Funny video of Zig Forums on the news.
Burst out laughing when the ominous horror music starts playing when the reporter types in "Zig Forums" into his url
Zig Forums Zig Forums on the news
Other urls found in this thread:
Stupid fuckers don't realize how they are helping us recruit. Keep reporting it ahahaha
There was already a thread on this and it was mysteriously anchored . . .
Anyone notice that Jim Watkins is reading from a script in his response?
holy fuck some good keks in there
lol'd @ Saint Tarrants pilgrimage
cheers OP
The more savvy you are to the inner workings of madness that makes up anonymous the more fun it is to watch the mainstream media get it wrong.
Fucking kek. You cannot make this shit up.
Someone needs to make a webm of that whole segment of him sitting at the computer, it's gold
monumental keks, they just have no idea what's happening. Dey soooo fwightened
fuck you anons, stop confronting me every day with your content
I'm confronted!!!
Why does everybody keep saying this is an underground darknet message board?
Because its not listed on google
What does that tell you mister reporter man?
His name was Brenton Tarrant
here you go
Except it is, I've even gotten onion links via google searches before
Ben Elley is one of us. You can only lurk here for so long before going 14/88.
Huh I thought google delisted Zig Forums ages ago
Film it and laugh as they die
Zig Forums - HAVEN OF HATE
Nice. Our very own ident
Never understood why Australians put up with New Zealand. I hear NZ has an obesity epidemic and that's not good for the environment at all.
Only the islanders are fat here
How hard would it theoretically be in Minecraft to overthrow that shit little island? What kind of mil do you sheep fuckers have? What I mean is could a group of 100 well provisioned dedicated men take it and hold it?
Isn't he the below 100IQ guy that got torn to shreds by that Molyneux fool and Lauren Southern?
He is.
It doesn't allow free speech, it allows hate speech and the promotion of violence. There is a huge difference.
We might have a helicopter I think.
We had skyhawks in the 90's but they started falling apart and couldn't sell them as scrap
Who defines "hate speech"?
I regard your comment as "hate speech"
No such thing as hate speech, it's just speech. I hate you and I'm entitled to feel that way and articulate it.
'Promotion of Violence' - what does that even mean?
If you do a good job of being violent, you get a promotion or level up. It is rather frightening being one click away from racial hatred, you never know if it will the next post you read.
If you think about it, immigration is "promotion of violence".
I only started coming on here regularly after the christchurch media coverage…
8gag army did it again
Watching the media coverage is a waste of time, I knew more about the event within an hour of the news breaking than they have covered to this date
Hate speech arouses me. Stop kinkshaming, you fucking bigot.
Ambiguous term designed to be subverted as tools for political censorship while trying to claim it's not. That's the real point of it, it's designed to be used rather subjectively. Much like how a feminist loves to call everything rape, including non-physical actions. Apply that same hysteria to the word violence and you could lock anyone up for "violence" even when it's not.
What a violent interpretation.
we are the people that stand up to oppressing governments all they have done is gonna make Zig Forums banned pushing us to more untraceable sites on the dark web.
Jacinder Adern is just a stupid hoe that i would have a smile on my face if her head was on the ground and feel the treatment of what those invaders do to us.
These niggers couldn't tell the difference between Zig Forums and /po/
This is for you sweetie.
Have fun banning the Talmud, then. And yes, before you ask, we have read it. Oh, and the Quran, too.
Very, very true. Especially uncontrolled immigration at the expense of taxpayers' rights.
Please start refering to "white people" as the "the white minority" in all posts, videos etc. We need to make it clear that white people are now the global victims of brown people colonization since they are the dominate races by numbers. Also this will help deminish jewish rhetoric by calling us white supremacists which is getting tired anyway. We should also say "persecution by Jewish media" about any story about hating white people. We need to flip the victim narrative guys. We need to codify a victim language.
Thats easy. Just start playing GAS GAS GAS on the loudspeakers and they'll shoot themselves in Cawadooty in a desperate attempt to become ecelebs.
mind = blown
Immigrants are colonizers
minorities are now the brown majoriy or POC Majority. Which rhymes
We can come up with many more
Anyone that calls you a white supremacist reply thusly:
Why is is okay to demonize and tear white people down as a group but not venerate and lift white people up as a group?
Because they're white.
Hahaha give up, NZ is certainly no Australia but they still have NZ SAS.
You make a valid point, but the time for reasoning has long since left us. I truly believe it is pointless to try to reason with them. Has anyone else been able to get through to a person who has been indoctrinated by (((them)))?
They're going to be arresting so many libtards for this. I can't wait…
White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites
Explain your point.
You niggers don't understand. Try and make a productive, positive thread about the glories of national socialism, about making a happy positive family and community, about creating new art so as to foment a healthy white culture to replace the filth that the jews have given us.
Watch it get deleted within minutes. 8/pol/ is compromised but in a backwards sort of way; they only allow the most vile, edgy, hateful and violent of stuff to flourish here. It allows them to frame us as evil whilst stifling our ability to grow; because any future will be built upon creative ideals, not destructive ones. Yes, we need to destroy what they have given us; but without something to replace it we will just see it return a short time later.
Are you fucking retarded. It has been spamming the website for years. Kill yourself for actually engaging.
