Saw this yesterday when I was literally just walking past the TV. Kikes are getting worried that the younger generations don't even know what the holocaust propaganda is anymore.
Let's rip this shit apart.
Saw this yesterday when I was literally just walking past the TV. Kikes are getting worried that the younger generations don't even know what the holocaust propaganda is anymore.
Let's rip this shit apart.
Other urls found in this thread:
I was at a protest run by some kikes, and they're physically shaking at the idea of losing the zoomers. Kids prefer to smoke weed and play Nintendo than learn about the Holohoax.
I bet there is some kike somewhere out there right now advocating students should be required to take an entire class on the holocaust.
Zoomers: don't smoke weed in a pipe, smoke Jews in a chimney.
They were pretty pissed about the idea of (((teachers))) losing their jobs because the gubmint is going to use more online shit. I look forward to redpilling zoomers via social media memes when they're supposed to be learning about the 6 trillion.
Team Mario the based Italian for life
Can anyone find that pirate jew who escaped the gas chamber line by running away? Braunda? Brawnda? Brandon Not even sure how to spell it.
To be fair, from ages 8 to 15 my "social studies" and "History" classes were basically just a proxy for 150 days per year of Holocaust training.
Down south they don't bother, it's just 9 months of "this is about how your white ancestors were evil racist slave owners" civil war studies.
We also have a whole lot of niggers and niggers don't care about jews.
How are we supposed to rip it apart without the link to the video user?
I cut the only part of the video out that matters it was from the Nightly News May 10
these shoes were also displayed at the holohoax museum.
They will never let the is forget.
Those are fake, they don't have a sock in them to convey a made up story.
If anti-semitism is such an issue, then they shouldn't behave in a manner that brings it about
And how will that change the Zoomers? kek
Maybe they'll get a Holocaust tat?
It's easy to escape by turning off the Talmudvision, ignoring forced indoctrination in school and conducting independent research.
They will soon want everyone implanted with mind control chips so goyim nevah fahget and completely lock down the internet.
Q: "How often do you think of 'Ouchwitz'"
A: "Every day. Every day. All the time."
Oy Vey
I live in Alabama. It's a lesson plan in the 1st grade and 5th grade here. Twice a year you're taught about the Holocaust. Before your balls even drop.
This is a few years back in germany:
My history teacher was this young buff dude who was in the military and all the girls, even the muslim girls, wanted to fuck him. There was this one female teacher who also wanted him and after the 1 week schooltrip to one of the KZs in western germany he had let the class who were majority muslim marsh though rain and mud around the camp to "get the feeling for it" and didnt fuck this female teacher so she told everybidy that he was a secret nazi and that he had tried to redpill her.
Also my other older female history teacher actually played us hitler speeches and showed us a documentary in jewish kids in the hitler youth and jews in the wehrmacht.
I Send My Inner Light To You And Your History Teacher
turns out, the famous "pile of shoes" was not from Jews, it was FOR Jews.
The shoes had just been "harvested" from all the dead of Dresden who were in fact "gassed" to death in bomb shelters in the firestorm.
I'm not making that up. Someone please find for me.
Do these Jews have no shame?
Are you referring to this?
Either way, jews are lying, thieving rats.
Haven’t they ever thought that they might have desensitised them to the point that the kids don’t care about the holohoax anymore?
Well.then they'll just have to create a new holohoax for the millennials to care about
Oh vey! remember the holocaust everyday. goyim!
they cant help themselves. as the saying goes: "semitism causes anti-semitism"
Where’s that testimony of a kid who survived eight attempts to gas him, each time with fewer lice.
Wow was it that easy? JUST run away from the line?
It is easy for them to make their own sentence lines up.
Can someone please correct the misspelt word in ? I will reward you a gas star if you do.
It did not happen in the first place, but boy does thought of it happening in my lifetime put a ridiculous smile on my face.
They already do.
The problem for the jews is that even among themselves it's mainly old guys, old boomers that are pushing the holocaust narrative. Not only zoomers don't care about it; young jews don't care about it. It's irrelevant to them. It's ancient history and ancient history is a bore. They want to be up to the minute and contemporaneous.
The holocaust is a joke now. When the boomers all finish disappearing from the planet, just like we watched the WWI tards coughing and hacking up their nicotine rotted lungs and spitting up the blood from their alcohol ravaged guts and just like we suddenly noticed the entire WWII generation had disappeared, we too will vanish into the void and finally this stupid story by Eli Weisel will be gone forever.
I like the way you think, it brings new hope in a blackpilled vision of the world.
FYI the holocaust never happened.
This does not stop the filthy kikes from bragging about it endlessly.