Yeah, these disgusting freaks have officially made child abuse mainstream. I'm going to continue making these, 4chan has been almost immediately archiving my posts about it. I'm not sure why but anyway feel free to use these and please add to it. Everyone has been focused on trans and they are all from the same rotten faggot tree– but these Rupaul Demon Drag queens is whats officially being used to destroy young children's lives.
Its time to dial up the tranny/faggot/demon drag queen hate
Other urls found in this thread:
when was the last time you got outside, OP? there are only like 50 drag kids in the world and they all live in that cesspool, USA. Focus on better things.
Keep your spam on kikechan nigger.
man I love it, the top comments here and on the other chan are always the exact same shit.
how do you guys do it? do you sit around all day waiting so you can always have top comments with snarky meaningless bullshit? or is it more controlled than that? there is this uncanny ability you glowfaggot shills have to every.single.time someone posts, to contribute absolutely nothing. say some edgy words like faggot or kike, what gives? on reddit faggots at least have their rigged upvote system (GO BACK TO PLEBBBIT RETARD KIKE DER!)
Someone explain this to me PLEASE….
I look at a boy dressed like this as a girl and that is considered cute.
I look at a real girl dressed like this and I am considered a pedo..WTF?
I could not use the dressing rooms at Kohls the other day because they were catering to a 12yo transgender that was having problems deciding on how sexy he/she wanted to look and how far the mother would let it dress like a whore.
Same day my sister had a transgender in the Target bathroom.
When and why did boys want to become girls?
Fuck off (((OP))) you stupid kike
Would you want your son to fuck this "girl" one day knowing "it" was once a boy?
Who is in the wrong?
The kid for saying they are really a girl inside a boys body?
The parents for allowing the kids to act like this?
The doctors and other weirdo's that cater to this kind of behavior?
All of the above?
most boys don't want to be girls
All of the above user. People can't pretend and live in lala land but in reality there is only two genders male and femail you can't defy th laws of nature.
I need some more normalfag-friendly material. People on the fence are just a few government statistics away from seeing a nigger tranny and thinking "there's a 50/50 chance that thing has aids".
Change that to can and fémale
the kid is not to blame if they were utterly brainwashed since birth. the parents imo are the fucking worst. the doctors are obviously fucking scum bags,
Gotta love the name of this magazine that does tons of drag kid photography, nothing at all sinister going on here
yeah it also used to be a baby, that doesn't mean you are a pedophile in a moment of love lol
what do you mean? I find this all kind of ties into the pizzagate satanic shit. most of it can be found in Rupauls faggot bullshit. It's where the demon trannies came from. Drag Queen Story Hour for kids is something to look up. They were outed as child molesters recently. not by any single MSM though, so all the retards say its conspiracy theory sites. I'll post more a bit later. but what needs explaining? I was digging more into Michael Alig who was absolutely a predator who murdered and dismembered his roomate, as soon as he got out of prison he was all up in Desmonds shit. and hes friends with james alefantis– Rupaul is friends with both of them
imagine having a son who grows up to be a busty woman. very interesting world we live in today.
Skylar Piela
Be a 17-18yo horny boy
See this at beach/mall/game room/back alley behind 7-11…..WAT DO?????
you can always tell when the jews are writing threads. it's always muh dick bullshit
Men constantly have sex with their hand
To go a step up and fuck an ex-boy doesn't seem so bad
i love fat jazz
Corey Maison
I wonder if the outcome of the transgender phenomenology will be a class system of passable transwomen vs ugly crossdressers
You shouldn't always type the things you think
Only if sHE ended up looking like
Brittney (Anastasia Kuraeva)
Bump for op
a big ==SAGE== for shills in this thread.
Corey Maison and Erica/Eric Maison
Mother of 5 Comes Out as a Man, Her Only Son Becomes a Girl and Husband Says It's OK
LOL….It figures..
you realize this man has had fuckloads of surgery, correct?
Why didn't all the younger guys fuck all the butterfaces? Teens are heavily influenced by social hierarchy. The real question is if teens regard an attractive trap above or below the ugly girls. Those who have been on hormone blockers will fool most younger guys. I doubt they will say no.
there is no such thing as nature
thanks friend, OP here I am on a different device now there is obviously some horrible shit going down. as it has been for 2 years now. the push has been going on a while. and its goddamn horrifying. the shilling is absurd here and on 4chan, I've grown used to it. the first 3 replies are always bullshit. always. . found this last night. even though I knew this would happen the nike/converse endorsement right in the middle of all the censorship and prospect of war is shocking and disgusting. But yeah this shit made me wanna puke
The fucking MSM are disgusting. They wont truly report this shit. so it falls to these sites, that people on the left will ALWAYS claim are conspiracy theory sites or some bullshit.
We let fags get married and a decade later they are after kids in the single digits.
