Liberia was successful the first time around because blacks were demoralized. They believed that whites would never see them as equals, that they weren't equals, and that they could live a better life, with less oppression, surrounded by their own kind.
There are footholds we can use to precipitate the same effect now:
-They've "learned" a lot about their own culture (we waz kangs, 'n sheeeeiit).
-They think they played a disproportionate roll in advancing the world. We could get them to *threaten* to move back to Africa and take their ability to advance civilization with them unless their demands for more gibs or whatever are met, creating a second tier effect of people actually making the move. Most non-africans will ignore this completely or laugh it off. They always want more gibs.
-They still believe the white man is holding them down. What better place to escape the ebil white man?
-They believe they are more peaceful. We can play up and contrast these things to make Africa an appealing destination and ultimately cause some level of self deportation.
-We can spread pictures of modern looking African cities like those in Ghana and Nigeria. We could tell them that the pictures of mud huts are a lie spread by white supremacists, along with every other plight in Africa like the aids epidemic.
-We could link the decolonization efforts with their presence in America and other countries that formerly used them as slaves. To stay put is to let the colonists win. To participate in the economy of these evil white countries is to continue their enslavement. Home is where the homeland is.
The problems with this plan:
-Many are poorfags. They can't save money to save their life. Affirmative action may have shifted this to some degree, but only marginally. We could encourage the more well off nigs to help their communities make the trip, get them to start back-to-africa foundations and whatnot.
-African countries don't want American niggers. Their border control is a joke anyways. So maybe this isn't a big problem.
-Some of these tactics would have collateral damage. We don't want people outside of African communities believe that Africans are great stock to have around. I think we can mitigate this to some degree with surgical meme strikes within african enclaves, of which there are many, ending up with a kang effect where they are the only ones truly believing any of this. I'm just spitballing here.