Not much else to add. Jimmies were rustled.
Note the young female journo hovering around.
Bitches love loud racists
Not much else to add. Jimmies were rustled.
Note the young female journo hovering around.
Bitches love loud racists
Wiesenthal admitted to making up the 5 million holocausted gentiles. Even after the Trump controversy that drew attention to how fake that figure is, it's still everywhere.
They held a festival for a supposed massacre?
Nobody called them on that?
why would a local group announce their event on a heavily monitored imageboard before doing it? do you even flash demo?
have a bump
It's sick they way goyim want to fit into the holocaust by having 1 million less victims like a sign of submission.
מישיגנ מנצחון
Everytime one of you goyim denies the holocaust 1 million more Jews have died in the Holocaust, remember that, goy.
I think it's Billy Roper and his group.
Absolutely based, keep it up
jesus christ get a megaphone next time
Lol the old veteran said the box car was filled with bodies and they could see their eyes and some of them were moving but they were all dead. Was that a script typo?
I know, Im still happy to know that this is taking place and the OP brought it to my attention.
The armed american public are the only thing standing in the way of the kikes and world domination
There are so many fantastic stories. There might be a compilation vid, but if not, there should be, serious red pill listening.
As much as I agree with their sentiments, I think the protest would have been more productive if their signs actually address aspects of the Holocaust myth. We should be brainstorming single sentence Holohoax redpills for events like this.
Those fucking bodies are from people dying of malaria and starvation. All the fucking pictures are people dying of these causes, many of them also were all Germans, or other Europeans. Millions of Europeans in World War II never got the dignity of being blown to bits or shot to death, they simply wasted away from disease and malnutrition. That's what the bodies are about. It's not evidence of a supposed holocaust.
Btw everyone saying "Nazi" instead of National Socialist in this thread is a newfag or hasn't been a frequent poster.
No, actually they do not, my mothers father used to yell, her husband yelled, women are fearful of loud voices. Loud voices upset people, that is the purposes of this video, scary hate filled men yelling. Makes me want to pee myself.
how strong can you glow
How many light-years of cock can you take?
I can take a lot of kikes like you who make those low-effort theatres for goyim to make the society scared of muh ebil natzies.
There were polls recently that most people don't remember about Holocaust, so then kikes do shit like this and expect us to not see through their tricks
Those polls were done by neurotic lying kikes to galvanize their own to action, aka more whining. Everyone, literally everyone, still knows about the holohoax, you mouthbreathing idiot.
nah fuck that you can't be shouting shit like this and not be ready for the consequences and I know those mother fuckers would bend the knee and cry "muh free speech" the second they get some push back.
Nice numbers.
That doesn't looked like staged protest by shills to make the alt-right look even more retarded, at all. I wonder who's behind it?
Holocaust revisionism has always been promoted by Jews to keep the Holocaust in the news and justify the constant brainwashing. Look at how Deborah Lipstadt made a killing from her shitty book. Any anons promoting revisionism are just useful idiots for the shoah business.
Controlled opposition. How can I tell? Yelling "6 million more" assumes that this imaginary holocaust event actually has taken place.
Yes there were boxcars filled with bodies thanks to allied bombings of Germany. Even according to jewish 'historians' all the alleged death camps were in Poland. No American serviceman came near anywhere near them.
One shekel has been deposited to you account Moshe.
Nice try, shlomo, but you're the one who wants to keep everyone talking about the Holocaust so the normies keep saying 'never forget!', weeping for the poor persecuted Jews and buying books on those ebil Holocaust deniers.
Based fashy lads!
Based Billy
Video saved
Those ears are not the ears of a gentile
shut your mouth cuck
Just look at his nose.
Also notice how he’s wearing a hat and glasses. I wasn’t able to find an image of him online without the hat and glasses or much info about him either.
you mad Jew? Have you heard enough yet? Have you gotten tired of me shitting on your parade yet?
While they need better leadership and organization shouting 6 million more at jews is still a decent lol
Literally can’t find anything on the internet except this story of him being hassled by nazi’s. No pics without hat and glasses. No info about his life besides the story of him liberating the concentration camps.
Here’s another picture I found. Obvious round bulbous Jew nose is obvious. I bet he has brown eyes and a slopping forehead also.
Even if this isn't the best way to wake people up, it's always good to get the Jews upset over this stuff.
(((Beryl Wolfson)))
Bogus staged event.
Notice the Atomwaffen masks, this was an FBI false flag.
but shills gotta shill
It's an important thing for them to preserve their victim status so no one can question why so many of them have elite status.
Too much like antifa. Can't help but dislike them. Lanky arms, hiding their faces, emasculated screaming, failed attempts at being intimidating etc. Look like they just left the arcade and decided to do a little LARP before heading home to watch cartoons. Bunch of faggots. Where are the men? There's not one fully developed man there.
It was probably local antifa. The little stumpy tag-along bimbo looks exactly like the kind of girl you'd see with them. Plus their frail builds and stupid attire looks exactly like antifa.
pretty sure we have a (((Veteran))) on our hands. as this user (>>13269786) points out
That's a good point, we need short and simple holohoax memes.
Thanks for your work anons
Excellent points
I'll add that the "heckling" was low ball tier. soft enough that the speaker can continue without much issue. all the taunts were overly simple and basic, easy to just ignore.
Notice that all of the men you mentioned were getting laid.
I see degenerate neo-Nazis acting irrational and insane, while their opposition is calm and understanding.
Congrats on looking like retards.
It's 11 million now? Do they have a time machine or something and they keep fucking up, Back to The Future style?
White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites
Wanna bet their leader is a Jew?
billy roper is not a jew
White Nationalism the the only way to stop the genocide of Whites
lol snopes, a tottaly unbiased fact checking site goyim. really you can trust them