>Trump claimed Saturday on Twitter that the '[m]ajor sections of Wall are being built.' He tweeted a day earlier that his long-promised border wall 'is being built and is well under construction.'
'The President’s tweet says he’s already building the Wall. Could he give me the precise latitude and longitude of its location?' she asked. 'Also, how many miles long is it?'
'I want to throw a party there and need the exact coordinates,' she wrote.
Ann Coulter calls Trump a lying, narcissistic conman
Always good to see people waking up from the MIGA brain-virus. Strange how Coulter is the only prominent figure to have jumped ship. I'm ashamed to have kept in it until April 2017 (first Syria strike). It was a needed redpill on politicians and the democratic solution, though.
You literally just posted this here because someone posted it on halfchan when it is a tweet from 2 months ago.
You’re part of the problem
I was wondering about this.
Is there any evidence of where Trump has built the barrier?
Wasn't there already a lot of barrier already up.
Well Trump tried but the dem judges blockaded everything, now he is gaining an upper hand so wait and watch for a surprise by June 2020.
Right now we have the chinese enemies to concentrate on.
Women like her get pissed when alphas like Trump cuck. She's instinctively testing him, I believe. Unfortunately for her, she will never get any coordinates because Trump is a bigger conman than any president in recent memory. He's worse than Obama. Even immigration was lower under Obama.
Also: daily reminder that the orange piece of shit is the last Republicuck president the US will have. Just remember that when that piece of shit retires to his gold-lined mansion while you drown in a sea of third world garbage people. Bonus points for any Zig Forumsak who kills him. You know we need to show (((them))) what happens to traitors (in Minecraft, of course).
Ann is so sexy
dude yeah she looks so good in that pic
post more ann plz
enjoy getting vanned
You know he deserves it. He sold out whites for billionaire Zionist Jews and he's laughing at them. He was the LAST chance the US had. He has effectively thrown it under the bus for fame and shekels. He's the biggest piece of shit ever elected.
Why does Ann seem to be such a good contender for actually being a female President? Is she legit?
Ja. She is.
I really hope you're behind 20 good proxies.
This was all common knowledge that was made known here until we got into the last year or so of the campaign when the bans went into overdrive. Trump has always been 110% globohomo right up until the moment he had to put on an act to score a credible win in a rigged primary in order to fulfill Kissinger's plans for a "nationalist" president penned before Trump ever announced his candidacy.
Yep. I never post without a VPN and stuff. Just remember, if you are gonna kill this orange kike, do it while wearing a Go Pro and livestream it.
Ann Coulter has said that women shouldn't vote or hold office, so you can go fuck yourself with your kike female franchise shit.
Reminder that there are ZERO NEW INCHES OF WALL after three years.
Reminder that there have been ZERO NET DEPORTATIONS and that Trump has imported 1.5 million nonwhites LEGALLY, as well as record illegal immigration.
3.5, roughly. Let that sink in. Nearly four years.
Well, not quite three yet. We still have all of 2020 for his term, user.
Reminder that this image is VERY OLD and needs updating.
Ahh, okay. I'm an Aussie so I don't really know. Not that it matters: he wouldn't build a chicken fence in 50.
Back to reddit, yid.
$50 he has an r/thezognald tab open right now.
You guys have to read Kushner Inc to really get the full breathtaking breadth of Trump's ignorance and utter disorganization.
Yeah he got to inauguration day with no list of 5000 assholes to fire and 5000 heroes to hire. That was Christie's job. Jared got him fired for putting his criminal father Charles in prison for 2 years. Daddy will do anything for Ivanka and her pet husband.
Then there's the epic tale of the blockade of Qatar. Everybody blockaded Qatar, Saudis Israelis, Egypt. It was Jared's idea cooked up with MBS his close bud (who despises Jared as an idiot and weakling). You see Qatar wouldn't bail out Jared's insane father on 666 5th Ave so they had to be punished with a blockade, which is an act of war. How unfortunate when Tillerson freaked out on hearing of it. It was particularly unpleasant for Jared and Donald when Tillerson pointed out that Qatar was a key gulf ally with a huge USAF base and that Erdogan was behind Qatar 100%. The result was Tillerson was shown the door for this embarassment. How gauche for him to point out that Trump and Javanka were idiots that never read a book, knew nothing of history, geography or foreign affairs but were ready to go to war over something they couldn't understand outside of STate Department lines of communications.
