A Jewish "Comedian" confronts a heckler who jokes that Jews run TV. So he grand stands and acts all self rightous youtu.be
Jew Crybaby Comedian whines about being heckled at Comedy Club
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git gud
They're all suck whiny cunts. Find the 'whiny cunt' gene and we can use it to manipulate a killer virus
This. Only Bill Hicks truly knew what he was doing, but of course he had to die early. They were trying to SHUT HIM DOWN.
not entirely related but i just saw this
Invisible Jews on Television
While not made explicit, many characters on television had very Jewish traits.
George was always a jew. Kramer and Elaine, on the other hand, both claim to not be jewish on an episode called “The Fatigues”. The actors are all jewish and Kramer is an exclusively jewish name
He deliberately misinterprets everything.
Nobody fucking asked about jobs; it's ethnic replacement that it was implying.
Then some dude just says "TV"
He said one fucking word. If it wasn't true, he wouldn't have reacted like that.
Bill Hicks would've been deplatformed and persona-non-grata'd by now if he were still kicking.
Is this a bot of some kind? That's a pretty generic response. You could probably use that response in 95% of threads here. In fact, I've been seeing a lot of this shit, ever since the mosque shooting. Who the fuck takes the time to make a bot to mess with a Vietnamese Pokemon trading forum? Sage for off-topic.
What is the quote exactly of "A jew's life consists of complaining and grabbing money." ?
Every character on Seinfeld is inherently Jewish. Its the nature of the program and its the nature of television in general.
Seinfeld was written by Jews, and therefore all characters on the show are just reflections of the Jewish mind. They all have Jewish characteristics, because they are extensions of Jews themselves. This is why Elaine acts so very Jewish despite “not being a jew”.
You can see this happen across many forms of media. The jews know nothing but their own neuroticism and can’t help but project it into their characters.
Learn how to make a thread.
I was born Jewish. While I will admit that there is occasionally some seriously fucking scary shit posted here– e.g., "We need to kill all Jews"– I'm not AT ALL offended by anyone's comments. I'll tell you that, if you met me, there is a zero percent chance you'd know I was Jewish. I don't look it. I don't act it. I have ZILCH in common with other Jews and much more in common with Christians, who were almost exclusively who I grew up with. I don't have a great job. I don't have shit for money. I don't affiliate with any Jewish groups or practice the religion. However, technically, I'm "Jewish" by birth, I suppose. I do believe in a loving God who would never put people on the Earth who were cursed from birth. And I also believe that Jesus was the messiah… just not mine. I don't follow any way. I don't join groups. And I'll acknowlede that religions, and definitely including Judaism, can do a lot of harm. They can be responsible for a lot of the world's killing, oppression and other chicanery. But ethnic replacement? I'm married to a woman whose family is Lutheran but, herself, also doesn't practice anything. I guess by blood our kid is half-Jewish. Whatever. He's a little person… sweet, happy, smart. Am I trying to replace some other ethnicity? Personally, I don't think so. But I'm happy to listen if you have a comment. I really mean what I said: If you put me in a room of 100 people and tried to pick out the Jews, I'd probably be one of the LAST people you'd pick. I don't wear some fucking beanie. I eat ham and cheese sandwiches. LOL. I don't listen to Jew music. Hehehe. I'm not even really sure what being Jewish is, honestly. Seems like a fucking curse, whatever way you cut it.
And Steinfield was a shit show. Boring as fuck. I don't even know why people still talk about it. Wasn't funny. Still totally unfunny 30 years later.
Read the comments on the video.
There are no good jews. Your post is deliberately trying to conflate religion with the jewish ethnicity, as (((you))) always do.
With all due respect, I don't think Bill Hicks was Jewish. However, while I know a lot of people like his "rants", I think he was really fucking boring and totally unfunny.
So, you're saying that people who fall out of a Jewish vagina are bad, basically? Full stop. Doesn't matter what they think or do, how they live their lives. Wasn't St. Paul born Jewish, for example? I'm not trying to argue with you. To be honest with you, I think Judaism is a stupid fucking religion. I just don't get what you said about conflating the religion with the ethnicity. My point was that I'm not religiously or ethnically Jewish, as far as I can tell. I don't cling to some cultural heritage. The only thing I've got that's (((Jewish))) is DNA, I guess. Does that make me a bad person, in your view? I'm asking this sincerely. What the fuck do I know?
