A) There are antifa sites online that plan attacks on people - they could profile who is behind those B) There are mafia like entities consisting of restaurant+construction+recycling (bomb making) C) There are known salafist mosques with lots of connections to terrorists. D)There are NGOs with public websites in the mediterranean sea who are obvious and can be easily traced and they do illegal trafficking of refugees. E) Even in public demonstrations theres people that yell ACAB and who wear full on disguises and throw rocks and they dont pursue them F) There are tons of immigrants that violate their visa and stay illegally who could be easily pinpointed and sent back.
Who do they persecute however?
1.Autists posting memes online. 2.White people who try to prep food / try to live on ranches and fertile land for the means of unplugging from supporting big industries. 3.White people who form sects or pro-state patriot movements like identitarians.
Why is Police not going after real criminals? Why is Police the way it is?
Officials and cops do qualify as such are bound by instructions. If the instructions are to harass white people and disrupt their lives, well - go figure.
Jonathan Walker
Jew judges, jew laws, jew media, jew government, etc.
Hudson Mitchell
All of us know this. If youre a Zig Forumslack and trust the boys in blue you're one dumb motherfucker that isn't paying attention. They're ZOGbots. Emphasis on the "bots". They don't think for themselves. This is not a good thing.
Jace Rivera
ZOGbots are the ZOG's bots. Their purpose is to enforce the ZOG's law and keep the Goys in check.
Leo Baker
You fucked up by assuming the "police" as an institution is anything but what it is; a Tool of the state. And since antifa are useful idiots of the state, what the fuck do you expect. HAVE NO SYMPATHY, EMPATHY OR ALLIGIENCE OR RELIANCE ON ANY INSTITUTION OR FUNCTION OF THE STATE IF YOU CAN AVOID IT That of course is not to say hate those of your kin, fooled or persuaded into being the janissaries of a foreign leadership that hates you. Hate the kike, kill the kike, destroy the kike and all foreign scum. Shesh.
Ryan Moore
Depends on the country. Here in the UK the police are unarmed so they just wait a safe distance away from the criminal and hope that he stops doing crime.
They arent too bothered about burglaries or stabbings but if you hurt someones feelings on twitter they will come down on you like a tonne of bricks.
Alexander Morris
Honestly I actually thought Police were on the side of the people for a long time/still somewhat do.
I was brought up as a good goy (like most of us). Needing to realize theyre an attack squad against us is the kind of blackpill that I don't dare to swallow.
I keep hearing that a lot of Cops are actually right-leaning … is that false hope?
You should be asking why NGOs and Anifa have law enforcement afraid to act out on their obvious crimes.
Cameron Lopez
Polite sage, but I happen to know a few cops. Police has a problem now, because the good cops are afraid to do their jobs. They shoot a criminal who is shooting them with intent to kill and the officer could end up on national news as someone who murdered a poor youth who nindu nuffin. There are a lot of situations like this, so the good guys are staying away and not becoming officers. Meanwhile, minorities are flocking to become police, because it means they can use their police status to commit more crime and enable their friends. The people I know who are retiring are all very concerned about the next generation of police, because they more or less expect it to end up like a China/Mexico situation where police work more like a state sanctioned mafia.
Juan Barnes
Six points of control… 1. Ownership 2. Leadership 3. Law 4. Law Enforcement 5. Religion 6. Materialism
So law enforcement require laws, which requires a lawmaker, which requires a leader, which requires the of having ownership of or seeking ownership of something they deem worthwhile. In this case money. So follow the money and you'll get
Colton Fisher
tfw I just terminated my application to become a Cop and decided to continue being a neet.
I honestly do not want to become a pawn in (((their game))) but idk if it was a wise decision.
I did meet some nice recruits who were almost all AfD voters at the police academy and there were also based foreigners and women but internally I felt out of place.
As I mentioned before I feel Cops aren't really pursuing true criminals and I do not want to partake in hunting good Germans.
My thoughts about being a cop was bludgeoning antifas and being dominant towards immigrants who fuck with Germans, but that is the exact kind of cop they expell almost instantly.
well, if their (((handlers))) command them not to persecute niggers or (((them))), and to persecute white people for waking up, then what do you THINK is gonna happen?
Easton Wilson
Have you ever wondered why we had functioning societies for 10,000 years without a police force, and then suddenly we were told they were essential once we started letting jews into society?