The Video is Vicky Ward discussing this foreign policy fiasco.
And one other point on Kushner Inc.
The Qatar blockade was in April 2017.
It involved MBS
The Las Vegas shootout was in October 2017.
It involved MBS.
Qatar came up with the money, all the money for Charles Kushner's 666 W5th.
Something smells really bad, Really REALLY bad..
There's MBS being escorted out of the casino during the shootout
I don’t care how “redpilled” a woman might look, no sane man should ever want to hand the reigns of power over to what is essentially by nature an emotionally-insecure and jealousy-prone oversized child. That’s what women are and have always been.
That's really isn't a dig, he's a rogue gonna rogue.
Ann Coulter goes to town in three recent Takimag articles on Javanka in the Shite House
And who understood the beating heart of the Trump voter like Jared and Ivanka? With Javanka in charge, the campaign schedule was soon bristling with such items as “women’s empowerment week,” “education week” and “entrepreneur week.”
In no time, Trump was 16 points down and sinking fast. Steve Bannon was brought in, whereupon he promptly threw out all the Working Women’s Intersectional Global Warming weeks and got back to Trump’s issues.
Jared assured Bannon that the campaign had $25 million on hand. That’s when Bannon had to explain “debits” to Kushner. The campaign had $25 million — provided you didn’t count all the unpaid expenses. When those were included, it turned out the campaign was in debt.
As the SAT board had discovered, math wasn’t Jared’s strong suit.
Although it has been well reported that Jared’s Harvard admission was purchased for him by his father, Ward produces a shocking new detail. Of the five tracks at Jared’s high school, he wasn’t at the bottom of track one, perhaps suitable for a lesser Ivy League with solid SAT scores. He wasn’t even in track two. Jared was in track three.
Even after Trump won the presidency, Jared Kushner was embarrassed by his father-in-law, according to Vicky Ward’s terrific new book, Kushner, Inc.
In a speech to hundreds of New York bankers and businessmen on Dec. 16, 2016, Jared admitted that Trump was “easy to hate from afar.” But not to worry, he said, Trump wouldn’t be keeping his campaign promises — especially on immigration.
One banker who heard the speech was appalled, shocked by Jared’s arrogance in thinking he could “control” the president.
Joke’s on him. Turns out Jared was right. He does control Trump.
And what a blessing that’s been.
It was Jared’s idea to fire FBI Director James Comey. If Trump hadn’t followed that advice, there would have been no independent counsel.
It was also Jared and Ivanka’s idea to hire Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn. (Ivanka was adamant, saying Flynn gets “anything he wants.”)
If Trump hadn’t hired Manafort and Flynn, the independent counsel investigation would have been over in about a week.
Even Trump’s opponents warned him about the man Javanka said should have anything he wants. Ward reports:
“President Barack Obama gave Trump two pieces of advice: One was that the biggest problem he would face as president was the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. The second was a warning against hiring Flynn: ‘He’ll cause you nothing but problems.'”
Trump’s supposedly loyal kids give him worse advice than the ex-president whom Trump tormented during his presidency.
Big news out of the White House this week! After a beehive of activity, Jared Kushner will finally be unveiling his comprehensive immigration plan!
Reportedly, the proposed bill keeps the number of new immigrants per year at 1 million, but stresses merit-based admissions over familial ties. Little else is known about the bill beyond bland generalities — “humanitarian needs,” “border security,” “protecting American wages” and “moving in the right direction.”
That may be true but even if it is I still say; "Better Ann Coulter than any other candidate out there".
Sad, and possibly stupid, that she couldn't of stayed home and raised a family. I heard a story, a professoriate rumor actually – about her in her undergrad days rocking a white fur coat around campus and all the shitlibs losing their minds.
interesting, but I cunt really imagine a reason for a guy like MBS to need or want to be ON SITE at something like the actual shooting.
