How does it feel being untermensch? How does it feel to know that the last National Socialist state alive today happens to be Israel? The last ethnostate? My homeland is better in every way compared to Hitler's Germany. Hitler WISHED Germany could be as good as Israel. How does it feel that your anti-Semitic memes are radicalising Jews en masse to become the exact thing that you hate the most? Our Rabbis are turning into unironic Goy-slavers because of you. How does it feel? How does it feel to know that every Christian is another wallet for Israel? Another $20 donation for our war machine? Does it feel bad? How does it feel that your country is flooded with migrants, while ours is protected against such heterogeneity? Your country is full of faggots, marching under a pride banner, while ours limits such degeneracy to Tel Aviv? How does it feel knowing that the greatest country on Earth is our puppet? How does it feel knowing that every war after WWI was fought on our behalf? How does it feel knowing that the USA, an evangelical country, overwhelmingly supports us? How does it feel knowing that we control the center of the most important spiritual sites on the planet? How does it all feel? How does it feel that pic related is radicalising "normies" into Cultural Marxists? How does it feel that every smart Zig Forumsfag converts to Judaism to become part of the superior Jewish aristocracy? How does it feel to work day after day, year after year, 40+ hours a day on minimum wage to give us money? Does it feel good? Does it feel good to be inferior?
How does it feel to be homeless in the country that your ancestors worked for hundreds of years to build glory to? How does it feel to defend Capitalism, the very economic tool we use to enslave you? How does it feel to fight and die defending your Jewish boss? How does it feel to fight our wars for us? How does it feel to watch as your fellow WHITE co-workers working minimum wage for us kill themselves on a regular basis because the only alternative to wage-slavery is NEETdom and unionism / labor / Communism? How does it feel knowing that, as a National Socialist, as a Fascist, as a Communist, nobody, not a single normal goy will ever consider your opinions? How does it feel that your propaganda fails because we have so deeply ingrained anti-racism into the masses? How does it feel that the only power that matters, the power of money, is centralized entirely in our hands?
>TFW Jewish
How does it feel that healthcare is under our control? We charge you thousands of dollars to go to the doctor uninsured. We could choose to leave a glove in your organs when we perform surgery on you, and there's nothing you could do about it. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? How does it feel to be stuck in the past and forgotten about? How does it feel to be worthless, poor, homeless scum? When the bourgeois of the world scatter you to the winds, we'll be standing right there with them, giving the orders. When you die homeless on the streets, we'll be standing there. We'll be telling you all about how "it's Communism's fault you're dying on the streets, poor and worthless". We'll be whispering in your ear, "you couldn't get paid enough because the unions are corrupt and don't care about you". We'll be saying "we took your house away because some immigrant wanted it". We'll say "your country is dying because nobody worked hard enough to stop it". And guess what? The funniest part is that it's all preventable. You could stop it, but you won't. Your greatest ally? He's a white Communist. He's a Union-worker. He's a white person who doesn't get paid enough too. But guess what? You'll never consider them your allies. Your fellow poor, homeless white man? Yeah, sorry, but better dead than red, right? Karl Marx? Why read him? He's jewish. You'll never know anything about labor power, or the bourgeoisie, or the working class, or businesses, or economics in general, because your ally is jewish, and your enemy is jewish. You're afraid to listen to anything we say, so when we say the truth, you avoid it. You fight it. Isn't that funny? Do you appreciate being played? You can't do anything. You'll fail. You'll never get paid more. You'll never get affordable healthcare. You'll die of internal bleeding before you're able to pay a doctor. You don't think that's intentional? You don't think we own the pharmaceutical companies? You don't think we own your workplace? You don't think we own the banks? We'll charge you a loan to go to college because we refuse to hire you without a degree. You'll die paying off your student loan debt. You'll die with a degree that we determined you needed. You'll die serving us. You'll never get a guaranteed house. You'll never drive a car. You'll never own your own little garden - Monsanto won't sell you heirloom seeds. You won't be able to feed yourself after a year, because your crops died and won't produce new plants. You'll never get paid enough, but you'll blame each-other for not working hard enough for your pay. You'll never get a job, but you'll blame yourselves for being under-qualified. Who determines if you're qualified? That's right, it's us. Our hyper-individualism blames you for failing, too. The white man's dying out? You must be the problem. You're not having kids. You're not exercising. You're not collecting guns. The truth? You refuse to work together - and you'll never win that way. How does it feel to be a cow in a slaughterhouse, waiting for your chance to die?