Oliver Wilson
user, get out of that German mindset of waiting out the bad times. This is it, all out war against the western civilization. All at the same time. The utter destruction of Europe by mongrelization would've happened a long time ago if it wasn't for Hitler's sacrifice. You have three choices to make now. 1. Fleeing…which means forever saying goodbye to your homeland or any other white land, for a uncertain future in some shithole. 2. Temporary survival…getting out of the system, becoming self sufficient, and preparing to defend yourself. 3.Stand your ground…prepare for war, group up under the German flag, attack the concept of the EU (don't even try to go against the jews head on before you own your own land) and get as many people as possible into the mindset of being a race, of having a nationality, of standing on your homeland.
Stop wasting time, get out there and take down all these genocide political posters, that don't even say "Deutschland" anymore. Take them down, rip them apart, burn them, bring as many people as possible and strike any resistance down with the statement "I'm German, not European, what are you?"
James Walker
Sure, if you're in a small town like I am they're probably fine. They're also irrelevant. My county has three cops. If shit hit the fan those three cops won't last long vs. the 3000 population so it doesn't really matter. In virtually every city where the population has been mostly disarmed it's a very different story.
Isaac Fisher
Follow the fuse, you'll find…. E,F,T.
Brayden Campbell
Don't be so naive and get the defense preparations going. Sit down with farmers first to secure perimeters, food and water supplies. Make sure that your entire city knows what's coming, that you all are standing with each other, and then get those three cops to chose their sides. Afterwards reject whatever they try to force your way. Get the German flags on every house, build fucking walls if you must. Reject the EU or you will be destroyed. This is not about saving Europe or any individual country, this is survival of your race. You need to group up, and you need to secure land for yourself by any means.
Gavin Green
It is very possible a Napolean style individual could come out of the police force. You get enough people redpilled and on your side within a force and you can turn it into a force for good. Getting the military and or police forces to sympathize with us is a crucial aspect of taking power. Which is why we keep having to expose the Jew and doing non violent activism to spread awareness of the JQ. Once people on the street are saying "Those fucking Jews are at it again", or they start opening pointing out that their judge in some hypothetical case is a kike, they will lose their power. Their special rules work best when no one knows who and what they are.
James Collins
The boys in blue work for the jew.
Jeremiah Fisher
anyone who can think for themselves and questions authority gets weeded out during the recruitment process. Only the dumbest people get to become police officers. That doesn't mean some detectives may be really good at their job, but it does mean they still fall in line when told to.
Anthony Smith
The neocon boogeyman?
Alexander Torres
The problem is not them is that nothing is being done about them.
Eli Sanders
They don't even really exist, they're just the boogeyman the neocons want you fixated on.
Oliver Brown
They launch full blown terrorist attacks on college campuses, attack and drag people out of cars at their own self made checkpoints etc. They're not the final boss of politics or anything, but they absolutely exist and get up to all kinds of fucked up shit. You're telling me these guys don't exist? They are the foot soldiers of the neo liberal establishment
It's because there's no unity between whites, otherwise you would make a closed circle around a bunch of these clowns and leave a bloody pulp behind. The entire concept of communism is control through fear. We will always have the majority on your side, but the fear is what prevents them from engaging on your behalf. Hitler had to use the SA to violently strike the commie agitators down, afterwards the oppressed Germans where all ears.
You have to see the majority of humans as a mass that can be molded, which is staying between the controllers and the ones who don't want to be controlled. We can only get at each other through these people.
Michael Hall
Sit in or take any beginning Kop Class in USA or any Western nation.
Its all about how a Good Cop's (top performer) is "getting consent to search" because once you "get consent" you don't need to worry about 4th Amend, and its nearly impossible to get most searches (busts) to hold up even fully Jew-ed courts with 4th Amend.
They never said "intimidate them" but why else would anyone "willingly" allow pigs to search?
Of course, real criminals "know the score", so cops are self-trained to avoid them and go for chicken-shit busts of "normies".
In USA, Kop-Kadets go through year long training with senior Training Officer, and even if you are smarter than your T.O., he will suss out if you aren't in fact "down with" being a pig.
In last 100+ years, there have only been two semi-honest cops in the USA. Frank Serpico and that rookie that caused the "riders trial" in Oakland, and they were mostly just incredulous at the amount of illegal behavior and weren't sure if they were being pranked, tested or set-up.
