Burger King endorses political violence

ZOGbot Tommy Robinstein goes on tour in UK, NPCs throw milkshakes at him, woke ZOG Corporations endorse this political violence.

Don't whine about Yaxley-Lennon being a mischling Mossad shill, the point here is that if the System's corporations are now openly advocating political violence against perceived political dissents. How long until corporate entities start openly calling for beatings? Imprisonments Murders? Assassinations? Slippery slope gets even more slippery.

Sauce: archive.vn/2EbFR

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Other urls found in this thread:


He’s an unrepentant violent criminal, mate. The problem with “punch a nazi” was imperfect targeting. This isn’t a case of that.

It's good to call out the hypocrisy of the media and the establishment. Some guy got 28 days in prison for throwing an egg at Jeremy Corbyn but the entire media and establishment are celebrating and encouraging people to assault Tommy Robinson and Sargon of Assad.

Shut up doublespace jew.

I know it's just kike getting pelted with milkshakes, but it's still ridiculous that corporate entities are tacitly encouraging and condoning political violence. And these retarded leftists who are always kvetching about corporate greed and corruption will be throwing their money at corporate garbage food inc. just to get a chance go jump on the bandwagon.

Tommy Robins has been labeled an acceptable target despite his extremely mild views and pro jewish stances, if he is targeted and they approve of using violence against him, what would they do with you? Something to think about.

/r/ pic from that guy standing on the lettuce with his shoes

They want to kill us and if they weren't a bunch of AIDs-riddled faggots they would be doing it already. They aren't sneaky about their stances.

One of the reasons for promoting Robinstein like this is to act as an Overton window buffer, painting mild libertarianism, pro-faggotory, pro-shitskin, anti-racism, and pro-kike as radical and evil Literally Hitler(tm)

Good, SAGE

They're attacking him because they think he represents white people you stupid fucking faggot kys

We should do what antifags do and demolish their money.
Get Woke Go Broke must be a promise and not a warning.

I thought he was half English and half Irish. He doesn't actually have Jewish blood, does he? If he did he would be telling everyone.

Eat shit jew.

It's good to highlight the hypocrisy in supporting this political violence, as pointed out. But Tommy Robinson is kike controlled opposition and shouldn't be trusted.

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The intelligentsia has arrived.

Upvote me, fellow R0dditer :^DD

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They fear us. So they created a golem, little Tommy Robinstein to keep the goyim herd in line and avoid a brutal uprising.
user gets it



Got to love how he takes it to Antifa though.

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Antifa doesn't matter. They won't shit in a bucket for 10 years just for the privilege of killing a Nazi, while we would be happy to bomb every power substation in existence to remove them. They have an emotional breakdown when they drop their iPhone X into the toilet. I would elbow crawl through a mile of human feces just to kill a jew.

If I had to really stop and think about what they'd do with me, I'd probably say they'd suck my dick.

Don't whine about XXXXXX being a mischling Mossad shill, the point here is that if the System's corporations are now openly advocating political violence against perceived political dissents

Most important statement that has been written on Zig Forums on freaking years. 99% of all of our problems would disappear if idiots could just get this through their head. Whether someone is an enemy or not, whether it was a false flag or not; it doesn't matter. What matters is the principle and whether or not it represents an opportunity to further our goals, be that in moving the overton window or by denouncing violent/censorious behaviour that will inevitably be used to suppress us.

This actual event that has taken place is largely unimportant; it is just one of a thousand others. We do however need to discuss how we should react to such things. Every time we allow them to persecute and censor a mossad shill pretending to be us; you can be assured that the intention is to create a precedent so that they can persecute and censor us in the future. We do not need to like or condone the yids, but we do need to talk about the principles and the evil that is taking place.

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Don't use my argument to support your pacifist faggotry.

Who doesn't endorse political violence?
People wont let me have sex with other people's farm animals, and that also has political origins. They want to punish me and ruin my life because these people feel they should be able to use my sexual practices as an excuse to take me hostage and mug me.

Lel, you can't make this shit up.

