Ask me anything, Zig Forums. All questions are welcome. I figured Zig Forums would be interested in this. I've been using 4chan and Zig Forums 3 years now.
I'm a nigger, ama
Are you redpilled? What do you think of the jews?
Get the fuck out.
This are you on the same level as us when it comes to the Jews?
Do you hate black women?
how black
ever been to africa
what kinda neighborhood did you grow up in
what kinda school
how many people do you know been in trouble with police
hang out with blacks more or other races
Do acknowledge the superiority of European race?
Hello, nigger.
This first.
Have you joined any black nationalist movements or have any knowledge of them?
can you fuck my girlfriend? this user on a new vpn
are you a black nationalist? i fucking love black nationalists. their intentions correlate with my own.
Why are you?
Asking as a non.
How do you feel about the "American" government supporting the Tutsi regime in Rwanda?
You're a white skank, start putting out
as a white southerner, this post means a lot me. you know we are only kidding, right?
you want to see my gun collection and be frends?
I am celibate you sstupid whore
Honestly, I used to be pretty "redpilled" a couple of years ago. I looked at blacks with disgust, laughing at their extremely high crime rates. Coming from an extremely liberal family, I was always the black sheep when it came to my views. I never even thought of the jews at all, as they did not affect me in the slightest. As a race I have no opinion on the jews. When it comes to their religion, I hate it, as I hate all religion. As for my views now, I am mostly apolitical.
where's my bike?
I don't like it when your people date beautiful white women. You ruin after they get with blacks we don't want them. Whenever I hear a women dates black guys I get repulsed.
this guys is the worst nig you can have
Are you a Southern black or a yankee one? I've found southern rural blacks to be tolerable compared to their urban or yankee brothers.
No, haha. I have no reason to. They only black women that I have grievances with are in my family. I don't hate anyone because of their race, but I differently see how some people can become racist. It would be foolish to deny that a large amount of blacks in America are, uneducated, ignorant, rude, loud, and violent. We just have to not base our outlook on race by the large amount of “bad apples” in said race.
let's unite to fight the Yankee jews
try sound proofing, mutt
you have great taste in niggers
I don't know, man. Haha, as a fellow bike owner though I would never do that.
Haha, nope. Wisconsin.
i'm cummmmmmmmmiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg
Wisconsin ks Whitopia
like fucking clockwork
Would you ever accept a one time payment to renounce your citizenship and remigrate to your homeland?
This is the real nigger.
Anyone who bumps this thread should be banned
how many white bitches have you fucked?
first ban the american good ol' boys. they make me sick
Back to Africa nigger get off our land
Hey nigger , kill yourself
why did you put a comma after 'anything'?
Looking through history, I would most certainly say that the Europeans accomplished much more than the Africans. I don't believe that people are better solely because of their race, but I do think it factors into how they, behave, talk, their intellect, etc. I would say in general, whites (based on their IQ stats) are smarter than blacks. I greatly value intellect so when I look back and see that my people could not even make a fucking wheel it is upsetting.
That is unsettling and uncivilized nigger , you should kill yourself ooga booga
he paused for a, toke
You would be wrong
Because I was in a rush, kek. The better question is why is there is no "for" in this sentence "I've been using 4chan and Zig Forums 3 years now.".
Who cares? What the hell happened to this place?
"Because I was in a rush, kek. The better question is why is there is no"
Nigger - checks out.
100%. I'm pretty light skinned though
No, and I have interest in changing that
I was homeschooled until the 8th grade. I am now doing online school.
I don't hang out with anyone, kek.
oh, so white bitches aren't good enough for him. you hateful niggers need god.
catch him before he steals my dubs
Keep in mind that I am only 17. My birthday was just yesterday.
God, fuck, sorry, I have dyslexia or something. I know that shouldn't be there but I do it by accident.
17 is plenty..
*chews tobacco* we've got a soft plump buttock, boys
That's pretty easy to say for a nigger
I agree, I was just saying that because I might not have very good answers for a lot of questions.