Jace Morris
That's exactly what happens in those videos I posted, though not quite that dramatic. You are correct there is no unity between whites though. That's the number one thing we need to work on.
Terrorism is defined as using violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, to further political or ideological causes. It is the very definition of terrorism, and they are the literal definition of terrorists. Terrorism doesn't necessarily mean guns and bombs, faggot. The crux of it is using violence and intimidation for political purposes.
Zachary Perez
And that's the jewish main target for 5k years. Dividing up the race..first away from nature, then came religion, politics, sex, materialism. A systematic transfer from natural unison to hedonism. Why? Because they wanted to split up those strong, big groups that could prevent them from committing crimes.
Again, unite under your local flags, don't follow the suicide route of politics or religion, use national identity to bring the race back together. You now have an opportunity to do this because the EU promotes a genocide campaign against your national identities that you're legally allowed to fight against, and you can hit at the jews legally at the same time. The EU flag represents the "diversity" of Europe by 12 same looking stars (Mary from the book of John). These stars of course represent zion, but you must attack them for not representing your national identity. Do what the poles do and 1up that shit. Put your nation flags up everywhere, bring them with you. Be dominant and show your colors. this is virtual signalling and will have a tremendous effect on the invaders and more importantly on the identity of your people, because then they have something to rally under and an enemy to rally against. Don't target the jews, don't target migration…only attack the EU symbolism. They cannot change it, they will never give up the star and this is how you can get a chance to survive all this.
Adam Taylor
I'm sure they try. But there are plenty of cops I'm sure who see first hand the discrepency in crime with regards to race
Tyler Mitchell
I am not kidding at this point that frankly, those who enabled this situation to become reality are the same ones squealing about "unity" during this kind of situation. Everything you mentioned is on point. Those who keep fucking around with words like "racist" and "white supremacist" right now aren't simply accomplices, they are actively cooperating with those who are killing our people and nations. People became "racist" for a reason. Some of these fuckers up top need to stop looking for (((excuses))) and start thinking in a lucid fashion. A lot of good cops I knew simply quit out of disgust and anger, and all we have left now are stupid, demoralized shits and emboldened hostiles now embedded within the LE.
Colton Morgan
Usury is Slavery, is the lot of the masses in Imperial Civilisation, is a depopulation program.
We are imperiled not freed, by our vassal parents who do not see any need to remove us from politics of the polis where the policy enforced by police is to imperil the populace.
Be like hillbilly that can make his own solar panels from quartz crystals, save yourselves and free your children.
With all due respect to what LE WAS years ago, as of today they are little more than impotent cowards who are neither trained, raised, nor have it in themselves to protect and go after those they are supposed to go after. No. They are just full of excuses, full of fear, and only thing they are really good for is cornering, harassing, and eventually beating down and jailing those that are willing to play by the rules in even the remotest fashion. They don't have what it takes to go after the actual enemies. At this point good portion of them are not even worth the tax dollars being spent to keep them employed, and even greater portion is just out right working to restrain and kill good Americans. Yea yea yea "hurr durr don't divide". Maybe people won't be enraged as much when nothing was done to help reverse the systematic poisoning of the water that has led us all to this point. Many are coming to realization that we can no longer be blind to the way things are heading. The entire environment and candidate pool is systematically poisoned.
Brody Peterson
Police or policy enforcers are always needed in slave empires, they will probably change the name to system's managers in the future as robots replace everyone. The SMs will eventually be downsized as well.
We can't stop this, only get ahead of it by making our own robots and automatons immediately as well as new NON-USURIOUS money.
Literally all we need is a nation or league of nations with non-interest bearing currency which is based on uranium reserves. But, we continue to adhere to usury because the courage of men has failed and we seem to believe there should be one ring to rule them instead of ruling ourselves.
Municiple/city/township/county/parish police are subject to the orders of their corporate jurisdiction and are mostly a means of revenue gathering (tickets) and accident/injury scene control.
State police are subject to the constituition and STATE laws of the state they are based. State cops don't fuck around. All tickets they issue are revenue for the state only.
University police are subject to the rules of the university they are employed at AND the municipality in which the college is based. All arrests and issuance of fines are the duty of the municipality. aka: The College cops arrest you and hand you over.