Good luck coping when i post this one.
Seeking attention are we now?
Pretty pathetic for a (((chosemite))) desu
Now that's trolling. 10/10
w33k b8
Nice IP hop
Your grandma is my lamp
Hehe, yeah. It's just bait. Better not read it, right? Tool. You'll never wake up.
Silly goyim.
You know this is all fake right? I mean they are real bills, but the way insurance companies con people into thinking insurance is necessary is by colluding with hospitals to inflate the cost of medical care by 5x.
If you tell them you're uninsured and paying with cash those $100k bills will be $20k.
Ah, Zig Forums, so close and yet so far away from the solution. You don't even know why your free market country is importing immigrants. Too bad, that sucks. It was the jews, right? Da jooz are the ones bringing refugees into your country. No, we couldn't possibly have incentivised mass immigration under a Capitalist system. That wouldn't be possible. No white person would want a large supply of cheap labor coming in from other countries, after all :^)
And then the jewish music industry decided to produce emo rap.
How many threads are the mods gonna make today?
woof woof look at me i'm king of the jews.
How does it feel knowing that israeli and american jews are currently bankrolling a bunch of old nazis and some crazy people to basically do whatever they want, and they've decided to take it easy and have some fun? hahaha, israel. Have fun with being a slave to an inbred rapist rabbi who thinks being surrounded by retarded morons is the height of heaven. No wonder it's such a shit ugly country.
so, OP is a faggot kike but why are there other faggots bumping this shit? newfags will get the gas too.
sage and report these threads you faggots. don't bump them
maul halten, jude
I found out my great grandfather was a Jew who fled Germany, we still have the kike name.
tfw wouldnt be accepted into the SS
Why would that stop you?
You had to be clear for four generations, one more than usual.
You could convert to Judaism and become a part of our glorious aristocracy. Tell your (((boss))) at work you're jewish, and see how he treats you :)
Trolling? Everything said in the two first posts is true. And they are the very reasons that kikes need to be exterminated. Somehow, we must band together to destroy them…
Nope, all your ancestors 150 years back had to be non-Jews. So that's what, 7 generations?
Ever since the 30-year-war Germany has kept annals about religious denominations and marriages for taxation purposes, so these things could be researched quite easily.
top kek
Trolling is pissing people off to get responses.
The Truth can be used for that.
Wow, I dont know where I got the four generation thing from.
Its pure enough to larp
The truth does make the best memes. That's for sure.
This video is amazing and deserves to be put on a website dedicated to just this video so I can put up posters with links to the site with this video.
Well, you're sort of right. It was the Jews, but using our capitalist system. You have to keep in mind that 50% of the richest 1% are kikes. Capitalism is a very powerful system, so it should be kept, but at the same time regulated. Hence why National Socialism embrace moderate Socialism. Since Jews have a crazy amount of power in our system, trying to use left-wing socialism by voting won't do us any good, as Jews ultimately write the laws (25% of democratic and 50% of republican donations come from Jews).
Except that we dont live in a free market and neither the USA nor Europe are "capitalist" but subverted by commieshiters who lie and import niggers to weaken the west.
It was the jews and the things the jews aren't even profitable. They are fully willing to lose money on these shitskins just to degrade the white man.
It's just making me more smug by the second every time Zig Forums misses the point.
Look at all these white commies. Your very own ancestors were commies too. Good thing we've replaced your Democracy and your Republic with money-voting :^)
low effort shill
Don't mind me, i'm not shilling. I'm just muddying the waters of what you know is true.
think about the time after the white race has been devoured… who will remain ? chinese, africans , latinos, indians, arabs ? there will neve rbe peace on this planet until there is more than one faction, more than one race , more than one belief, more than one currency, more than one country.
conflict is dominance - imprinted into the human nature.
even the weak and opressed become tyrants.
noone currently alive will witness the singularity of mankind divided.