Then again, I wouldn't put it past these freaks to do it as a "power play" and ego trip. I'm sure a guy like MBS wants to be seen as a "man of action" not just some appointed foppish rich kid.
Her childlessness is a massive red flag. She’s probably insane and out of her mind. If a woman hits the wall without a child it’s a great psychological tragedy for them
That’s what Trump is retarded incel. Woman make great leaders see the Virgin Queen or Catherine the Great
I think the general opinion is that he was the target of the shooting, not the perp.
Uh oh, looks like a white knight is here
Wow two women who inherited their positions! While your at it why don’t you name all of the prominent female scientists, philosophers, writers and mathematicians hint: there are none, and those who are figureheads for the work of men or those propped up by Jews don’t count. Women are big, dumb children. It’s not being an “incel” to say this, or then 99% of men in human history would be muh buzzword. It’s just how they are. Name ONE woman who by the power of her own merits rose to a position of power and displayed charismatic, powerful and effective leadership ability in a position of importance.
Ann is a New York lipstick lesbian with hot girlfriends that loves nothing more than going around having drinkies with her NY Cafe society friends who would never be caught dead talking to any of us.
Here she is with her little girlfriend Kristin Tate on election night.
Remember; Ann is the only person with the backbone to stand up to the massive political tidal wave of filthy beaners and shit flooding into the country. She's got huge guts.
Kind of like when an obese nerd can't even get a tranny to pop his nut.
Apart from staging photo-ops, including her “princess moment” at the inaugural ball (her words), Ivanka’s first order of business upon winning the presidency was assigning White House office space. Her map showed a big office for her, a big office for Jared — and also a nice corner office, which was designated “Trump family office.”
Transition officials, Ward reports, “were surprised that the first lady did not appear to have an office. So, too, was Melania Trump, who quickly put an end to Ivanka’s scheming.”
Jared’s BFF, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), and the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Muhammad bin Zayed (MBZ), refer to Jared as “the clown prince.” Bone-cutter MBS assured those around him that he had Jared “in my pocket.”
MBS and MBZ derided Jared’s Middle East peace plan as infantile, while using him to achieve their objective: war with Qatar. According to an American businessman’s leaked emails, their attitude was, “Nobody would even waste a cup of coffee on him if it wasn’t for who he is married to.”
As one former top White House official explained: “Jared never understands the details of anything. He’s just impressed by names.”
Following meetings at the White House and also with the Kushners over their 666 Fifth Avenue property, former Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim reported back to the emir that “the people atop the new administration were heavily motivated by personal financial interest.”
After Ivanka’s speech introducing her father at the Republican National Convention — rivaled only by Billy Carter’s introduction of his brother, Jimmy! — she tweeted from her personal account: “Shop Ivanka’s look from her #RNC speech.”
After the Trump family was interviewed on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Ivanka’s company emailed out a “style alert” advertising the $10,800 diamond bracelet she’d worn on the show — “available from Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry.”
Ivanka has managed to win a slew of trademarks in China since her father became the Figurehead President, with several approvals being fast-tracked at about the same time Trump was hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago.
Instead of “Make America Great Again,” the motto of the Trump presidency is, as one of Trump’s legal spokesmen put it: “The advance team for Jared and Ivanka.”
This is not what anyone voted for.
Spain's Queen Isabella of Castile. Funded the pummeling of insufferable Mozlins with adventure gold from beastly Atzatlan; and also, expelled the monstrous Neanderkiken. Queen Isabella should be beatified into full Saint status.
Do you not know how monarchies work retard? Of course they inherited their positions. Haven’t heard of Marie Curie either huh? Or how a woman won a noble prize in science for her work this year? Seems like you are the big dumb child whining about women infinitely more successful than you will ever be.
Monarchies are garbage at choosing good leaders and you trying to prop up the (((Nobel Prize))) as meaning shit is laughable
>>>Zig Forums
I agree! There are many glorious female saints and of course there Mary is the Mother of God herself but that fool would probably call her a big dumb child.