SO: If the College, Corporate Jurisdiction, or State is fucktarded liberal diversity sanctuary, the cop can either quit and work somewhere else, or work within the confines as best as possible.
The Internet is under Federal Jurisdiction unless the offense is specifically maintained within an officer's jurisdiction, they can't touch it. That's the law.
In the United States, we have the Bill of Rights Amendments (10), so officers cannot just stalk a mosque because it has muslems in it.
Plain and simple, if the elected officials tell the cops to stand down, they have to if they want to keep their jobs, and thanks to Obama and his DoJ, it's illegal to ask an illegal if they are illegal.
99% of hwat you are bitching about is the jurisdiction of Federal agencies such as BLM (land management) The FBI, and The NSA.
Learn to not vote for Democrats faggot, because a world without cops would be insanely more violent and dangerous.
Christopher Gomez
Kill yourself nigger.
Ian Hernandez
Stop biting the bait, newfags.
Parker Gonzalez
The police were NEVER "useful" (to the Citizenry). The West got along fine w/o police up until we got too soft and wanted someone else to shop Tyronne from killing Latesha (or raping White Women).
Sebastian Evans
pigs are the runts that got picked on in middle school so they want to feel like 'THE BIG MAN' by making others feel small
Jason Price
In Vancouver and Toronto the police and the fire departments are the turf of Orange Lodge Freemasons from N. Ireland. When members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary are too hot locally because they've murdered and tortured too many Catholics they have to be moved to another locale to calm things down so they send them to Toronto and Vancouver where they effortlessly drop into good paying jobs that the locals have the greatest difficulty in obtaining. Also they don't have to go through an initial period of intense hazing that the locals go through. This hazing can go on for years, like 6 or 7 years if you're the wrong ethnicity (an Italian for example).
There's a lot of problems with this because those Orange Lodge fuckers are unusually brutal and stupid. They're assholes.
Jaxson Baker
Because they are cowards
Ian Flores
Josiah Lopez
Police just apply instructions, they are a tool. The problem comes for the order they receive, like the time in Baltimore where the mayor told the police to let the niggers destroy things.
Kevin Ramirez
How useless are the police? Well there was that time me and my friend were walking home and a police officer stopped us and asked me for my name and address, so I told him but he accused me of lying and then he again asked me for my name and address so I told him again and he again accused me of lying and warned me that if I lied again he'd arrest me, he then asked me again for my name and address so I told him my friends name and address, my friend whom was stood right next to me at the time, when my friend heard me say his name and address he immediately looked at me and scowled and said "what!", it was clear that there was an issue with the name and address I'd just said but the stupid cop believed me and thanked me for telling him what he thought was my real address, the officer then let me and my friend get on our way.
Or how about the time I was walking home from the pub one night and stopped to talk to a female whom was with her boyfriend whom offered me a lift home on his car which i accepted but whilst driving home he confessed that the car wasn't his, that he'd stolen it, to which I told him to pull over and let me out but he refused to pull over, i repeatedly asked him to pull over but he refused, and instigated upon driving me home, so at this point I'd esentiskly been kidnapped, shortly after were were seen by a cop car and a high speed police chase ensued and we ended up crashing, the driver ran off leaving he sat in the car and I knew the stupid police wouldn't believe my story so I too ran off, I got away, the driver of the car got caught, he was taken to th levpolice station and questioned and the police wanted to know my identity, the driver told the police that I had nothing to do with it and was just a friend of his girlfriend that he'd offered a lift, the police refused to believe him and wanted my identity, he couldn't tell them who I was though cuz he didn't know me, I knew his girlfriend, he only knew my nickname, he told this to the police but they didn't believe him and so they took him out of custody and drove him into the countryside and took him into a field and tortured him for the identity of an innocent person, but he still couldn't tell them my name and address as he didn't know it, so the police told him they'd break his arms if he didn't tell them, but he couldn't tell them so they broke both his arms to pursade him to tell them, but he still couldn't tell them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so they gave up and took him to the state hospital where they told the hospital staff that he'd received his injuries in a car crash.