No, Jew repeats vice versa, then repeats what you wrote to deflect accusations that he replaced all his race has done with "Patriarchy" as the culprit.
I'll sit around and crack Jew / Holocaust jokes with you all day long. Don't give a fuck. I'm not being defensive here of the religion, the ethnicity… nothing. I just don't relate to it.
Yikes. That was cringe.
Bobby Fischer was a Jew by birth, buy he said he "wasn't a Jew" and that anyone who thought they were a Jew should relent calling themselves that and the corrupt and broken degenerate parasitical tribe of pharisees should be disbanded and denounced.
No he wasnt
He never accepted or purported to be a "Jew", but he had Jewish DNA.
Also, I was screened for genetic disease markers before having a kid. I didn't. If I did, I wouldn't have reproduced, frankly. I have a happy, healthy little 2.5 year old who, if he met you, would look up at you and smile. You wouldn't know he's "Jewish", either.
To be clear, there's NOTHING you can say about Jewish people that offends me because I don't consider myself Jewish. But if you say you want to wipe people with Jewish ancestry from the Earth… then, honestly, you've got me scared. I won't lie. Other than that, say whatever the fuck you want about the Yahoodi doodies. I don't give a shit.
And that's how you truly destroy the jew. I agree.
Go be a faggot somewhere else
Sounds to me like he wasn't jewish ever, in any capacity.
Except you keep posting trying to defend people you supposedly don't identify with. Your tricks are seen through here. You do not belong here. Go away.
Here's the .mp4, Learn to embed, newfaggot. Sage because this didn't deserve its own thread.
Bill hicks is alex jones, retard. He was sn operative all along
Alex Jones was a beast. Now he's just crazy.
Ok. I come in peace, honestly. I don't think there's anything malign in my intent, unless it's subconscious. I don't hate anyone. I just don't understand what makes me Jewish. DNA? It's fine. There's no arguing it. But I will tell you this: I could probably be your best friend and you'd never know I had Jewish parents. I grew up in a heavily Jew-hating area, and many of my friends hated Jews, honestly, so I'm pretty sure I'm right about that.
What a nice way to double-down as a pathetic fag
Look at his history on jewtube, the guy does that to get views.
Me… defend Jews? You'll never hear me defending Jews. NEVER. You'll never hear me defending "Yisroel." As far as I'm concerned, the religion and the country could disappear. I don't care. Now, you will hear me criticize them, but defend, no.
Disbanded, I agree.
What did I say that defended Jews? Do you know that I think Jews are some of the most pathetically greedy, cynical, elitist bastards on the face of Earth? So, no… I don't defend them.
In my country, we have problem. There are now at least 500,000 jews in a demographically mongrelized nation of 37 M, all beholden to globohomo federal reserve currency. 500,000 Neanderkiken is three times the population of the injuns and eskimo together – while they themselves are absurdly expensive. In population density terms, these jews in our Dominion are at twice the concentration of the obscenely destructive Wiemar jews in 1933 Germany when the total population there was 62 M. Maybe the Wiemar concentration could be considered a unit: 1 Wiemar. Canada is at 2 Weimars.
Every fucking time. Even the crowd is barely laughing at this yid's (((jokes))).
LUL Yikes PepeLaugh
Your first post was basically a strawman that was supposed to make ousting jews comparable to feministe whining about the "patriarchy" - whilst we live in a jewish matriarchy
I like this expression. Fuck though; no wonder Canada's going from a 1st world country to a 3rd world shithole at a break neck speed.
Steve Hofstetter is a Genrikh Yagoda apologist. All jewish entertainment and cultural participation in Occidental nations is implicit Genrikh Yagoda apologism. Steve Hofstetter is just another example of this globalist demotic anti-gentilism. His fake comedic act must be called out as Genrikh Yagoda apologism.
Holy shit! The ENTIRE comment section is fucking based!
Tighten your laces, lads!
It's on!!!
