Transphobic doctor claims anime makes people trans, gets shut down by Twitter
I always knew that people who post anime girls here are actually trannies or some kinda sissies.Japs are fucking evil stop watching their cartoons Zig Forums
Transphobic doctor claims anime makes people trans, gets shut down by Twitter
I always knew that people who post anime girls here are actually trannies or some kinda sissies.Japs are fucking evil stop watching their cartoons Zig Forums
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My thoughts: It's because anime/manga figures are drawn unrealistically, the viewer/reader projects themselves into the characters. Anime/manga characters are often either hyper-masculine, or extremely feminine. And since males in general are not really masculine any more, they probably identify more with the female characters, especially since they get emotionally attached (waifus).
This is being done on purpose to Japanese and Western men. Harem anime and hentai is programming.
Weaboos believe that playing with dolls is absolutely a fine masculine activity, as long as you fap to them afterwards. They are completely disconnected to reality in regards of their hobby-identity, and whenever they defend it against accusations of being a bunch of faggots with pedo tendencies, their responses are identical to an LGBT manifesto. Watching cartoons is one thing, watching degeneracy with the flimsiest excuse that's japanese and not american is an altogether different beast.
I've never talked to a weeb whose argument went beyond 'it's not real people' or 'watching media doesn't affect your beliefs'. And when I point out that they frown upon consuming degenerate material like gay or furry porn, they clam up and start animeposting.
Probably true tbh
This is the calling card of the normalfag: self-obsession. I see it all the time in the new video game community. People play video games and see the characters as literally themselves, and they get intensely offended if that character isn't also gay/bi-racial/trans-black/dragonkin like them too. These philistines are incapable of enjoying good characters and stories that just happen to be different from their own snowflake self-obsession.
They infect movies and TV and books and art and all forms of consumed media. Nobody ever taught them the basic critical thinking part of it all:
Compound anime, with discord or Faceberg groups and a WinRAR is you!
That's it, anime and animae. A waifu is simply your idealised sexual counterpart. It doesn't imply autogynephilia
Not politics related. Reported.
this is absurd
I like and watch anime, but it would not surprise me that with all of the degeneracy present in some anime that some mentally ill white men could have their condition exacerbated watching anime. It can consume your life and lead to even more deviant (((pornographic))) tastes and fetishes.
Boy I could see the jew from the thumbnail, I don't know why op can't unless he's some kinda slack jawed glow in the dark nigger faggot.
So are the trannies.
Op isn't a faggot.
Based and weebpilled.
No kind of pornography is as degenerate as 3D films where actual women are employed as living fleshlights and ruined forever. Most hentai is pretty harmless in comparison given how nobody gets hurt
Nah, Blanchard is not a Jew and is in fact hated by kosher psychologists for believing transsexualism to be a mental disease (something which I can agree with)
Half the shit on here isn't… Have a cry weeb.
Since this goes along with my confirmation bias I will believe it.
My thoughts: if you have mental problems you can find a scapegoat for all your actions; like cutting your dick off and blaming animu. I grew up on shit like Akira, Bubble Gum Crisis, Vampire Princess Miyu, Lodoss War, Devil Man, Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the North Star, etc… I've never wanted to fuck men, be fucked by men, pretend I'm a BIG TIDDIE CATGIRL, or want to cut my dick off.
Hentai (like all porn) absolutely effects how you behave in real life. 2D porn is extremely depraved. Libido Dominandi still applies. Find a girlfriend, faggot.
Mine Neger!
Your fallacy is that you believe that everything in NSFW anime material is clearly depraved (all hentai is guro and scat), whereas any kind of sexual relationship between a man and a woman is wholesome and free of toxicity
Well, I think that some people just have more resilience against that stuff, or are at peace with themselves to a degree that they don't automatically engage in this extreme form of escapism. Granted, it is often escapism to watch any entertainment, but that's escaping the world, not escaping yourself.
I don't think he did imply that all hentai is guro and scat. However, almost all hentai is extremely degrading to either the man or the woman.
That's a different matter. If you watch hentai, you are not in control of what happens. But in a real relationship, it can only get as depraved as you allow.
ALL porn is depraved, retard. This is common sense for anyone not living in filth. You’re trying to rationalize your porn addiction by claiming that if it’s not real people it’s somehow okay! I’ve watched hentai and looked at NSFW anime material, I know it’s not all scat and guro. It’s still degenerate mind-poison. You’re not an animal, control your lusts and direct them towards positive ends
This was not implied at all
Why do retards need doctors to tell them this?
Never met a single person who watched anime that wasn't either:
A. Retarded
B. A faggot
C. A closet faggot
Don't believe me? I'd dare you to find an an*mefag discord and stay on it for an entire hour. Then tell me how much your IQ dropped and how suicidal you've become.