Or how about how the police haven't been able to solve one of the country's most famous murders, and they are unaware that there was an eye witness (me) whom didn't report what I saw because I believe the security forces murdered the person (whom was an undesirable) and they don't know that I was secretly questioned/l off record in custody about that murder (about what i saw) by a member of the security forces (a person whom me and a friend once witnessed murder a man in the park) and that this person suggested I did the murder and that "they" could frame me for it, also he threatened me to keep my mouth shut about all the things I've seen or I'll be murdered.
British police are useless.
Robert Ortiz
Police are useless. Get an AR-15. Better yet, build one from an 80% lower and have a ghost gun. Build another a bury it in a PVC tube with grease/oil in your backyard. Have at least 1k rounds of ammo. Have it in a usable ready to go condition. Have 6 loaded magazines in a chest rig. Train with it every month or every other or as much as you can afford to.
Gabriel Scott
Police officers do what they do for the same reason that Zimbabwe and South Africa make every effort to prevent whites from leaving the country.
Lincoln Young
It's because police and antifa are both agents of the System - antifa are just there to be able to go outside the existing law and enforce the System's "guidelines" of political correctness through violence. Antifa = PC Police.
Henry King
You seem to have a loose conception of what "useless" means. They know very well that they're doing.
Grayson Sullivan
This is where you are wrong user. It is stopped easily. If your fellow's are all slaves, fine. But if you decide that you are not, then you must take what is yours back by violence.
Sadly for the slaves. I need nothing you speak to obtain that. Honestly, I don't need those slaves, if they do not join me in service to themselves. Well, an dead slave whom thinks it should service the empire is worth more than a living one to me and any warlord whom is not longer willing to live as a slave to such weakness.
Psychopaths and sociopaths have forgotten this one simple tenant and why it has worked in white lands so well. They thru their actions and words have force that such an fundamental truth is shown. They live in their little imitation Persian empire, holed up in elite echo chambers and consider all their slaves equal. The lessons of what Damocles sword really meant was never really taught. It is not my loss, but theirs, and their slaves.
Also, a man of power doesn't rule himself. He is the biggest slave there is. Something lost on the small minded.
When a real crisis hits, cops will steal equipment and bug out/in with their families.
Austin Thompson
The lady who comes to read the Bible to inmates in the prison told me to look up "Son of Sam" when I mentioned my past involvement in the Order of Nine Angles and my experiences with Satanists.
Anyone here know what Son of Sam is about and whether I really should be bothered to look into him?
Oliver Torres
In Ontario they're overwhelmingly downright redpilled and pro-white. They know all the statistics and other things Zig Forums knows. They all hate the government too.
Adrian Jenkins
Retard. You could be getting weapons and bullet proof vest and other stuff you need to fight ZOG by joining the police. Why did you just give that all up?
Jaxon Mitchell
Well you expelled yourself before they could even do it to you. Lost the battle before you could even start the war.
Luis Walker
That's retarded. Germans are Europeans. A better statement is "My blood makes me German, I am European because my ancestors took form in this land, and mongrels and foreigners are not and never will be German".
Leo Bell
Zig Forumsice is just controlled by the jews
Julian Howard
Always assume a cop is your enemy. The best one is still a dimwit who can't get a real job, so he's not worth the risk anyway.
B) there are many front shops who sometimes have people in the police bribed. These front shops are used to launder money, they are usually not profitable and losing money rather than earning money. Though they intentionally hide this since it's about providing a front for money laundering. These businesses generally aren't very successful, sometimes they're well off but that's more an exception. Very little gets done about them. So considering police struggles to tackle this problem I doubt they can tackle bomb making, though this isn't the primary concern of those who are behind those shops. That's usually money laundering and profit not terrorism.
C) They have some lists with them, no clue what they do with it either beyond simple social media monitoring.
D) due to progressive shit agenda and many of these organizations being international which makes it very difficult to curb them. They just masque their crap legally by saying they're picking up people in need even though they obviously have made agreements. This is more an issue with an utterly corrupt political system in many European countries rather than one of police ineptitude.
E) they're usually with too little compared to the crowd and decide to keep formation. They're arrested only if they're able to but their primary concern is protecting public property and making sure no violence between the ones protesting breaks out.
F) See D
The persecution of picking up one bad goy who posted a merchant or nigger meme online is for show and to impose fear. Two conflicts directly with profits from multinationals, unplugging means no tax and a person using land he doesn't officially own. If you got your own farm land paid for nobody is going to bother you beyond taxation though.
