If they had real jobs, labor-intensive hobbies, etc. they wouldn't have time for white genocide.
Speaking of gardens, year of the grasshopper, man. We've had stink-beetles, aphids, Japanese beetles in past years… but this is akin to a Biblical plague. This isn't code, feds, some of us have real lives. Point being, I'm going to have to use Sevin-10 dust (still have some, kek) though I hate pesticides. Plants are young enough that if I can get through the next month, it's not systemic, been in use for 50 years… I think I'll be fine. My grandparents used it and lived into their 80s-90s. I really try not to dust actual vegetables. They say wait 2 days and you're OK but uh, no. Still less than grocery-store produce, so I'm not too worried. I also know how to grow commercially, so trust me when I say their IPM is 100% - zero defects. Spray it with enough frequency and concentration so there are no bugs. Period. Don't worry, you can't pronounce the chemicals they are using, and you can't complain because it will be 30 years before they will test for it. Right after the patent runs out. They'll still claim the farmer didn't apply it correctly and dodge liability for another 20 years. You still alive, there user? Hello? Guess not. Case closed.
Learn all you can, guys. Every last man. 5 years doing my own garden. Still not ready for DOTR, but making progress.
Protip: Chickens are super easy (hens only, to start). Hand-raise your 1st rooster, kill him and start over if he is too aggressive/not aggressive enough. Trust me, you'll know. 8 years keeping several chickens. If you can't at least keep chickens where you live… move.
Many things to be done. Food is part of the equation. TV sucks, vidya sucks, I have plenty of free time out here. Internet so slow, I imagine several agents/hackers have already killed themselves due to lag.
With an attitude like this you'll be picking my cucumbers. I think picking 1 acre, by yourself, will improve your attitude. Backbreaking work.
I.e. No decent person would say:
Families include children. Hard labor awaits the savage. Don't cut them any slack. They'll rape white children, if given the chance. 16 hours of picking vegetables in 90 degree heat = zero raping.
The more intelligent and productive you are, the better your station in life will be in the near future. There's a reason society has (barely) tolerated low-IQ, violent sub-humans for thousands of years. Cheap/free labor. We'll see how it goes. With automation and technological advances, it might not be necessary to keep you around. Work on your skills and attitude.
Because all men are capable of extreme violence; your plan seems based on strong-arming white, leftist cucks. Raping/pillaging will only realistically occur inside your containment area… venture a few blocks outside your hood and you'll get subbed to PewDiePie by someone whose scope is zeroed at both ends of the ballistic curve. You won't even be successful conquering the 'burbs. Plus - even all the white liberals I know who live in rural areas are proficient 2A advocates. Sure, they're NPCs… trust (((the government))), don't prep, don't lift/train, but they'll still turn a predator's skull into red mist. Anybody can pull a trigger.
Some FBI agent's going to be all mad, reading this long post, only to discover I've broken no laws. Board of peace. Just spreading the good word. Maybe you could help society, as well, officer. You swore an oath to protect the Constitution, amirite? How is spying on hard-working citizens fulfilling your duty to serve said hard-working citizens? Unless you serve (((someone else)))… might try searching your soul instead of imageboard comments, oh, and try a hobby. Metal-working, maybe. Welding, minimum. I've got farming covered, let's pool our resources.