He didn't say that, but your hasty unsubstantiated rebuttal is telling. Creating a whole identity after an hobby (cartoon masturbation) is shameful and not something a white man should do.
Fucking patrician taste, user. Also, your argument is spot on. These are the same faggots who wanted to get rid of violent vidya in the 90s because it was going to turn children into school shooters. Same shit, different label.
I will, however, add that degenerate shit (transgender/trap/homosexual/interracial etc.) in any entertainment, Hollyjew or anime, should be called out for what it is, which the normalization of socially destructive behavior.
Won't somebody think of the imaginary people
When you look for lewds you are very much free to check only what you want to check and you can stop at any time.
In an ideal world with wholesome socio-sexual customs being widely respected maybe
If you only say "find a girlfriend" you are very much implying that you just need to find a girlfriend to escape a toxic lifestyle
"Creating a whole identity"? I must have missed the birth and rise of hentai nationalism
I think he’s telling you to find a girlfriend in real life if you want to cum so bad. Self-improvement is not achieved in a single swoop
I will never surrender my waifus.
I hope you don’t unironically think that watching fictional characters has no effect on your views and perceptions. If 2D didn’t effect people it wouldn’t evoke such emotional responses :^)
I don't see the problem with this. if these low-IQ retards are dumb enough to forget which gender they are they deserve what happens. It's a form of eugenics mate.
Imagine being a woman so repulsive that 2D images of women are preferable compared to you.
No, it's not, because eugenics is about making mankind better through selective breeding and genetic control. This is a form of dysgenics.
2D is now superior to 3D thanks to post-modernism and relativism, which pushed the contradictory idea of "ugly is beautiful", and (((female empowerment))). Men are innately attracted to cute, beautiful things; we want to protect them and fend for them, and nowadays, anime is doing a better job of it than actual women.
Reminder: 3DPD stands for dirty, demeaning, dangerous and pig disgusting.
Anime is a Jewish/Jewpanese Masonic Zionist Psy-ops designed by glow niggers in order to push homosexuality upon the West. Jewpanese sociologists and psychological warfare experts design anime for the sole purpose of ensuring a safety net for Jewpan in case they decide to betray us and attack our land again like they did in Pearl Harbor! Dirty evil Imperial Jewpanese politicians think that anime fans will vote against attacking Jewpan!
As OP has stated, our scientists have concrete, factual, undeniable proof that Jewpanese anime is specifically designed in order to push buttons in all the right places to induce homosexuality into the American population. What's even worse, Jewpanese scientists, psychologists and professional influencers are getting BETTER at this day after day. If we don't attack Jewpan right now, America is under threat!
We can't let Jewpanese influencers introduce more degeneracy into American soil.
Ban Anime Now
Ban Anime Now
Ban Anime Now
Anime attracts faggots, anime doesn't turn people into said faggots.
Only the weak-minded and the fools cannot keep the realm of fiction separate from reality. Trying to understand the messages of a certain anime like, let's say, the Miyazaki/Oishi/Kon anime or movies is good, even having fun with stuff like Urobuchi's creations, laughing at how over the top TTGL is, getting to love the characters in Shirobako and understand their take on work life, all this is okay. But if anime warps your RL behavior and your sexual identity, going as far as crossdressing and having sex with other men due to it, you should go to a shrink immediately.
I'm a HUGE Touhou fan and think cosplaying is okay or even fun, but mentally deranged fucks make a bad name out of originally harmless hobbies. I've been to two Reitaisai and stuff went smoothly and harmlessly, and then on a certain chat platform, somebody sent me a link that showed nip faggots crossdressing as 2hus and having homosexual sex or masturbating on camera.
Like what the fuck?
If a mentally ill man cuts his dick off and pretends to be a girl that's genetic control and therefore eugenics.
What I don't understand is how you need to be "strong-minded" to resist the urges to not be a complete flaming faggot?
Do people really need to discipline themselves to maintain being their gender?
America is the source of degeneracy, that spreads like a cancer into the rest of the world. You are the first home of world jewry, Israel itself is a distant second.
Don't lump us in with those communist faggots in California. California is not America.
I think everyone agrees that porn is poison. Well, Hentai is porn on steroids.
Virtually American culture is cancer, the only culture in America that isn't cancer is what little of your British heritage survived the leftist, liberal cancer of 1776 (the American treason against God, King, and Country).
Because that worked out so well for the Brits when they were prostrating for the brown hordes in their former colonies while also simultaneously trying to start world war three over the fucking Falklands.
Homosexuality is the very definition of Darwinism. If you fall into it, it's basically Nature telling you you're not fit to be with women for reproduction.
Compared to the Islamic colonies of Europistan or English "cuisine"? Pot, kettle. Also, how'd World war 2 work out for you Bongs? Losing all of your power and prestige was real fun right?