Those quotes are talking about how bad it would be if money was only in the hands of the few. Those few are Jews. Also, communism doesn't mean "Lots of taxes" it's a utopic destruction of government, which none of those quotes are advocating for. They are all advocating for a reformist socialist system. Do you know what ideology advocates for a reformist socialist system (Hint: It begins with an "N" and ends with a "ational Socialism")
Your argument is literally only supporting me
money/value is a psycological trap
Feels like feelz before realz.
Feelz like NEETdom be really Freedom.
No, my argument is literally only supporting Israel, because again, ours is the only National Socialist country left on the face of the earth. It's not Communist in any sense of the word.
Elaborate on what you mean
True, but not for much longer
Hello chaim you know as well as we do our market is not "free"
Yes, YOU, kike!
sage for pathetic judenthread
Hegel BTFO'd you already, the dialectical nature of history will see you destroyed.
You made a kike smiley to be obvious, I know, but I will tell you for the sack of any others reading, that the idea of an economic system instead of nation as a race is poison, and capitalistic or communistic or socialistic the system must adapt to the blood or it is slavery and venom as our government and treasury are at present.
how does it feel to soon lose that power?
how does it feel knowing that we will come for you?
how does it feel that you will lose everything?
how does it feel knowing a fate worse than death awaits you?
how does it feel knowing that the kalergi plan wont finish in time?
how does it feel knowing that you will never rule the world permanently?
i know how it feels shit.. you will feel the same suffering you gave us and only when you have suffered then you have our permission to die
have a nice eve ma'am
Huh? What's wrong with immigration from Africa and the Middle East? It's people from shitholes that work the hardest, after all.
Also, your market will never be free, even if the jews are killed off. It's the perfection of the Capitalist system.
Suddenly, you have a monopoly. But i really shouldn't be explaining this to you, of all people. You know better than the jew - right? Keep arguing in favor of your boss. He'll keep you happy with new toys and new happy meals. Remember to save as much money as possible! Wouldn't want you enjoying life any more than you should. That would be bad for OUR efficient economic system.
Oooohhh, real edgy. I'm scared :^(
Where did this fucktard commie come from? Doesnt even now NatSoc are well aware of the pitfalls of capitalism. Go read a book that wasn't written by a jew ffs
Why would i read anything that wasn't written by a Jew? I am a Jew.
We know you're a jew and the reason is to pull your head out of your tribe's stinking ass
But Jewish literature is the finest literature around. I have literally no reason to ever read anything written by dumb goyim.
Mods are shit.
Complain to the mods. Don't ask the jew what's going on.
You should be bud. Everyone hates you.
Your state of israel is basically doomed to boot.
You're so fucked.
this F I L T H Y bait aside
i still think its funny how the jews think the kalergi plan will work
i still think its funny how the jews believe that some imagenairy rules will stop true warriors
they dont realize that
all it takes is one oddball and the jew is destroyed
and with it your country and monopoly is doomed while your people burn along with it for commiting this grave sin against humanity which is unforgiveable
The jew is the mod, that's the rub.
content is a state of mind
greed is a fall of man
eating money won't nourish
to the parched a sip of water is of value as much as all the riches
basic trade is based on reciprocal value exchange but when money is used trust is involved which cannot be easily verified thus easily abused
therefor trade is no longer direct exchange of value balanced by supply and demand
wisdom is now involved and worth more than the initial trade combined as long as you dont know that i know who desperately needs what you have in abundance
that is why people dealing with money are despised and yet at the same time admired.
Why should i read anything written by a Jew that was meant to be read by goyim?
Kalergi plan or not, your country is globalizing and you're being replaced. You should just accept it.
Bro, jews think israel is going to work, despite the only people supporting it being the same White christcucks who they're driving into extinction.
Its hilarious to observe.
How does it feel to have sex as a fully formed man, intact and with full sensation?
You will never know.
That's the problem bro, you're drinking your own medicine - you're out-breeding at WAY higher rates than Whites are, just as an example. Your culture is dying even faster than ours!
You're basically doomed, and you're one of these retarded newfag jews who thinks he's invincible.
Oh, the joy of realizing your never learn.
There's a difference in that chart between mischling and jew
Because we learned from last time.
