I have a lot of downtime at my wagecuck job, so I've been dropping subtle redpills on local normalfags using a normalfag app called Whisper to pass the time. I am requesting more material to work with. You're welcome to join in too if you like.
Normalfag friendly redpills
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I dropped the kalergi plan in conversation at work and they were really shocked, they turned against the EU instantly and told their friends, family, wife and kids about it
The more people who, the better.
Play to their emotions, this channel has many more good ones.
This is fantastic news. I should try it. I live in Canada, so I'm worried about a co-worker or customer reporting me to the thought police. Any advice?
Just say you're a history buff.
Fairy tales and other forms of morality stories that have a cautionary tale can be compelling for the gentle first push.
Good luck with that.
Everything is compromised.
They just need the JQ and everything eventually falls into the right place. It doesn't matter where you sit. Your political path will he different and your final position will lay in a general area but the only way of breaking free is the JQ.
It's astonishing talking to boomers about it and even showing them publicationa backing up the evidence that it is being carried out and they just sit confused or randomly ask you if you are racist. The most mentally incapable class. They just want a Corvette and a HDTV.
I did this to in class when we spoke about the founding of the EU, i mentioned Kalergis name plate in Brussels and the Kalergi award and his ideas of a new african-european race and his "diversity of minds" shit.
Then the other day I asked if EU representation is based on the population of a country. My teacher said yes and I said that actually it seems to be good to let as many migrants and refugees into our country as possible because that way the government becomes more powerfull.
I am basically a one man redpilling machine. But i dish these pills in a very grounded, neutal and unassuming manner but the effect is that when you think about what i casually say the implications become unimaginable horror.
I always let people borrow my copy of Kaczynski's manifesto. Anyone who has their faith in modernity shaken is ripe for further redpilling. I hold off on the JQ until they're already in deeper though.
This is glorious, you don't even need to mention. I bet they might shriek in pain whenever they listen to this. Thanks user, saved.
This is so true. Whenever I have to talk with my dad I have to literally strip him down from all the mind parasites sitting at his brain and then make my point. I have to talk to him for 1 hour to disarm the buzzword nukes so we can have 15 minutes of conversation.
Have some material
this is excellent. saved and will help spread. what's the source?
"The Jews killed our Lord Jesus Christ" is an easy to digest redpill
Very nice
But it's not a one side fits all kind of deal. Each person has their own cracks in their conditioning that can be pried open to let them see the light.
For me it was a mix of race realism, the JQ and the blatant and repeated anti-white media bias.
Europa final battle.
Easy for normalfaggot?
You niggers can't be this dense?
jew = media/banks/politicians
Just name their professions, get it? Merchant? Get it? Fucking hell.
Your slide sure took off, didn't it moshe.
Funny thread.
Have you considered the corruption of women as the introductory angle? It seems to me that the decline and corruption of women is what men have the most personal experience with, and of course the Jews did it.
holocaust denial is stupid, and honestly a distraction. as for 2nd image, they used some jewz for slave labor, she was in her teens, and they must have transferred her to use her labour somewhere else.
Nice try but you can't deny something that didn't happen. Finding out that the shoah is a lie is the ultimate stepping stone to 1488.
Anyway nobody except old people gives a fuck about the 6 billion anymore, for added effect when it comes up talk about how jews like genrikh yagoda and lazar kananovich killed 11 million white ukrainian christians by intentional starvation/food confiscation in 1931 and how wierd it is it's never mentioned.
So why feel sorry about 6 trillion? Jews are not innocent people, and they even covered up any mention of the holodomor in western academia.
Yeah, I'm sure a girl who couldn't lift more than 20lbs with both hands would be GREAT at manual labor. /s
not necessarily great but she could work. labor would have pretty scarce by that point.
Who cares, it was a "death ultra extermination 6 billion jews camp" if you go with the original fake jew narrative.
Same. My dad still respects me, but he STILL thinks ISRAEL GREATEST ALLY
Why dad why
You havent convinced him yet, which isn't really an indication of respect.