Sounds about right, yeah.
Gay men compete with each other to see who can bring the hottest female model to social events. It's called a beard
What do dykes call fake boyfriends for social events and appearances? She also hires a washed up nigger comic TV actor to be her "boyfriend" at public dates too.
It serves a double purpose to cover her lesbianism as well as fend off charges of racism and you can bet her NY cafe society friends are all white prep school graduates, every single one, not niggers.
She got the noble prize for the invention of chirped pulse amplification but you bring the retard you are probably don’t even know what that is.
What was great about them?
She seemed pretty rad, hating jews and all.
She is right, and common US citizens in China, and in Russia need to start lobbying for military aide for a homegrown insurgency. And an insurgency needs heavy weapons, mortars, at4's, manpads, heavy machine guns, explosives.etc
What a fucking nightmare the US has turned into but let me suck some cock, wear a dress, prance about in make-up make porn movies with children, to fit in, fuck I need to double my dose of Xanax with these jews on the loose.
Unlike you I don’t sit at my PC all day
Who cares? The (((Nobel prize))) is meaningless at this point.
So she built off the work of men and got a prize for it like Barry Bottoms did because the (((Nobel))) is all about pushing pozz?
>2018 (((Nobel)))
Yeah, no, dude, that shit is retarded.
Have fun in Hell heathen
You really are a retard aren’t you. She built off the work of men just like every other scientist. Which you would know if you ever actually contributed anything to society or had an IQ over room temperature.
“If I see farther it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants” - Issac Newton
And needless to say that women built off the work of men and would likely be much happier in a kitchen with young children running about
Unlike you incel faggots I unironically love women
No thanks, jew. But you'll enjoy Hel just fine.
Daily Reminder: The only way into the Euroepan afterlife is death in battle or death in childbirth, and your big fat jewish shits don't count.
>(((Arthur Ashkin))) received the other half of the Prize for unrelated work on optical tweezers.
>Strickland and Mourou published their pioneering work "Compression of amplified chirped optical pulses" in 1985, while Strickland was still a doctoral student under Mourou.
Such as?
Wow. What a contribution to humanity.
>When she received the Nobel Prize, many commentators were surprised that she had not reached the rank of full professor.
Sounds like you would be happier if you weren’t such a woman hating loser
Nah, you're just a big fat angry twat is all, you big fat angry twat loser.
Sure thing toots. ;D
Imagine being a fucking pagan larper. You should be killed like the real pagans were.
Imagine being a fucking jew who doesn't realize its a jew. lel. Dumb twat.
'just wait and see' says the MAGA cuck yet again with brown's streaming in left right & centre. snap out of it you dunce.
Not by good Christians, they weren’t. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
You mean jews?
Cry more about how Jews and women are responsible for you being such a pathetic piece of shit you retard
I never did that though, you big fat stupid twat.
I pointed out that the woman you were holding up was a laughable status signal by the (((Nobel))) faggots.
And then you got all emotional like a woman and ignored my argument to call me an incel or some retarded shit.
lel, dumb twat insin.
Its a shame the Swedish government didn't allow Ms. Coulter to adopt some White Swedish orphans.
Good Christians were the ones chopping down you tree worshiping faggots
I can tell who the women are ITT. No man would this beta to call another man an “incel” or a “woman-hater”
You mean jews?
Women can't conceal their activities for shit, they always act like emotional twats because they are emotional twats.
Oh no scary women!
No I mean Christians heathen
Checked for not scary, just fucking stupid.
Yeah, jews.
Oh, excuse me: NEO-jews.
What have you done with your life loser? Women have done far more than you ever will is my point and when I point out that simple fact to you you just cry about Jews it’s pathetic.
So all Christians are Jews now?
Roastie jew whore alert, everyone beware. Only a cunt argues like this
Filtering (((you)))
Yeah, I think that was pretty fucking obvious, neo-jewess.
Lots! I've got about the same educational standards this woman had when she won the (((Nobel))), except mine is focused on studying animal cognition.