How am I wrong? If you cannot keep your emotions and your perception of reality in check, you become a hindrance to society. End of the line.
America is 56% white (less, actually, since that number counts Arabs, Indians, etc), you are already dead of your own godless leftism.
In all seriousness, this about on the level of "video games make people violent". It's absurd.
Do they not realise how popular Dragon Ball Z was? It's an anime. It was by far the #1 rated childrens show on TV in 2002. I'm pretty confident that the majority of that age group are still normal healthy males.
Pic related, another precious waifu that I will treasure forever.
You're mistaken. It doesn't take a strong-minded person to resist faggotry. It takes a normal-minded person. That's why those who descend into it are called weak-minded. They are below the mental baseline.
And all of Europe has been flooded with millions of african niggers how white is Europe still? I would be surprised if Sweden was even still 20% white at this point and all of the cities in the UK make Detroit look like fucking Switzerland.
women having sex are not ruined forever. clearly you haven't been in a relationship for 40 years with a female and have serious christian jewish sexual hang-ups.
Assault Butterknives limey :^)
Not today's or the last generation's culture, weeb. What was your rallying cry again? "I wanna be the little girl"?
Europe is much whiter than the degenerate egalitarian hellhole of America, tbh.
Nice guns you have there, at what point do you claim you'll actually use them? When you're the last white man left? You'll throw them down even then.
The more sexual partners a woman has before getting married, the larger is the risk of subsequent marital instability and divorce. The ancients knew this, and this is why virginity is valued in women. Women are ruined if they have sex before marriage and there is a thin line between a slightly corrupted woman who has been fucked once or twice and full blown whore
Women with more than one sexual partner are at least 20% more likely to get a divorce. Depending on how many cocks she's had in her it gets to more than a 60% chance of divorce for the bigger whores.
Tell that to Sweden, France, and London.
Of course the Bong tries to make the thread all about his shambling, crumbling island full of savage niggers and "asians" and of his "united" kingdom of people who would sooner stab the God, King and Country in the back while the droning masses straight out of 1984 would passively bleat as everything goes to shit.
Fuck, the Frogs at least had the balls to rise up against the (((EU))) and not simply threaten to "leave".
I'm pretty sure it's all a meme to begin with, a meme that got taken way too serious by people that have no idea about internet culture. These are the same people that made videos about being at people that make caustic comments on the internet. They get offended by the usual "kill yourself", they are "triggered" whenever you make assumptions about them, they are IRL sheeps and their degeneracy will be their doom.
INB4 more Ass fuck weeabs get mad
ancients? as in the highly promiscuous greeks? the highly promiscuous romans? the highly promiscuous egyptians? no, idiot you're referring to the jews, the muslims, and the christians, you are parroting Judaism. And you don't even fucking get it.
you're an idiot too. sound like a filthy christ-cuck, the type thst for several hundred years would cast their daughter to a market square because she was interested in a boy
You degenerate moral fag fucks don't even understand you continue the jew cycle of subjugation.
So the loudest faggots get the most attention. Seems like startlingly familiar situation… The White Left?
thats a small part of anime
In no way does this indicate all anime is trash
nor does it indicate the japanese aren't honorary aryans
if a normal slice of life anime is all it takes for you to become a transgender then you are a kike natural selection weak get purged
Explain Harem animu or its mutant bastard the Isekai genre then. With its bland, overly formulaic protagonists who are OP and have the universe revolve around them. Those aren't rolemodels like Koji Kabuto, Guy Shishioh or even Kamina of all characters, those are puppets, mere vessels for the average NEET or loser to project themselves into, which is going to lead into dark places.
not a kike, at all, but there is natural human sexuality, and then there is degenerate human sexuality. By promoting cocks, whores, you drive white women into the arms of niggers, it's pathetic, how stupid you are, influenced by childhood christianity, judaism, and islam, as I said princess, clearly, you don't listen to your elders, and haven't been in a relationship with a living, breathing female for 40 years. When you have tell me about your little roastie promoting fantasy dreamworld you live in.
English nigger do you speak it?
There are only two things that need to be known:
A. Everyone that watches anime is a complete faggot. Whiny, narcissistic, and usually autistic.
B. Anime is made by J*panese.
Therefore, we can conclude that anime is garbage and so are the people who watch it.