Of course they would. You forget antifa is a multi-layered organization. They have plenty of crazy retards totally willing to get their heads bashed in as long as they can get a chance at getting a nazi. They take their marching orders from middle class communists who take theirs from upper class communists.
Whether or not they are arrested and prosecuted is dependant on the political climate of the area. In portland all they would do is say 'he was a nazi he deserved it!' and boom, self defense. Mississippi, probably get the chair for having attacked somebody wearing full regalia and seig heiling.

I didn't know BK had spam.

What a nigger. I am saying that rather than saying: "Yeah fuck (((mossad shill pretending to be white nationalist))), I support antifa attacking him and the police/government condoning it"; we should be opposing it because the whole point is to set a precedent so that they can attack us with the govern/police's consent. It's not about pacificism you dumb fuck. It's about trying to maintain some semblance of common law so that it protects our own people.

I would like to be an internet badass and say that I will protect every white in the world from the cops/kikes/antifa; but realistically I can't. Thus I would like it if the police, some of them at least, could continue doing their jobs and protecting those among us who are weak and defenseless. To do so we most oppose the legalisation of violence against (((mossad shills pretending to be white nationalists))).

Use your brain you doublenigger.

Time to start shitting of the floor in burgerking again.

This. It’s all Jew D&C. It pisses me off seeing the golems always taking the Jewish bait. When will the golem turn on their masters.


They won't until told to, so tell em'

Kindly fuck off. Can you go fucking shut your trap with your virtue signaling already faggot?

Let me make this clear in case you haven't understood yet

This is just an anonymous imageboard that anyone can post on, not a movement, it's an exchange of news and free information, discussion and occational doxing. If you want optics and politics join/create a IRL movement of your choice, or do something for the cause of your choice IRL tomorrow. You should have already done these things.

(but we know you'd rather just do nothing right?) Stop being stupid please. That goes along with every other dumbass like this, you have no fucking right to even call yourself a nationalist or national socialist by just being an online wimp living the easy life and doing nothing. Total disgrace.

Muslims do violence all the time and kill/rape/brutalize whites, while jews in the media say it's alright, so retribution from some guy is no big deal at all and it's obvious you faggot

The jew media will twist literally anything even if it hurted no one against whites and they do it 24/7. They'll stop at nothing to defame and destroy european people.

If you play by their rules and respect their power you lose.

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Shut the fuck up faggot.

Political violence becoming marginally acceptable
is a good thing. Even if violence from 'our side' is not tolerated by the system, the fact that violence itself is happening will inevitably accelerate conflict and will shine light on the (((system's))) contradictions (e.g. violence from one side is acceptable, but not from the other).

I want total war.

We can still call them out on their hypocrisy though and every time they whine about incitement to hate and violence from our side we can use it against them. If you want total war you need to win the propaganda war.

jews own BK. thats why they had sodomite whoppers and womens equal pay chicken fries.

if you go to boycott you are feeding the KIKE

The problem was that everybody you disagree with is ajtomatically a nazi in your book.

No matter if you know what they actually think, or are just another asshole being yourself towards people you know nothing about.

You'd be in the first mass grave


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1) This milkshake stuff is NOT about milkshakes. There are a dozen acid attacks per week. This message from Muslims goes over the head of useful idiots.
2)Tommy Robinson is putting himself in harms way to protect white women from Muslims. Someone is telling the left he's a nazi-lover and the fascists that he's a jew lover. I woooonder who would do that.

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Antifa has always been a collective of establishment shills that work for corporations and the military industrial complex. Someone did a recent twitter thread about it:

His holiday photo albums?

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There's tons of evidence, including Tommy outright admitting to being a Jew lover.

Dubs confirm.

Aye. Because we totally need the kosher seal of approval and this will totally happen one day:
"whoah this new gentile mouthpiece is the real deal he has us on the back foot, he's pure and perfect and never did a single shady thing, oy vey I guess we better give up, you got us!"
Anyone waiting for a kosher-approved fuhrer is boomer-tier.
We use whatever front we have and change when it stops serving us, not at the demand of jidf or worse. (inb4 "der is no we" faggot, "we" = anyone who thinks white people have a right to exist and a future for white children as something more than Ahmed's fucktoy.)

