I see it on wikipedia (written by random Americans). While Americans were never in Japan in ancient times, they insist that whatever history Japanese people say happened is all false and made up.
And here is how the history of Japan works according to Americans.
1. Japanese never developed a single thing, every single creation and idea in Japan is just an importation.
2. Shinto is just a bastardised copy of Chinese folklore.
3. The Japanese language itself is from old Korea.
4. Hiragana and Katakana weren't even made in Japan, they were made in China and Korea and Japanese people adopted them.
5. Every single statue you see in Japan isn't an original imagination, the statues form is a direct copy from China and even the craft methods used to make it are from China.
6. The Katana has it's origins in Korea.
7. Japan's emperor system is from China.
8. Japan's oldest flag that is like it's modern one (the sun flag from the year 701) was designed by China.
9. Bowing was introduced from China.
10. No traditional Japanese clothes are actually made by Japan, all just direct copies of Chinese clothes.
11. All Japanese architecture is foreign, not a single piece of architecture if Japanese.
12. Japanese names were also imported, not nativly Japanese.
13. Samurai and Ninja were Chinese warriors in origin.
So according to your average American, the Japanese people are quite interesting in that they are unlike all other humans on earth. In that the Japanese have never created a single thing and not even 1% of their culture has anything to do with themselves.
That's pretty interesting that east Asians invented stuff, then settled in Japan and suddenly lost their brains and never made a single thing ever again. (this is what Americans believe).
Americans also insist that all of the Japanese inventions from the 19th and 20th century should be given credit to Europe, because without certain fundamentals the Japanese wouldn't have invented it. Thus it isn't really a Japanese invention, but a European one.