They are transitioning 3-5 year olds now. Kids can choose there sex so why not WHO they have sex with. thats next.
it's not like young guys feel coerced to have sex with traps, maybe you are just creating a helplessness in your mind to justify your attractions.
It is hard to really imagine how much trap porn and shit has so popular. Of course they have literal "sissy" hypnosis videos now. Turning retards into sissies who want to be absolutely degraded. Dark times
Kids already choose who they would like to have sex with, it is only a matter of law and negation.
I found this explanation on leftypol:
Yeah buddy, you can only be attracted to young children if they are being abused and pimped out by there parents. its progressive then, progressing us straight to hell. The explanation is simple; It's pure evil meant to destroy society. When I used to be on FB, I would have people hissing and foaming at the mouth when I would say something like
trans women are dudes with fake tits, and that seems like it would be the most offensive thing in the world. I got blocked by a girl i've known 20 years, first girl I kissed in fact.
Its all media brainwashing I guess, I never really appreciated just HOW effective its been. Grown ass adults will argue till their blue in the face that this is ok, that the kids seem happy and that im a bigot, for not believing that fucking little kids are not capable of making those decisions.
I got banned for a bit from twitter for saying Death To Pedos. Gone are the days when someone posts a news story about a child rapist and every response is "fucking burn them alive" and such
It's controversial to say child rapists deserve death now.
the fuck are you talking about? Kids are not capable of choosing any of that shit. where are you coming from with this comment?
you must have missed a dilation session to be so antsy
Meant to say kids are not capable of this bullshit. in the uk a THREE year old is transitioning. its a victory for transgenders!! as was this.
Go jack off to loli.
When did you start having sexual thoughts? Define sexual thoughts.
no its fucking not. jesus christ projecting much? Any time I bring this shit up someone always says "WELL THERE ARE NON DRAG QUEEN PAGEANTS!!" and yes those are fucking disgusting too. I do think young boys are the biggest targets right now
A high moral panic can also be a way of projecting your own disgust at your sexual feelings. Being so hysterical about this reflects an aspect of it that you see in yourself, since the superego is constantly criticising us.
Your hormone injections are preventing you from thinking straight, transfaggot.
well probably when I was at a friends house and we found some disgusting pornography. I can't imagine what kids are subjected to and at what age now. Those were VHS days. But what were seeing now is: a persons child trys on his sisters clothes, cuz hes a fucking kid. The parents, if they are total scumbags will exploit them for attention; Or, in some cases like in Canada judges will get involved.
here is one case of a 14 year old. There paretns, who have every right to not want their child to start hormone treatment, were court ordered to let their child do this.
I still don't know what your getting at though. Kids have all kinds of thoughts, they are kids. They sure as fuck arent capable of understanding, even if they think some shit
You can all safely filter the mentally sick tranny now, don't give it any more (you)'s, right out of the kike playbook.
riiiiiight yeah that doesn't work pal. Thats the most classic of all responses. the "not me you!" pedophiles love that shit. They will do some fucked up shit and people call them out and they are like "well i don't see anything wrong with it, its innocent, your obsessed with children and YOU are the pedo!" YAAAWN
Yup, see this bullshit in all recent netflix series. the angry homophobe whos really gay. Ozark had this story line, its just a tactic. one that doesnt work
yes, this is true. They are not capable of understanding their sexual feelings, but they are nonetheless unconscious. I remember when I would watch movies and the characters would kiss or embrace, then I would feel embarrassed - it was because it was an initial confrontation of an intimacy I was not comfortable with, since it would imply a type of accommodation, and since kids are selfish, they don't like the idea of respect. Unless you are a psychopath kid, and you like sex because it implies another mode of power over others.
Daily reminder, that this kike are was a pioneer at transfaggotry.
All part of the same sick sphere of degeneracy
Your great-great-great-great grandmother was probably 12 when she gave birth to her first kid. Pedophilia used to be a dominant institution in the ritual of the construction of the family. Even today, the elite still fuck kids.
Source: goy, trust me !
Of fucking course. Satanist are always behind this sick shit. Judaism is satanism as I'm sure you know. You know fuck it, I'll be honest here.
I was molested several times, by bastards at a church I was forced to attend that turned to be basically a cult, so my red pilling on fags happened very very early. anyway. Kids having thoughts or being curious and such Is not the issue, its parents that exploit those issues for attention or who knows what sick filth. Or they are against it. I've seen people arguing that its OK for the government to take someones kids if the parents are "transphobic"
Videos like this break my heart
How many posts this thread would have if we removed all marxist larpers replying to each other?
do you really think that in materially lacking times, they had time to wait until 18 to reproduce? This is also why incest was popular, because it was a local source of sexual necessity. Today, things are different because of the material abundance in the west.
