>Over 9000 (((articles))) about how abortion ban is racist and sexist.
TeH dEmS wAnT tHe AbOrTiOn BaN!
Missing the point. You want rid of the nigs or not? Nigs don't want to live in Alabama and bleeding heart libs are in panic mode.
Aim for the shekels.
Joshua Stewart
Niggers get back alley abortions anyway so this is a net win
Justin Lopez
please, take all of them. ship 'em back to africa
Jace Brown
Libs are terrified? I'm terrified.
Joseph Cooper
I'll look into it.
Ayden Edwards
Abortion is a protection against child abuse. That’s why the right hates it. They want to mistreat children freely, and to have their culture of child mistreatment replicated. By ensuring children as unwanted as conservatives were themselves are abundant, they make their culture more likely to survive into the next clowneration.
Voila. Sociopathic conservatism reveals itself.
Jackson Murphy
alabama at 68.4% white population is at the point of no return. in 10 years they'll be totally disenfranchised unless they play hard ball now
Brayden Garcia
There needs to be a focus on exposing the number of black abortions. Make it a celebration of black abortion.
Eli Martinez
biblical levels of jewish hatred oy vey funny how no culture had a total murder of the other peoples saga down to their infants like the jews did
Dylan Sullivan
All you faggots supporting abortion becuase its mostly black women are retarded, most of you think their is no democratic solution but you care about the exact numbers of each race why?
Jace Hernandez
There is a sort of self segregation here so it's not as bad as the numbers imply. Just stay out if nigger towns and cities and it's mostly White faces. What's interesting is all the abortion clinics are located in the nigger belt. Hopefully they can be driven out of state before they make any more niggers since christcucks want them to breed more.
Henry Davis
Fuck off back to reddit yid.
Mason Cooper
So what's your solution? More black kids? Surely this will end well.
Ian Smith
Or we can just kill them all.
Adam Perry
Less future shock troops against whitey during the race war isn't a bad thing, but frankly, we'd defeat them even if they outnumbered us.
Kayden Anderson
Back to Zig Forums for you.
Samuel Parker
my solution is more white children ,even if it does mean more black children too. Essentially accelerationism. The burdern that the extra welfare babies will increase racial tensions
Aiden Jackson
Clearly denying this important type of healthcare to black women is racist and sexist.
Better yet, move them to the states like Vermont who don't understand blacks.
Owen Sanders
I agree, fellow pede! It is all hands on deck to convince the niggers that the dems r da reel rayciss. If we don't do this, republicans will lose ground and there might be a decline in the number of posts that contain lots of paragraphs explaining exactly how supplicating ourselves 110% in service to israel is actually the lynch pin to taking the jews down.
Xavier Sullivan
>>>Zig Forums is that way, nigger.
Jeremiah Wood
The freshman mind at work.
Hudson Martin
I Like Niggers and Wish There Were More of Them: The Post
Use SocJus to shame white women out of abortions. White abortions use up important abortion resources and delay minority abortions. White women can afford to care for their children, so there is no need for them to make minorities wait longer for their abortions - for those minority women who have jobs, this is lost time at work. Etc, etc…
Easton Clark
It is LESS understood by the natives than it is the transplants.
Hudson Richardson
AKA accelerationism.
Hudson Cook
Ayden Garcia
WE COULD! but we'd rather watch you cut your wrists and bleed out on webcam.
This fucking idiot wants us to give tens if not hundreds of millions to move monkeys from point A, OF OUR COUNTRY, to point B… How about! we use that money to help poor South Africans instead? Buy weapons? Advertisements, ANYTHING BUT GOING TO FUCKING NIGGERS. No one here works to intentionally help niggers.
These fucking apes will just back alley that shit like they did before and in the process! Lots of sheboons will bleed to death along with thier mongoloid baby.
Christopher Morales
We should all go to Panama or Paraguay
Adam Nguyen
BTA Cruises is now partnered with Planned Parenthood to offer free permanent family planning services for select customers! Skilled doctors from Planned Parenthood will be giving free vasectomies and hysterectomies on board BTA cruise ships which will sail a few miles offshore where they will be outside of Alabama state law. All legal, and the best thing is, it's FREE!
Colton Butler
I don't understand why there is an entire band of high nig concentration across the middle of the state? I would have assumed the highest density would be Birmingham (ironically once called "the Detroit of the south" back when that was considered a good thing) and there be a high concentration areas around it in a circular pattern, not a straight path cutting across the whole state.
Adrian Flores
The best troll would be for the "Nazi's" to come out in support of the Democrats and abortion in Alabama.
Maybe natsoc should start supporting rainbow and we could literally become the next trojan horse of history. Imagine supporting fags and trannies just to get on power and as soon as we usurp power we just DESTROY EVERYONE!!!