Yes. I have been trying to work out a sober paragraph on how to describe our demographic situation. For instance, of the 37M, only 73% are white (27,010,000). Half of those are 13 M nuisance women with a suffragette vote who continually make things worse. Of the remaining 13 M white men, there is a large civil service, military and policing group bought, attached or otherwise brainwashed by globohomo. Good Goys who will basically fuck anyone for one of the world spider's shekels. There are probably about 6,000,000 of these cunts, boomers, ass-bandits and sleepy monarchist bastards. Which leaves about 7 M potential reactives on behalf of a sovereign occident.
Elaine is Louise Dreyfus. She is a direct heir of the Louis Dreyfus the Belgian grain speculator. Her family is worth something like $14 billion. I think that they control something like 80% of the grain sales in the world. Acting is just a little fun hobby for her.
I live around several Indian reserves. Every status indian man, woman and child recently received anywhere from $50,000 to $70,000 leafbux. Cow and Plow Treaty 8, the most recent of MANY government handouts. Most of them blew it all on fire water and VLTs. Jewish racemixing with hereditary tribal leaders is rampant. Jews are everywhere in Canada.
Oswald Spengler claimed that history proves that all it takes is an army of 10,000 men with fanatical discipline to conquer the world. Those 10,000 become the officer cadre of the greater army they raise up.
No one is giving your clickshekels kike.
Fuck the kikes come join.
Because christcuckery has worked out so well for us, of course.
So fucking based.
Jews don't cling to heritage, they just take it away from everybody else. You're destroyers, not preservers.
>The only thing I've got that's (((Jewish))) is DNA, I guess.
And that's what matters.
There are no good or bad jews, only damned ones.
Didn't know Jews could be sincere.
Whatever you do know doesn't matter.
Injun-kikes. Great.
Every town and city west of Toronto is the product of a jewish run railroad real estate swindle, particularly Vancouver. Here's how it works;
1. The cross continental railroads were up to that time the greatest ever engineering project in history and thus also the most expensive project in history. This required (((Bank of England ))) financing
2. By controlling the flow of financing for the railroad they had the inside track on all it's building.
3. They knew where all the rail stations were going to be in advance
4. They financed the buying up of all the real estate around that projected station for miles around, secretly.
5. They announced the rail stations would be someplace else.
Profit.$$ This is also true in the USA with every town and city west of Chicago.
Oppenheimer and 7 friends bought up all the land in what was to be Vancouver west of Boundary Road out to the ocean while everyone else was made to believe that the rail station would end at Port Moody. When it was announced that it would end at the foot of what would be Granville St there was nearly a riot.
The jews owned Vancouver from day one.
lazy post; show the comments section
He removed the pinned butthurt comment.
You Tube has become far more antisemetic than Zig Forums pol
Gas yourself.
Brilliant I love this new metric
I have pointed this out many times in differnt threads. 20 years ago when I first got the tubes there was nothing on the holocaust and only a couple "jew hater websites". Everyone toed the accepted party line and believed everything they were taught. Gradually things changed but 911 accelerated the whole process, millions of people trying to figure out what happened stumbled onto more than they bargained for. SO now you have a whole new crop of kids that have grown up only knowing the tubes and they share like mad because it goes against the grown ups thinking.
It is a beautiful thing to have watched evolve.
It gives me great hope.
Sounds hopeful, although I am reserved on this kind of encouragement because weapons would be more rarified at that time. It sounds non-controversial nowadays, but now we have niggers with guns: injuns, poos, jews, whammen, ass-bandits all whacked out on universalist egalitarian cludge. They have a huge population of overfunded, no-ideology pseudo-citizens who advocate, infiltrate, betray and commit crimes without consequence, and prosecute allegations without evidence. I'm not doom pilled, its just hard to take faith from the past at times. Neanderkiken money power is really a really filthy enemy. Intuitively, even with all seven million of the remaining cobbers in the Dominion fighting at full awareness and strength, it would still be bloody miserable.
It's going to be a naked knife fight in a latrine trench knee deep in fresh shit.
has turkroah switched jewess?
The amount of dissonance that crowed must be feeling is probably off the charts.
Being left wing is a form of mental retardation.