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Paki scum attacking the white community today at a Tommy Robinson event in Oldham. The media are presenting this as "clashes". It's what they've been encouraging. And it was all organised on Facebook.

The best possible scenario is the Tommy gets whacked by a mudslime. If he dies then we can use him as a martyr, but until then he's a net negative.

Time to rob a Burger King.

You idiots never ask the right questions.
Who owns Burger King and where does he live?

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Well mister perfect, there is a pattern: The people most vocal about protecting our women are attacked on any point of vulnerability. And like fucking cockroaches, little people like you and the shills immediately try to undermine them in any way you can. Every fucking time.
It's a pattern.
This guy's done prison, had his family threatened, is in physical danger and is denounced on all sides. Brenton Tarrant get sent to prison for decades and risked his life. These are the mossad agents and you are the tall, brave, intelligent aryan.

Join MS13 (the new and improved Aryan Brotherhood) and do it with them


I stand with Burger King. Fuck Jews, especially those pretending to protect non-jewish interests. Fuck the whites who stand with Jews. Traitors get the bullet first.


1/ there are no slander laws to protect the dead in bongistan, if he was dead "exposés" of his "vile perversions" (manufactured and fake) would surface and be used to smear the next person to stand up for whites. Attacking personality is the one reliable trick that never stops working. Your martyr would become your "guilt by association" and be used to take down anyone who opposes raping white kids
2/ killing him would demoralize those who think they have a chance to take their country back. Inb4 "tarrant" there are NO net gains from demoralization
3/ it would give a boost at street level to the paki rape gangs and embolden them to worse acts, knowing they have the right to kill with impunity
4/ it sends a signal anyone standing for white kids is going to get killed and the state will permit it.
There is no good here.

This is what the MSM calls clashes.

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Burger King: famous for flame broiling.
Get woke, go up in smoke

worse than niggers, at least some of them know their place. the race war is over-due

British police, conceited paid cameramen.
why are they filming? so they've got their lies straight?
the anti-tarrant shills let this happen

Somebody save that video.

I've got kinfolk in bongland, have to tell you sadly they don't know his name, just bad nazi attacked peaceful brown people of peace. But they don't care much either so there's that.

a few tarrant style attacks in anglostani would make the government shit their pant. no one will judge you as harshly as Earnest if you don't get the high score.

Also, what's the legality of crossbows in Bongistan?

Gave their guns up to save the children. Funny how that worked out for white british kids.

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Attached: MDL (Muslim defence league) Attacking Women & Children at Tommy Robinson MEP rally #VoteTommy--Dz_Eas6Sy4.webm (160x288, 15.82M)

If an accident would happen in a Burger King kitchen and the restaurant would blow up, they would learn a lesson: there is a God and his name is Brenton Tarrant Junior

Right now they only have to gain from virtue signalling. But if people would be afraid to go to Burger King because an accident might happen, they would rethink their strategy. All corporations would rethink their strategies when accidents start happening.

When are WHITE youths going to reclaim their streets?

And being a violent criminal is only a problem when they disagree with your politics. Otherwise you'd be telling us to raise their bastard kids for them.

Burger Kike likes
Guess they're anarcho commies now

when they don't get arrested by pigs and thrown in jail for 10 years under "racial terrorism" laws

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Oy vey, don't rob us goy! Only spics and niggers do that!

1)buy milkshake somewhere other than BK
2)throw it at the windows of a BK

Best post ITT.

Also other things.

On a completely unrelated note, did you know if you combine two parts styrofoam and one part gasoline you can make napalm?

They (corporate-globo-homo, anarcho-tyranny, aka jews and their bloodline pets), unlike us, are whatever label, or front, or cause, or useful idiot serves their agenda at that moment, while having no true loyalty to any of them.
While selling the opposite to us, of course.

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Make this happen

It forms a sort of extremely flammable goop. Perfect for it you want to get rid of wasp nests in a stylish fashion.