My thesis was examining the learning capacity of various members of the Varanus genus and I'm currently working on getting grant money to create a massive board which is sensitive to echolocation so I can investigate wild cetaceans and try to teach them language.
And my point is that they do it overwhelmingly with male assistance, and then the twat gets held up as brave and inspiring because the I LOVE SCIENCE crowd has infiltrated the scientific industries
Dude, she literally shared the award with a fucking jew, and its well-known that the (((Nobel))) committee has been kosher for decades.
Its not my fault you can't come to terms with the reality of jewish subversion, you stupid twat.
No shit bro, this cunt can't hide her penis-envy for shit.
Also, wasn't this file name convention associated with that big fat pig of a woman who was shilling on Zig Forums for like the ADL of SPLC or some shit?
Or is this just some new program the adjusts your filenames so you can't get reverse image searched into embarrassment?
No, she just has enough money to live off her book royalties and not fear getting blacklisted. Admittedly she's lukewarm in her beliefs and has less "backbone" then you're giving her credit for.
Pretty much this. She's just another twat in a field where she doesn't belong.
And frankly, there is nothing more disgusting than a woman over 40 with no children. Bleh. Fucking gross dude.
the global conspiracy of the jews is dismissed for a gapping maw of a vagina. Roasties disgust me and 99% of the time they are some lesbian dyke jew with an ass so wide it's going to take three strong men to rope 'em off the ground.
You guys have to read Kushner Inc to really get the full breathtaking breadth of Trump's ignorance and utter disorganization.
Yeah he got to inauguration day with no list of 5000 assholes to fire and 5000 heroes to hire. That was Christie's job. Jared got him fired for putting his criminal father Charles in prison for 2 years. Daddy will do anything for Ivanka and her pet husband.
Then there's the epic tale of the blockade of Qatar. Everybody blockaded Qatar, Saudis Israelis, Egypt. It was Jared's idea cooked up with MBS his close bud (who despises Jared as an idiot and weakling). You see Qatar wouldn't bail out Jared's insane father on 666 5th Ave so they had to be punished with a blockade, which is an act of war. How unfortunate when Tillerson freaked out on hearing of it. It was particularly unpleasant for Jared and Donald when Tillerson pointed out that Qatar was a key gulf ally with a huge USAF base and that Erdogan was behind Qatar 100%. The result was Tillerson was shown the door for this embarassment. How gauche for him to point out that Trump and Javanka were idiots that never read a book, knew nothing of history, geography or foreign affairs but were ready to go to war over something they couldn't understand outside of STate Department lines of communications.
The Video is Vicky Ward discussing this foreign policy fiasco.>>13267678
Name one other person that's sticking their face out there and taking the positions she's been taking in public.
My criticism of her is her complete denial of 911Truth.
It only took conservatives 2 and a half years to figure trump out, think they will know the wall wont come even after 2024?
I fucked that up.
Name one other person that's sticking their face out there and taking the positions she's been taking in public.
My criticism of her is her complete denial of 911Truth.
Yeah, I mean, dude, it was pretty obvious early on.
Bottom line, Trump has been a lesson: If you support Israel, there's no reason to support you. Period. End of story. Do not pass go, do not collect shekels. Done.
If thats the case, then that tells you all you need to know about the concept of the GOP being any different than the DNC - they're both full of kosher pawns.
Nah, they're fuckin' retarded.
Thankfully it won't matter for much longer - pretty soon, demographics will ensure democracy is now a failed sport, and we can give up on all this votecuck shit and get on with the show.
Yeah, but again, she's one of the few people who can afford to do that because she's already blacklisted and comfy.
And childless.
I am sad thinking I will be 50 by the times bullets start flying.
The majority of the people she retweets to start with. Her views aren't extreme at all. Anyone complaining about the wall is sidestepping the fact that it would act as a giant fucking door if legal immigration isn't immediately halted. If she advocated for deportations of non-whites you would have a point.
I'm fine with it honestly.
I'm just tired of waiting, really.
that is the point of attrition