Nice b8 m8. I'll bite. You live in a war zone. If the US stops protecting you for just one week, you will be eaten alive and nobody on earth will miss you. Evangelicals™ would get over it.
i fucking know right more proof that they falsified their average IQ
and if they decide to fucking nuke half the world like project bluebeam etc because they are too much of a pussy race to sqaure up
then they doom themselves
they fucked up big time they know this they just dont want to admit it
(((Leftypol))) approves of this thread.
Now don't spam our board goyim. I'm a psychopath that applies for positions as a moderator on forums all over the internet to satisfy my need for control…
Its not just that they falsified it, its that their IQ is limited to specific fields.
IQs for six factors were calculated. The mean IQs of the Jews in relation to gentile white means of 100 and standard deviations of 15 were as follows: verbal knowledge (described as‘‘a general factor, but primarily a measure of general information’’ and identifiable with Carroll’s (1993) gc or verbal comprehension factor—107.8; English language—99.5; mathematics—109.7; visual reasoning (‘‘a measure of reasoning with visual forms’’)—91.3; perceptual speed and accuracy—102.2; memory (short term recall of verbal symbols)—95.1.
Jews are really good with numbers and shit, but their visio-spatial reasoning is dogshit.
Not to mention - even if their IQs WERE as high as they claim, that's only the Ashkenazis, 1 in 4 of which is a carrier for a majorly-debilitating neurologically-degenerative genetic disorder.
Pretty much this.
I'm gonna go spam your shitty board now.
I hear abbo posting will get you banned over there, but maybe not now that the tranny in chief has bailed on you? I don't actually care if you answer btw.
That's right, it's the pinkos. Go fight in Vietnam, goyim.
nice thread OP very cool
I liked the part where the intricacies of the new message fall aside the time when testing is beyond needed we don't need none of that tail-hedging, it's been 15 years since my dog had run over the "yellow vests" in France threatening to take out some chinese food at the neighbor's place. They showed down some shit nigga fuck all them white paper into a temper tantrum in walmart i couldn't get her to visit me after dinner she saw a rental far out dudes! when does the mailman arrive ive been waiting 12 large eggs, skim milk is good for you.
See if I care for the parents of the their child who hasn't done his homework this week is THE BEST! I LOVE you babe xoxoxoxo
My bad btw, I thought you were shilling as a /lellypol/ack.
Oh christ and here comes the roach.
what board? user
could you link me? would be fun bored anyways
Hey fuckwit, go do your job.
lellypool bro.
From what I hear, just posting an abbo there will get you banned.
Daily Reminder that the mods are /int/goon trash commanded by a turkroach that never seems to die.
Mods Suck
Board Log
Holocaust Poll Thread Deleted
- Image: "Mods Suck"
holy shit posting abbo's gets you banned?
so much for the tolerant left.
The Right to Self-Determination will end your jews' existence.
You know what? I'm fine with you guys raiding /lefty pol/.
Coincidentally, the Communist party and the Arab party in Israel are in a coalition to dismantle the Jewish state. You probably won't care about that factoid one bit, though.
You can thank the White Nationalists for causing all this. They supported the Jews for decades and were always their to ruin every single attempt by Whites to change anything for the better.
That's what I hear, at least.
Jews are a self-defeating meme.
I think the demon they serve just likes to fuck with them.
Its like
A few moments later
Wow. What a surprise.
This, kikeunism and capitalism are two sides of the same shekel
This is funny enough to not respond to. It's glorious on its own. In any case, not responding won't get me (You)s. Keep trying to tell me how things ACTUALLY are, Zig Forums. I'm sure i'll follow your advice, if you actually give anything good.
At least he's not a nigger.
How is this spam shit allowed? Fuck you mods.
Until White Nationalists are removed from the gene pool nothing will ever change.
You have no response, is what you mean to say.
I gave you good above, but you're a retarded philosemite who thinks communism is something other than jewry.
Stupid faggot. Losers like you were standing breadlines afraid the commissar fucking their wife might decide they need to disappear from the picture, yet here you are, crying to us about how BASTE the pinko stooge mudslimes are in attempting to fight jewry with jewry. XD
Forgot my pic.
Yes, what a surprise, another Stormfag for the Jews. Over and over and over