Ok straight fuck off. that has NOTHING to do with the push to turn children into confused, abused, wrecks. I don't give a fuck about any of this bullshit your saying
i know that you're clearly traumatised, but i wasn't responding to you
my bad. im not really traumatized anymore. it was long ago. Angry that child abuse has gone mainstream? yes im fucking furious
I have been red pilling all of my friends who have children. As they REALLY need to know what the public schools are teaching their kids. Not one single guy I have told gives a shit. I don't get along with guys because they are generally just trying to argue and fight even if they know nothing about the topic.
Now women I have told, they absolutely flip out and go grizzly bear mode. I'm sure tons of men would murder a pedo for coming near their child. But i live in soyboy central and guys around here are fucking pathetic, afraid to call it out because "bigotry"
I think it is ironic that the conservative construct of the gender binary is actually forcing gender-deviant children to "choose" either being a "boy" or a "girl", whereas in a society which didn't hold the pressures of conformity, then they might be the historic third gender of the "faggot", but maybe a proud faggot without the assumption of the opposite sex. I think the destruction of this distinctive archetype of the gay guy (who is now seen as equal as anyone else) is actually causing these gay kids to associate with females.
and obviously perverted opportunistic parents (mothers).
Filter them to find out.
I find what you are saying to be interesting, but "gay kids" insinuates they are capable of choosing to have sex with anyone. remember were not just talking teenagers, they are going after single digits now. And I know its because they want to corrupt them asap, and especially before puberty. I mean, a 3 year old in the UK is transitioning now. let that sink in.
I appreciate your thoughts on the topic but man, were way past that IMO. Were having to defend babies now. from psycho parents. and SRS is coming soon for all of them.
Clown world indeed.
Desmonds twitter is nothing but his fucked up mother trying to sell shit, calling everyone haters, just all the shit. she blocked me, I was hoping to grab some screenshots. the way she talks is disgusting. I can't imagine the horrors desmond has had to go through. and he is simply the prototype. its gonna keep happening, more and more drag kids. and your a bigot if you think this is strange at all
anyway anons, if your inclined dig and dig. I think this is extremely important. At least until our stupid fucking government takes us into world war 3 and we finally get the nukes we deserve,
Faggots are disgusting and need to be eradicated.
it is not legal to transition a 3 year old, chemically. Maybe the kid is growing up with tyrants, but we can't save everyone, but I think the self-criticism in this situation is to universalise our outrage at child abuse. Many people accept brutal forms of punishment, but if sexuality is inferred in the process of childhood, like in the case of these trans kids, then people become especially outraged, I think we should be more level-headed about these things - not to say we should tolerate it, but just take a step back from the clown world.
Literally the (((Baby Schboom)))
Pedo trap loli thread. Global report.
ok bud, whatever you say. it is NOT time to take a step back it is time to fucking revolt. even if its just redpilling people or trying. I mean what do they have to do for us to step forward, theyve done it all. you know whats coming.
thanks user. I appreciate you contributing and now i have more ammunition. appreciate ya
Lol too early on hormones now he cant get a neovagina
Well, the principle of critique here is child abuse, so contextualising this movement in these terms will be more important than situating this as a "culture war", since that would alienate people. Everyone can agree on the idea of bad parenting.
If you focus on the gendered or sexual aspects of the fashion of the abuse, then you will seem like a complete ideologue, and maybe you are, but there are more important things here than "degeneracy".
the neovagina is obscene
whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned boipussi?
Looking at all the parent's faces, this is just horrifying.
I was thinking more if there is a great collapse, say from us starting a war with Iran, that these fucking faggot scum bags will face a militia. They will be the firs to be dragged into the streets and hung, set on fire, tortured to death. Thats of course something i would NEVER do but there are people that will.
Does that not also apply to the parents if they too were brainwashed and/or molested as children?
I have zero sympathy for these parents who didn't harshly stamp out the faggotry as soon as it came to their attention
Daily reminder that kikes are the pioneer of every filth on this Earth. Every time, without fail.
know you stupid fuck they are adults. They deserve to be doused in gasoline and burned alive. or as the bible says.
"If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Though I think fire would be more fitting.
yes, this is why the government has gay rights .etc to stop the mob from ruling over the lives of individuals
OP: We need to 100% DISRUPT AND PROTEST any and ALL "Drag Queen Story Hour" events at public libraries. This is how they recruit!
Keep up the good work, OP.
Ignore the shills.
Demoralization jihad against the West. Look up baka bazi boys. Vet was barred for kicking the shit out of smug Afghani pedo rapist. This is middle East culture of dominance. Protected under Hussein admin for 8 years. Look up anal jihad etc. All tactics were/are being used to attack and weaken the US.
Trannies and pedo rape is part and parcel of middle East muzzie culture. They pride themselves on it. Look up how their pedophet sudued his own son. Sick filthy demonic culture.