Notice it's the Burger King UK account. Retweet it to the mothership @BurgerKing (no UK) asking why they're advocating political violence and election meddling

Looks like he need to train more.
With how they are clustered up taking them apart can be done if you understand leverage and have at least some grappling experience.

If you don't act violently against your enemies, they will do that to you.
Kill your political enemies.
Kill jews, leftists and corporate suits and employees.
Political violence is a good solution. Violence always wins.
They can do that whenever they want. Do that to them first.
To be free is to kill anyone that you don't agree with.
Freedom is violence. Violence is freedom.
Kill jews and leftists, and their politics die with them.

>(((Tommy Robinson)))

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>Just sit back and do nothing, while the (((MSM))) spin shit any way they like.
Moishe, do you want everywhere to be fucking Portland?

A Jewish shill trying to get whites and muzzies to fight each other.
He's protecting white women bla bla bla.

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You forgot about the bikeLok professor?


Corporate shilling for violence as a "lol just viral marketing" is concerning.
Imagine if after C-Ville, Dodge made fun of Fat Heather and promoted Challenger as a "hog killer"

dumb question.

Continued with another video from his YouTube channel, commenting on the events after the fact. Poor fuck hasn't realized yet that war is interested in him, even if he isn't interested in it. These pakis were targeting people simply for being white; they were attacking people who had nothing to do with the political demonstration. This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone here.

Attached: My Thoughts On What Happened Today In Oldham. #VoteTommy-4Z1gc_Zm5Gs.webm (160x288, 15.77M)

The best part is that all these woke corporations think they're riding the tide of public sentiment, when actually their behavior is fucking disgusting. The second-best thing about DotR after the Jews and traitors get it will be watching Burger Fuhrer haleing hortler as fast as it can put out the press releases when they sense a shift in the wind.

This will not help them.

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Read the OP you brainlet and then my posts. Your post has nothing to do with anything I said.

What are you niggers talking about? This has nothing to do with PR or optics you braindead morons. When the police/government/corporations meet opposition for their flagrant displays of breaking the law, they are occasionally forced to issue apologies, stop their persecution campaigns and actually start doing their jobs.

This has NOTHING to do with optics. Nothing to do with PR. This has everything to do with actually mounting a resistance against persecution which is designed to target our people. Let me run you through it as apparently we have the sub 100 IQs in tonight.

Corporations/Police/Mayor/Government/Authority attack a jewish shill who is posing as a white nationalist, like Yaxley-Lennon/Richard Spencer/Alex Jones/Milo Fagopolis/etc. The Left are 100% okay with violence against these people, they will never oppose it. Thus it falls to us to oppose it.

Now you say: "But we don't want to oppose it, we hate those controlled opposition kikes" Of course we hate them, but the precedent set by allowing them to be punched/arrested/harassed/etc; WILL BE USED AGAINST GENUINE WHITE NATIONALISTS! If we do not oppose these blatant instances of criminal behaviour from the authorities now, then we can be certain that the authorities will use the same sorts of criminal behaviour against us in the future as it will have become normalised.

Seriously how small are your brains?

Why would anyone be mad about this?

Hey Goy make this isolated incident a nationwide race war, you go goy…

Hahaha muh white wimmenz

Or: all these stupid arguments about who is and isn't legit, sincere, or pure enough don't matter. What matters is the impact they have, what they represent, and the reactions they cause.

Jordan Peterson, DJ Trump, Joe Rogan, and Candace Owens all have their role, whether they match your politics or not.

Candace can go on a Senate hearing on national TV and call out Nadler's dishonest scheming without getting labeled as a litrul nahtzee. Tommy Robinson and Richard Spencer being attacked by mask-wearing illiterates in public, while wearing suits and speaking actual English, are an important visual.

Emotion trumps reason. Imagery matters.

Muslims are the gateway redpill to a lot of people. I know, been there, used it, within weeks the student was sending the master their newfound merchant memes.
Stop pretending like whites and Muslims have any solidarity. Research historical slave trade of whites (inc women, children), who let the Moors in, etcetera. Jews and Muslims are different sides of the same coin.


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Read this.