Police is the way it is since it's used as a tool to protect power of the oligarchs. And the oligarchs are easy to detect it are those wielding influence power and connections over large corporations. That also includes criminals and people who need money laundering services and so on. It's because you're living in a system far removed from meritocratic or aristocratic aspects.
Ayden Cox
Money, they obey their overlords.
Joseph Miller
"religion" shouldn't be allowed to be used as cover for anti-American and illegal activities.
If the cops can "stalk" a Mafia "social club" then they can damn well "stalk" a mosque or temple, which are well proven hotbeds of child rape, sexual mutilation, human trafficking, drug dealing, false documents, slavery, wife beating, forced marriage, etc, etc.
In contrast the Mafia will be about "numbers game" and if they do do a hit, its always someone that deserves it.
Angel Campbell
Police are janitors. There primary job is to clean up a mess.
Joseph Moore
their*, inb4 fag corrects me
Cameron Bennett
What makes you think the police are useless? That's not true at all. They just aren't working for the people. They can always be counted on to keep the goyim in line. Until they start getting picked off one by one, then everyone will realize that the police aren't actually invincible. There are a lot more of us with guns than there are of them.
Nicholas Turner
I imagine that cops are secretly extremely racist (for obvious reasons) and bottle up everything extremely hard near explosion. Do anons know any confirmed cases or people that have clearly hinted how much they are aware of the state of affairs?
Lurk moar, redditfag. The laws are selectively enforced to serve jews and oppress the goyim, and all the judges and state police forces are kiked. Only at the smallest, most local level could you ever hope to find a single cop who actually cares about the people he is supposed to serve and protect.
Juan Lopez
Because policing used to be done by the military ya dipshit
Grayson Jones
Police is ZOGbots
Police protects the (((elites))) not the people.
They do not bite the hand that feeds them. Cops are in the best case a force you can send against your enemy. In most cases, cops are your enemies. Cops are NEVER your friends. Tatoo that one on your soul.
Cops have always, and will always be, the enforcing group of the ruling class. The ruling class are jews. Thats why we are on our own.
But do not frown. The aryan race will rise again. Do your part in this fight for white survival:
secure the existance of our people and a future for white children
even a theoretically perfect police can only react to crime after it happened, not really stop it and we have shitty jewed police
so yea police are basically useless
Tyler Moore
Let the pigs and the nigs kill each other
Xavier Sanchez
They're fuckin useful.
If you want to die, just call them.
Levi Morris
Police are tools of the state and we don't have control of the state.
Noah Howard
Motherfucking Sherlock over here, everybody watch out.
Wyatt Thomas
It's the Jews. It is always the Jews or people on the Jew dick, or people who have internalized and now run the Jew code. The zog bots are not In charge they are blunt instruments. Go after the Jews. Gas the kikes race war now.
Police never been anything else. Stop licking boots.
Samuel King
Actually, they are quite useful. They are useful to the elites that rule this world. They are the first line of defense against revolution. They are not here to protect us.
That's not their job. Their job is to prevent us from fighting back. To prevent us from actually solving problems. They are mercenaries. They will do as they are told by those that pay them.
they are completely effective at enforcing white genocide. debate me
Bentley White
Yes police is dumb the alternative is clans self police
Lincoln Adams
The Police force exists to protect the Socialist Elite. Commoners exist to work mindless jobs that require thoughtless repetition.
The Commoners that are promoted to Elite status arrive there arbitrarily. The Real Elites are ambiguous, hidden amount the 15,000,0000 millionaires, in plane sight.
Professional teams of bankers handle the investments of the elites. Professional teams of lawyers and law enforcement give them total security; sometimes even creating unconstitutional segregates regions for them to live in.
They just insure that Political Correctness becomes ethics, and they insure that the Military industrial complex keeps getting funded.
Remember when police officers were public servants?
Logan Carter
I know a retired cop who is Zig Forums tier as fuck, but unfortunately as stated, he is old and no longer on the force. We also do hear stories of police getting busted for texting each other about how much they hate niggers and spics, and every once in awhile you hear about WN cops or corrections officers. Some law enforcement officers truly are /ourguys/ or close to it, but even then they are powerless against the political establishment that runs the police force, and most big city police departments in particular are affirmative action shit holes where shitskin criminals literally get hired as police.