It is subconscious and it is in your DNA, assuming you're telling the truth with all this and are not just a JIDF shill. I'm sorry but you are a demonic spawn of hell and the best thing you could do for the world is either end your life or at the VERY least not procreate or further muddy non-Jewish blood lines with your tainted DNA.B But you already have done that. That leaves only one option…
Lol fragile Nazis. Are you mad Steve brought up the cringe fest known as Charlottesville? Or that he made a Nazi shut up and leave? Btw Hitler was a homosexual who was afraid of being dominated by the big bad evil Jews! Haha you people are a joke! This forum is a joke too and we’ll gladly take it down and have all of your information readily available in the public.
How many Wiemar Units is your nation? Frenly clarification, Wiemar's are an Imperial Unit. I respek you meant metric differently, but Metric is fake and gay Enlightenment mazonic jew-dong with only two factors 2 and 5. Pfft, measuring cars and architectur in millimeters ffs.
Troll harder faggot, this shit is Reddit tier
i swear these three posts have the exact same style.
Fuck off homosexual
in fairness to kikes, they are just really narcissistic and loud, so tv is a great fit
Interesting scam. Hope it gets busted back to Mesolithic times. Claw back all of their cultural and industrial participation. I grew up around injuns and they are rotten torturing bastards. Animals disfavor them, despite the jew media repute of spiritual harmony with nature. Even the kindest most deferential relations with them are seething with a deranged underdeveloped primitiveness just under the surface. Boomers and shitlibs constantly told me to respect the injuns but I cannot recall even one that was on the level. At the time, I was also surrounded by a lot of crypto-jews putting on their post-war christian refugee pantomime. In reflection, their catastrophically anti-gentilist behavior cross-bred with the insidious cruelty of the injun is profoundly Godless to even just think about.
Chodemonkey allows this
Psychekikeotherapy diagnosis: Scatological Pathology.
Yes. Do that. That would be fucking ebic. I'm actually getting quite tired of waiting. PLEASE DO THIS!
Fuck off tranny
How does this talentless "comedian" have a show except from Jew tribalist nepotism?
And it will keep being that forever, if people don't start mass killing jews.
That inbred northern European ginger is claiming to be Semiticj because of a theological choice. Everybody notice the heavily redacted prelude to the "TV" comment. Most "Jewish" comics start out in the Jewish comedy genre, which is mostly hate speech about the minorities of the NYC/LA metro areas. (Bill Maher, Rosanne Barr, Gilbert Gottfried, ring any bells) That was what this guy was doing with his "Jews don't want your low wage jobs." shtick. I bet he does a lot of sand nigger jokes about real Semites. Guys like him created the voters that pushed Rashida Tlaib (real Semite), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilham Omar to the forefront of ultra left policies. How many Zig Forumsaks are going to claim their pasty inbred selves are Semites next? You probably have more Semitic DNA than this comedian. Ivanka Trump does.
Does this put the usa at 3.2 Weimars? or is my math shit
The cuckchan sure is strong today.
Oh look it's the
Just going to leave this here.
Lmao, is this shit a serious post or a shitpost? Giving a sage because of stupid post.
Just stop trying to genocide/subvert us and keep your head low. Common sense. If you self-identify as a jew you'll be treated as such when the time comes.
1 Wiemar = 500,000 kikes in 62 M ethnically uniform Germans. 1 in 124. Total US population 329 M. US jews 5.7 M core, and 10 M total. So, yeah 3.29 looks right. For a refined albeit bracing concentrate Wiemar Unit, total population could be broken down to actual white, male, normal sex population. This would prolly get well beyond four toward six.
hahaha great minds think alike.
Round up to 4 Wiemar Units. 1 Wiemar = 124:1. If total US citizenship to European Style Socialists is 32.9:1, then broad concentrate is 124 / 32.9 = 3.77 Wiemars minimum. Refine total population to increase accuracy.
This theme of train track real estate jewing shows up in American cowboy movies quite a lot. It is often dismissed as a crazy notion an old coot has, or a paranoid conspiracy so dastardly that only about four people in the whole town can manage to understand it.
I can tell how Jewish you are by the manner in which you type. I bet, I could tell how much of a ethnic jew you were from the first sentence out your mouth if I ever met you. Regardless, you are your blood. Rejecting it, being a apathetic traitor to your own, means that you should die first. At least you fellow kikes have some semblance of loyalty.