Zig Forums on abortion
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Religion is a hell of a drug
Stupid shill, we want those people to have kids so they can work at mcdonalds for pennies when they are older and will fund our generations ponzi investments so we can live better then the boomers. Retard.
Sorry whitey we are going to be living on reparations after 2020
This 100%. Who the fuck wants to push the world even further past carrying capacity with a bunch of r-selected low-iq morons that breed like rabbits. What kind of stupidity is this? Why?
I disagree with abortion on moral grounds, but on a practical level, if you wanna suck out premie junior, then let 'er rip.
Wish your mom had aborted you.
These threads are getting boring.
I could singlehandedly do more damage than all you lazy ass shill tards together without even putting effort into it.
Try at least to put a little bit pride in your work, lowlife shill.
Until these guy's rape your wife and take your wallet
What did you just say to be you little bitch
What's with the many threads on abortions? Isn't one enough?
Laws are for whites, not apes
christcucks "raiding" or kike shills sliding.
Why should I? I'll just stay and call you an imbecile faggot for bumping the 25th abortion slide today.
Ok then stay you stupid faggot.
ok kike lol, go be a paganlarp fag back on cuckchan where you kikes belong
CDC doesn't count abortion as "death". Also only breitbart bazed blak faggots make shit like this
Abortions gives whores a way of removing the consequences of their whorish behavior. Unrestricted legal abortions increases the amount of whores and makes women shittier. It should not be allowed as a form of birth control.
Abortion should only be allowed for eugenic purposes, like if the baby is retarded or black.
Absolutely organic Zig Forumsacks
We have to stop the abortion holocaust!
Let's assume this is the right approach; you might as well fucking wish for liberal whites to all wake up because that is in their best interest. IOW, it's all LARPing. Actually, it's worse than that, since you are speeding up demographic shift while you indulge in your fantasies of mythical legislation based on race and physical disorders.
One of the mistakes Zig Forums pol makes is that they want the white race to breed like crazy. Yes I know we're a minority and our percentage is shrinking fast but in absolute terms, even if everybody else on the planet disappeard, chinks ragheads niggers and all there'd still be too many whites. There's too many people period. Kinshasha is going to be a city of 85 million people soon. The world will be full of cities with 60 million and more in your lifetime. This is horrible, a natural disaster. Simply getting into a breeding race with sub humans isn't the answer. We need to kill large numbers of human beings fast. Also many whites are ugly stupid degenerates anyway. You know this to be true.
I say give everyone a free abortion and a free tubal ligation. Hell throw in a $6500 prize to each woman that gets a tubal ligation, same for men. $6500 for every man that gets a vasectomy. It's a dirt cheap solution. That's here in America. In third world shitholes it could be $435.00.
Black females get pregnant by as many males as possible to have multiple streams of income. Then cry racism and the horrors of single motherhood to get welfare and food stamps. Then they sell pussy and dope to back their other support systems. Black females never get abortions. That's why the black population is taking off in the US. Coal burning white scum is making sure to provide all the help they can by pushing out their bastard children. The kikes are there to help by promoting in the media and subverting white females. Unfortunately, it seems that white males are starting to get on board by letting their females fuck them as if the black male dick is some kind of prize.
If I ever find a true whiteopia where all other races are kept out, I will be there. Until then I'm forced to wander this degenerate plant of mixed race scum.
Shouldnt you "acelrationist" faggots be supporting abortion bans
Shouldn't you be lurking?
Shouldn't you be killing yourself, you faggot kike cunt?
Get a real job, bitch.
We have a not enough whites problems.
10 of millions have been killed.
Why talk about white genocide on a white genocide forum hurr durrr
People having a difference of opinion? Say it ain't so!
Get out of here capitalist faggot.
This is a ==NATIONAL SOCIALIST== board.
I howl in a Rebel Yell as I strangle the last breath from your filthy kike throat, cunt.
I can not wait for this shit to kick off.
We're coming for you.
BTW, do you really think you're still anonymous?
Keep posting, dumbass bitch.
…tick tock.