Jaxson Martin
There is too few cops in Australia but the politicans won’t fund 100% state police or permit the local government to create their own emergency services like USA do. Some of are okay but some of them are lowlife scumbags. Northern Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland cops are the best.
Robert Gray
s-sorry, but being a neet is just so comfy.
That's what LaVoy Finicum did. Despite having a militia and just wanting a free american community they just took him out. These kind of statements about "just taking it back" always seem rather fantastical to me.
Even if we claim something or resist that is solely a reason for them to attack us. The other way around would be effective but noone is actually ready to risk their life since everything is still so comfortable.
cops are basically 100 IQ grunts who will do anything to maintain their overinflated egos. cops are no longer respectable dudes, how often do you see cops with shitloads of tattoos? tats are a branding that people put on themselves that says "im part of the underclass" which is completely contradictory to the idea of being a cop in the first place. it's completely backwards like everything in clown world
Hunter Powell
you can't really be this clueless. although miles mathis did do a great investigation into this
Gabriel Lee
Those in power pillage and exploit populations to achieve their aims. The police are their to ensure this happens with the least amount of blow-back and resistance from the plebs. The thin blue line. It used to be that the rich and powerful worried about violence on the streets and conflict between factions in society because they were part of that society, so they were at risk. Now, they don't give a fuck because they are global citizens and have their safe retreats worldwide, so let the local madness commence. Until their are consequences for their actions, they will carry on regardless. The police again,prevent them suffering any consequences.
Camden Anderson
You're not helping me be any less clueless. What should I know?
Oliver Lopez
Don't worry, user. They're more than happy to wait at highway crossroads to catch those evil white men driving 5 over the pitifully low speed limit to shave a little time off their long commute to and from work and give them a three figure fine.
Dylan Gomez
Jews. And nothing will improve without killing all jews and all who work for them, like the (((police))) force and antifags. Keep killing jews. Keep killing antifags. Kill any cop that tries to prevent you from doing it.
William Howard
Matthew Bennett
The problem is simple: the job attracts bullies. It doesn't matter who gives the orders or what the orders are, the job of cop will attract bullies that are out to hassle people. They hassle whites more now because blacks make more of a big deal out of it. Their motivation is not racist, it's to bully as many as they can with as few consequences as possible. Jobs at Disney attract pedos, so Disney at least makes some effort to screen out the pedos. The cops will never make an effort to screen out bullies because they are all bullies and just want bullies to pal around with. This will never stop without putting all cops on trial for being members of an international, illegal, bully gang. There is no such thing as a "good" cop. The supposed "good" cops will never testify against the bad, so they are all bad.
Evan Baker
Mighty naïve of you there fella. They are not there to "Protect & Serve" you, they "Protect & Serve" (((those))) paying their check at the end of the month. They recruit from the gullible and naïve into their gang. Some are too gullible realize, and those who realize the gang they joined isn't the good organization they though it was either turn a blind eye & become equally corrupt, or end up leaving from internal emotional conflict. Their job is to "keep the peace". This is very different from "keep you safe" - the reason most join up. An excellent example illustrating this difference is in the North English town of Rotherham. Those folk thought the police would "keep their children safe". However the polices' priority job is to "keep the peace", which includes preventing race riots. So they let the children get raped and hushed it up, rather than let race riots happen. If police gave a damn about their community they wouldn't be online monitoring complaining shit-posters, they would be investigating their masters for ordering them to apply the laws in such a biased manner. They will never do this because they would get bullied for "not being a team gang player", rather than lauded for integrity. Look at this "Christchurch Call" to 'ban online extremism'… They ban Alex Jones and others for asking questions, while ignoring known terrorists Antifa, ISIS, … on their social media platforms. This is blatant corruption. They cast their lot with Corruption, and the Universe shall reward them in kind.
Noah Edwards
Every time I hear of a cops getting put down, I am happy. Happy for the Mother that didn't lose their child today, happy for that guy who is just having a bad day who is sitting in jail because of bad luck, happy for that Mom who is rushing to pick up her kid from school who doesn't get a speeding ticket. Cops are nothing but armed zogbot revenue enforcers for the state….thugs with guns. In political terms; domestic terrorists. Fuck them all!
Liam Reed
Tell them, directly to their faces, that they're worthles, vile scum. After all, you paid for that right.