We are the race chosen by God to inherit the rule of planet earth, I am not saying this from a biblical perspective. Whites are not hebrews. Whites are Aryan, and in fact Whites do rule the planet earth, it is our planet.
Whites are the true rulers of the world. Jews are imposters who are trying to deceive people into believing they are the chosen race. Jews are not chosen.
The biblical concept of jews claiming rule over the earth as a chosen people were just jews copying what the Aryans in The Middle East were saying, The Aryans whom were largely exterminated by The Jews which is the story of the Old Testament. The old testament is a record of jewish crimes against aryans. The jewish extermination of the aryan folk.
The Old Testament is The Jews exterminating The Middle Eastern Aryans and robbing them of their wisdom. Much of the wisdom and customs/traditions of the old testament are jewish but much of it is aryan too. You have to sift through it.
Aryans are the true chosen race of god. We the white race are the chosen people. Planet earth belongs to us, this is our planet. We are the real rulers of the earth. The jews are not the real rulers of the planet, they are not us, they are not the whites. We are the rulers, not them.
We have to be racial fanatics. We have to be fanatical about our race, and fanatically hate jews.
The planet already belongs to us, its just an issue of realizing it and upon realizing it we can act with our full power.