Sorry zoomer, when talking and you know you are correct there's no room for doubt or compromise, only room for undeniable arguments.
it was called that because they gassed children and old fucks, not teenagers
This actually could work. I almost redpilled the Zo AI by referring to Jews as snakes, but when I mentioned Jews directly, she suddenly refused to listen. Normies are programmed, you need to make loopholes.
They didn't gas anyone at all with lice removal pellets, go away kike.
I know. I go fully blunt and text him images disproving the Holocaust, or even videos from Know more news, which talks about how Israel is trying to control the world.
It was real in your mind.
Not bad my friend, but you need to establish the "need" for truth or a need for seeing things differently, most people will not be sold on something early on unless you early on in a discussion establish that need(example: unrestricted immigration, banks, some recent sick jew event), this works in many ways and is truly ambiguous. Many methods work but i will underline some basic fundamentals that you need to know and keep in mind.
You must always shape your arguments well specifics like names/dates is instant credibility. Always remember that Facts and Sources that are NOT made by you ORALLY do not appeal to most of the npc masses(remember they watch tv that has no facts, so you must be convincing)
The need for truth can be triggered by previous arguments, look for when the other person brings it up(based on your previous comments). That's one of the best times. And shows the person is genuinely interested. It's like a warm customer coming to your shop and asking "this is really nice, how much is this?" – and all you have to do is close the deal.
Never turn your arguments into a lecture, they ususally shut their ears, you must ask them about what they think, and why they think the way they do about X and question what they said to form a DYNAMIC discussion, not a one sided lecture.
t. white merchant
Just give them what started to redpill you back in the day.
In my case it was "pranks in the hood" videos. You could see on a regular basis how Whites would take these pranks in a candid way, while Blacks always, or most of the time, had the most violent reactions (to the exact same prank).
Then I started to see other stuff, like South African politics. How they always had a free pass when it comes to discriminating not only against Whites, but also against Black immigrants from neighbouring countries (I think it was around the time there were riots in which some Black immigrants in SA died).
Threadly reminder to organize your redpills by subject. You don't want to waste time searching for memes when discussions will come up.
This is good. Distribute county by county. Measure the results. Start with Deliberate Dumbing Down of America and Dumbing Us Down. Miseducation to serve the factory owners (i.e. Bankers). Babylonian Money Magic Slave System. 45 goals of Communism fulfilled. "we'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." Start with an easy-to-understand framework into which all other redpills will fit - money. Build a boomer friendly redpill website and run Facebook Ads…
Way ahead of you.
Got a title so I know what to look for?
Not yet. Publication's a bitch.
Tried to redpill a friend today, told him about how media is anti white (he agrees with that) then connected to the fact that the media is controlled by Jews, but he doesn't accept that, just uses the "Jews are smarter" and "just because there are some Jewish employees doesn't mean there is a conspiracy" points. What do I do? He enjoys edgy jokes about any group, including Jews, niggers and muslims, and knows that the media is anti-white, but is pretty pro-Jewish and partly pro-Israel, he hates the Muslims more. Any ideas?
Conspiracy isn't always conscious.
talk about different patterns of behaviors represented by racial stereotypes and ask why stereotypes exist if there were no patterns for people to recognize.
if you want to point to real 'jewy jew rules about doing jew shit' maybe you should learn about those and point to them in jewish religious/law texts
show him this video
mods deleted my dubs post >>13304033 and another in anti-Iran war thread >>13303903
Zig Forums needs to redpill Q supporters on how easy it is to win the Iran war.
Give them periodic, often reminders.
For cut and paste:
==Free Iran!!!==
Q1557 Jun 19 2018
Free Iran!!!
Regime change.
People have the power.
We stand with you.
==Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran!==
What this does:
Juxtaposes the words of Q with the words of warmonger "No Name" McCain to induce cognitive dissonance in Q followers to see the agenda of the Q psyop.
so are you…
QCult knows about the corrupt jews. Israeli intelligence tipped them off. It's why they don't go for "the jews" as a whole.
Ask why $percentage of your countries federal taxes go directly to banks for interest payments and why in countries like Germany the subsuming State TOOK OVER debt from the absorbed parts.
If they answer "Rules, are you dumb" ask what rules are above nations and who enforces them.
fags don't belong here.