Every fucking time I try to redpill them they fucking agree with my sentiments and I get them to say they know they are being replaced, BUT then every single time they say some gay fucking shit about the "human" race and how we're all one big people holy fuck we're so doomed
God damn i fucking hate boomers
Sage, nigger-tier imbecile post.
It just feels like some fucking nigger stole all my hope man
Millennials had many ills
that made them very sick
The world was very hard for them
And some just couldn't deal with it.
And so they went inside and some forgot to come back out.
I guess they really needed a time out.
Your time is up, Millennial.
Viva La Z!
just steal their money and donate to tommy robinson or identity evropa
They are going to die of old age soon.
Hopefully you'll inherit some property from them.
Every generation says we are all one race though
Boomers woke up in there sixties after being subjected to the brainwashing of the 60s onward. Better late than never. Too old to get mad about it now, will fuck with their blood pressure. But they will go out to vote and win, so there is that I guess. Good old USA.
Lad, I…
It's easier to donate it to the local kike master directly, faggot. Kill yourself.
Our time is up to who, you?
And whom's zoom, you? I never knew.
Up from hell the blew, on queue,
Left or Right, no body's two.
Thus are some quick to presume,
one must choose to loom or zoom,
but the trick of truth in sooth,
was that our arms may fly while our mouths consume.
Probably because they have grandkids hahaha.
low T.
You know how I know your'e a dumb little shit, OP? First, you imagine you know better than someone with four, five decades on you. Those people have forgotten more than you know. Second, you're incapable of seeing something from another persons perspective even though you know you're different from them. Third, you expect them to respond like someone your age. Fourth, you act like a little bitch when you don't get your way.
People raised from 1946 to… whatever they say it is. 1960 maybe? I know 46 because it's the year after the war. They grew up WITHOUT monkey and mud people. The interactions they've had with coons and spics, have been on nice vacations. You think the nig who got their drunk, obnoxious asses drinks on Royal Carribean whatever boat is a bad guy to them? They think all niggers are like Jordan and Oprah ffs.
Pedro and Jose cut their grass and clean their pool.
So expecting them to be all, 'I hear you, Fuck those niggers, we should send them all back to Africa like Lincoln intended. Just isn't going to happen. Now grow the fuck up.
People are at different points in their life. They have difference concerns. Like their health being old af. The older you get, the less chances you want to take. They already did that. So these cunts just want to be left alone and hang on to what they have. They also don't see the threat because IN THEIR EXPERIENCE, it's been ok and the jew media tells them it's ok. Don't waste your time on old cunts OR anyone who isn't receptive to the message. No pearls before swine.
If someone isn't inquisitive, drop it. You fight the battles you can win. Target young people. It's what our enemies do.
I get the "we need immigrants because of the replacement rate" boomer line from my grandpa a lot. Instead of importing non-assimilating shitskins, the government should provide cash incentives for legal citizens to breed, but we know that's not going to happen because it doesn't fit their genocidal plan. Instead, it costs an asinine amount of money to birth a child in the JewSA.
boomers are 100% demoralized. Like Yuri said they are completely hopeless. They are useful idiots to the grave. They will only realize the truth when there's a boot in their face
Boomers need boomers, at least then they would have an excuse for their poisoned minds.
Lucky you, I had to step out to keep my blood from boiling at the mixture of defeatism and acceptance of being replaced.
Not your blog faggot.
You should just kill yourself. You're a loser who will never do anything right in life and your grandkids will be black.
Boomers never wake up and OP is proof of that. Even when destroyed by facts and logic they still are programmed as pro bono rent-a-cops for the system and revert to platitudes like in OP. How many times have you heard "I agree with what you're saying, but…" imagine the level of programming TV was for those people. Basically for their entire lives it would feed them the information and they would just get stupider and stupider. Sure some of them are ok and didn't get completely zogged but for most of them the brain damage is permanent.
Also fuck toxic run-off gen Xers and gen Z can suck a fatty for their petulance.
White Nationalism is the weapon used to exterminate Whites
Boomers and many other people have a very hard time understanding that the cost of commodities and wages is not the same as it was in 1965. They think their $567K home that they bought for $29K in 1972 on their $12K salary is the result of hard work and a lifetime of effort, compared of course to all the wastrels and layabouts who came after them lacking firm handshakes and the ability to look the boss in the eye and ask for that raise you earned.
OP is an idiot
the thread.
Enjoy tour deletion of a thread and possible ban hammer cuckchanner.