At what point do we decide that our past principles are no longer virtuous, based on current circumstances and future predictions? At this point, whites obviously have no representation whatsoever in the US government. Trump is hammering the final nails into the coffin of white America as massive floods of illegals pour into the country and he promises to raise legal immigration to the highest levels ever. We pay into a system that despises us and our money is spent to breed more brown people and grease the gears of war. Indeed, many white men would be too proud to accept welfare or government assistance, but in a land of corruption that shuns meritocracy, why would we not take advantage of every single government program that we can? Notice in the interview how the disgusting white television host accuses the man of "Irresponsible Breeding" even as his own race is disappearing. Also notice how he accentuates "Breeding", so that his audience understands that the breeding of whites is a bad thing. If this were a black man, they would be interviewing the mothers and showing heartfelt pictures of the children playing. No doubt there would be calls for support and a Patreon and GoFundMe would probably be set up. Whites are smart enough to legally take advantage of government programs, but it seems to be single mothers that take advantage the most. If values of the past such as pride in ones nation, or meritocracy amount to a death sentence for our race, are they still virtues, or the foolish pride of a child? Is there a reason that we should give to a nation that is no longer ours? Shouldn't we use the system to bolster our numbers? Certainly the system has safeguards to prevent this. Its quite easy for women to sue for child support, but financial ruin is a small price to produce dozens of white children, raise them as best you can, and give them insight as to what the future holds. I know Zig Forums isn't a conservative board, but I feel that this meme still relates to what I am saying. It is also a work in progress.