by Richard Wagner
Famous critique of Jewish artistic deficiency by the Master of Bayreuth. For those who appreciate true Aryan culture and the music of the Führer’s favorite composer. Unabridged. 44 pages/softcover
The Myth of the Twentieth Century by Alfred Rosenberg
As the leading ideologue of the NSDAP, Alfred Rosenberg was an uncompromising foe of every tendency—whether racial, religious, political or philosophical—which he judged to be alien or opposed to the Nordic-Germanic soul. It was ideas like these which led to his death by slow hanging at Nuremberg in 1946. 470 pages/hardcover
The Nameless War by Archibald Ramsey
Concise history of the age-old conflict between the peoples of the West and the Jews and their money power, as told by a prominent former member of the British Parliament, who was summarily arrested and imprisoned without charge during the Second World War. 130 pages/softcover