Allowed to post here.
"Positive Thread" what are you a fucking hippy?
Hate speech is defined by the progressive stack, and it's coming into law, no happy pixie fucking thread is going to fix that.
This is why "Kill all white men" is not hate speech, while "Kill all black men" is.
That'll work. Also:
And replace it with what? National Socialism is the best system ever. All great systems eventually look like National Socialism - why else would Leftists constantly call all opposing/functional systems Nazis?
I'm not defending 'hatespeech' you doublenigger. Freespeech should be absolute. On this board if you try to talk about anything positive or creative you will see it deleted. We are only allowed misery, hatred and violence.
On Zig Forums you can talk about the good things in National Socialism you triplenigger. There have been plenty of attempts at making book clubs or creative things here, it gets deleted. All sorts of things on that spectrum get deleted. They allow the Self Improvement General up, but it took a bloody long time for that to get approved.
The mods here don't want you doing anything productive. They want you to dwell on how much you hate niggers as opposed to how much you love your kin. Notable exceptions are where threads can be weaponised against other whites; so they'll allow a German-love thread if it means demonising Slavs or Anglos; they'll allow a white love thread if its anti-Christian or anti-Pagan. But again, try and just be generally positive; its deleted. Seriously try it if you don't believe me.
That's the whole point of White Nationalism. Teo make sure Whites never create a normal defense of their interests. And why most White Nationalist groups over the years have been created and maintained by Jews.
The Jews paint swastikas on their buildings for a reason.
8 chan doesn't work but if you use Zig Forums Zig Forums or Zig Forums/k/ it works
Yeah, talking about positive things will definitely work out well for us, considering we are literally under attack.
The anti- slav, boomer, christian posts are part of a concerted effort of D&C to kill Whites.
This doesn't work. It never works. Those normies you 'converted?' They weren't normies. They never were. Normies agree with things that are self-evident, and that's it. That's why spamming Clown World works - because the world is standing on it's head for all to see. You just have to be the guy to hunt through all the shit videos to point it out.
You will never convince a normie or leftist that Nazis were right. History will do that - or it would if the idiots would top trying to go Plato's Republic on it and lie until their fucked up Utopia works.
Why don't you post productive things? I've posted a couple productive things in some threads, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters. The leftists here will spam their bullshit in here anyways for free clicks and victim points. You just have to talk among the noise - it takes an absolutely insane amount of discernment to learn anything on an image board.
I want one that utterly fails to even look at what boards are about.
Something like
cut to /monster/ in the board list
I like the idee, but whites not minority yet or not everywhere.
How about white decline?
There is no giving up
Looks like total mil force is around twenty thousand active that’s for navy army and sas. It could be done with several hundred motivated men well provisioned. Asymmetrics and remove kebab on portable Bluetooth speakers
This is hilarious it's exploding vans and curtains all over again.
Made a funny meme
Does anyone have the video where someone posts "niggers" followed with music?
"shoedoscience videos"
That fucking keyboard god damnit.
Kikes getting BTFO once again!
First things first. We need the numbers to spread the word before anything else. First people have to learn to not be ashamed to be white, then to value their history and heritage. And it's happening, just look at the way politics has changed in the last few years alone. What was only said on chans is now being said by politicians, fills up comments on jewtube and is now a real threat to the globalist narrative. Fuck, even my Nan names the jew now.
The truth must be disseminated before all else. We can sort out the details later
its the same rethoric they used with columbine , blaming ego shooter pc games like quake and doom for it instead of the sick society which encourages mobbing and alienation of classmates.
but that would involve taking the blame up oneself , wouldn't it ?
it is THEIR lack of any sense of responsibility what-so-fucking-ever !
THEY ARE TURNCOATS trying to play the people - blaming the others, playing with fire by showing their faces and names in public, lying to the people day by day pushing their masters agenda.
They are the turncoats western sicety has to get rid of the easily influenced parasites lurking on gatekeeper positions controling and spinning the narrative.
Although there are many news agencies around the world, three global news agencies, Agence France-Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, have offices in most countries of the world and cover all areas of information. All three began with and continue to operate on a basic philosophy of providing a single objective news feed to all subscribers; they do not provide separate feeds for conservative or liberal newspapers. Jonathan Fenby explains the philosophy:
- To achieve such wide acceptability, the agencies avoid overt partiality. Demonstrably correct information is their stock in trade. Traditionally, they report at a reduced level of responsibility, attributing their information to a spokesman, the press, or other sources. They avoid making judgments and steer clear of doubt and ambiguity. Though their founders did not use the word, objectivity is the philosophical basis for their enterprises – or failing that, widely acceptable neutrality.
-Jonathan Fenby, The International News Services (1986) p. 25
"Welcome to Zig Forums, the haven of hate." ?
Why aren't they using our front halfchan?
So retarded it's funny again
Shhhhhhhhhh! Let them work it out for themselves
Look at them slander St. Earnest as a namefag.
Yes, so fucking funny that Whites are going extinct because you White Nationalists give the enemy the fodder they need to kill us.
Back it up boys acceleration is off the table. Back on the slow and steady train to La Creatura.
Nice how you snuck christcucks in there
English, do you speak it Adolf?
and they wonder why they are despised