Gee, sure a great fucking argument OP, definitely deserves a fucking thread. What else, wanna make threads about your local pharmacist thinking that niggers are bad?
i enjoyed most isekai series because it was simple and entertaining
i never once could project me into said characters i
it was just a way to consume time
If anyone actually becomes mentally ill because of an isekai they need to fucking rot natural selection my guy
harem anime is fucking cancer and needs to die its a shitstain on reality that i agree with
hentai can be more degenerate than normal porn because its drawn so theres more freedom for fetishes
or should i remind you guys the same thing
happens to fucking sonic characters?
its just the mentally ill being mentally ill it has nothing to do with hentai in general
if you havent watched/read/played at least three of these dont talk to me
the promised neverland
dmc series
hunter x hunter
kokou no hitto
fist of the north star
full metal alchemist brotherhood
attack on titan
all of the above are woke af if you got a problem feel free to neck yourself
you accept zero responsibility that declining white birth rates have anything to do with male opinions of human sexuality? As if there is a disconnect, if I was a women (of which I am not) and heard you reference females with your human sexuality viewpoint (((cocks & whores))) I'd have nothing to do with you long term either. If I was your father I'd punch you in the gut, grab you by the hair and wash your filthy fucking mouth out with a bar of soap and tell you to respect your mother.
You idiots do not even see, declining birth rates are the failure of MEN, understanding females on the level of human sexuality because of your outdated Victorian moral code. Perhaps subjugating a female with your bullshit last a while, but it leads to divorce in less than 5 years.
Only arrogant fools think they are immune to subconscious programming (which is combined with chemical poisoning (food, hormones in water, chemtrails etc.) and now with the 5g grid, who knows what is being pumped into you)
I don't know how you can be on Zig Forums and obsess over foreign culture targeted at children.
Anime is gay. Even the art style is gay
Where the fuck is MD Geist? Getter Robo? Made in Abyss? or Kengan Asura?
Getter Robo is fucking awesome, bretty good taste user.
it's only dysgenics if we don't ostracize them and isolate them like we should
Nigger take your love of whores and go take an English class I can barely understand your retarded ass.
Opinion discarded.
The manga series should've been animated. Smdh.
i heard those where pretty good user
joujo senki was amazing user good taste
im sad that only the degenerate shit gets enough viewers and revenue
all the good series go on hiatus or get aborted halfway in
Have you not seen the front page of any Manga hosting sites? or Kadokawa's official stance on the matter? The same Kadokawa who axed Tatsuki.
Imagine posting on a chan while thinking anime turns people into degenerates. How does that even work? Did they come here via (((facebook))) or something?
attack is literally about uberhitler
If anything anime turned most of the people here into nazis.
attack on titan
It reinforced it, at least on my case
Unfortunately not possible as the manga is unfinished and no one really wants to touch it because of that. Sad that we'll never see an ending to the saga.
I've been busy watching cassics recently so I'm out of touch with modern animu. What fun stuff can you recommend user? I'm not looking for anything deep even really, just some shows to clear my mind in between more serious stuff.
I've been watching Aria The Animation after watching the entirety of Texhnolyze. The despair that the second causes was a weird contrast to the comfy happiness of Aria. A weird experience, made me think about how horrible and beautiful things can exist next to each other and despair as well as happiness both being a part of life.
the good anime is redpilled af and exposes the kikes beyond belief
it also gives lots of metaphysical knoweldge if you are smart enough to read between the lines
also thats what i said
these are all npc's who think in absolutes just as progammed as leftists
because everyone says anime is bad anime must be bad beep boop bop
It's moreso due to the fact that everyone who watched anime is a piece of trash, in actions and behavior.
Every single time there's someone I dislike upon meeting I find out they watch anime. Every. Single. Time.
there are reasons the flood of South Americans, and Mexicans (((highly Catholic))) is occurring, along with muslims (((again Abrahamic devotees))) Jews control the populaces with mind control, value control, moral control, ie: religion
It's just so god damn stupid to either see Jews masking themselves as NatSocialists or NatSocialists pigeonholing themselves with Jewish beliefs about female/male human sexuality.
My English is extremely well articulated, I learned it when Roger Staubach was Captain America for the Dallas Cowboys you faggot fucking troll.
i dont know if my opinion is valued but
i heavily reccomend reading berserk
coz the anime gives you eye cancer
just play the berserk ost in the background
i also reccomend the promised neverland
watch the anime then continue with the manga
its 9/10 at least
magi naturally both manga and anime
vagabond and kingdom
i suggest you play the devil may cry series as well
well then user do you dislike me ?
as I said you are an ignorant asshole living in a fantasy world who doesn't have $2,500.00 in their checking account.
Have you thought that this might be due to you being incompatible with this sort of people, and be just your own subjective opinion?
I've already been reading Berserk user, it's good, I'll have to go back to it. The promised Neverland is on my list, so is Magi. The two last titles you recommended seem bretty cool as well.
I have Devil May Cry 3 currently installed on my PC, I will have to go back to it, it's fucking awesome.
google the kalergi plan
i just think its funny how the kikes stopped hiding
and also seem to be trying to get us to attack the governements in a civil war it feels like bait honestly to start a race war or w/e
remember brenton wasn't a kike but he was influenced by the kikes
shills are everywhere