If it was just that? nothing
Oh but thats where you're wrong. They spread their degeneracy to children CONSTANTLY. I literally do not need to cite any other source (but oh boy can I) than the fact that there is an 11 year old male who dresses in drag, dances at gay clubs, and gay adult males stuff dollar bills in his underwear, and the entire left wing CELEBRATES this.
You really think this degeneracy being tolerated isn't what led to "furry" culture blowing up like it did? And you know as well as I do how many of them fuck and abuse animals
The federal government has NEVER told you you can't see them or have any kind of relationship with them. Throughout its entire existence the federal government never once said or established as law or court precedent that you cannot engage in a private relationship with anyone whom you choose to, as long as they are a lawful legal adult of consenting age themselves.
Yes, states did in fact have anti-sodomy laws, but you know what? If you faggots had had a brain in your head, you'd have realized this would equally apply to heterosexual relationships as well. Sodomy is just anal sex, essentially, and that isnt restricted to being a practice between faggots. Moreover, unless someone was in your bedroom, how would they prove you and your faggot lover were engaging in sodomy? They literally could not prove otherwise if you had told them you were in a sexless relationship. But nope, you wanted EVERYONE to know you were taking it in the ass from your faggot lover. Just couldn't keep it to yourselves and in your own bedroom, could you?
Moving on, what it (fed gov) never did before, was it never ENDORSED those relationships or attempted to support them in any way. What it did do, was encourage population growth by encouraging normal couples to marry and produce children so that the next generation would be larger than the last. That was their ONLY reason for ever doing things like tax breaks for mortgages or reductions in taxable income for having dependents and so on. All of that was specifically to encourage single adults to marry someone of the opposite sex, buy a home, have children, engage in the economy, and produce the next generation and encourage population growth.
Because that, my friend, is what keeps a society thats based on constant growth able to keep going. Its not faggots sucking each other off in seedy bars. Its not trannies making youtube videos about their dilation experiences. Its not bull dykes hate fucking each other and beating the shit out of each other in their cat infested apartments. No, what made it all work, was a man and a woman buying a home and having 2.5 kids while the man went off to work and the woman tended to the home and children.
That is why that setup was encouraged, because it is what enabled our system to function properly. A huge portion of what is wrong with our society now, can be traced back to having begun when we shifted away from that setup as a society. But the fed government NEVER told you you couldnt engage in whatever degeneracy you wanted. It never made faggot relationships illegal, at most states made sodomy illegal but not the relationships.
You really need to fucking learn something before you open your mouth