There's gotta be a manufactured recession coming soon...

There's gotta be a manufactured recession coming soon. Not even talking from a "we looked at the data" standpoint but more from a political, cartel/Chaebol-esque view. If you remember all the bits of info that came out about how controlled the world economy was after 2008 (LIBOR being one example) and still is, then it should be a given that things can turn one way or another whenever it's decided to be so. It seems like it wasn't driven into the ground back when President Trump was elected because the other side was convinced that they could undo his presidency. They were probably betting on an impeachment. So they didn't want to sandbag the economy since it would have been easy to call it a post-Obama economy if President Trump didn't have the time to do a thing. Plus, you don't want to shoot yourself in the font and be blamed for a mess once you go through the trouble of impeaching an opponent. Plus if the impeachment play took too long to develop, you were probably betting on taking both the House and the Senate and you don't want to inherit a crap ass economy with that. So crashing the economy wasn't the play.

But the election is coming up fast and whether President Trump is re-elected or not, having a fucked up recession works. On one hand, if President Trump is re-elected, he'll have to deal with a sunk economy since the whole Russia collusion business has ran out of steam (except for the counter-investigation I mean by Barr) so having new fire to be put out can help misdirect. But if he isn't re-elected, then having a Democrat go "See! Look at this Trump bullshit I've got to deal with now!" is good politics plus it allows for a ton of opportunities to implement policies and a convenient excuse to undo as much as possible regarding President Trump's term. And if this is the thought, better to do it sooner rather than later since it was what, 2015 or 2016 when all those articles came out about how the majority of children now in the U.S. are colored? So you have an opportunity to imprint this politically-flavored disaster on their young, room temperature IQ'd minds, guaranteeing the direction they will lean politically.

But up until now, I've been thinking from a standpoint that President Trump doesn't have any say or power when it comes to the economy. That's obviously not true. But what's his play then? He's betting on his re-election, he's betting on the economy continuing to be good, etc. How does he achieve this while under economic attack? Personally, I think the timing couldn't be better for a counter. Get your legal bulldogs up the ass of every opponent, corporate non-supporter, and political agent. Turn up the heat and do to them what they've been doing to President Trump since the election. Distract them so they can't focus their full efforts on their next move: shitting up the economy.

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Other urls found in this thread: WEAPONS for QUIET WARS.pdf

When will you realize that it's all a soap opera user? Trump is owned by the same people that owns the left. The jew. Get a grip.

I'm so glad /qresearch/ brought the fucking boomers over here who can't see through political theater.

What do you think the Chinese trade war is cover for? Not a coincidence that independent farmers sitting on valuable land in the Whitest parts of the country are the ones being squeezed the hardest.

nice show, boys. keeping it tight with those back-to-back posts.

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Flooding hit them hard too lost a lot of livestock and crops.

Go back to your containment board >>>/qresearch/

Get the fuck out of here, yidlover.


OP must be on to something, look at all these spastic heebs.

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Global report. You have a containment board for your fantasy jerk-off session.

The Left can't meme (pic related). That's how I know you're a fucking kike bitch.
Beat it.

Global Report. You can go and suck off Israeli cock in your board.

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How can you be this retarded? There's nothing "manufactured" about it. It's just basic math combined with greed. It doesn't matter who's in office, the system is headed for collapse.

You're correct about it being forced, but it won't be a recession. It will be a change into a world currency. First in europe, then asia, then finally the USA. Cowabunga anons

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Well there you go, I speak the truth. Welcome to the ending of kali yuga.

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Nice digits but there's already a world currency.

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What if it's only the beginning?

Nope, if it was the beginning it wouldnt start this bad. The climax of kali yuga is at the end, and a world currency isn't bad in retrospect, it will cost many lives from it's implementation however.

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The FED, so that they can rob the Americans of unlimited wealth, has already set the dominoes in motion. 99% of Civilians have no idea whats coming.

The Solution is going to be digitization of currency. This will then enclave everyone to the International financial institutions. Then, when we are all enslaved, no one will be able to keep the government in check so that they government can extract 25,000,000,000,000$ from the American people to pay back the FED. When we pay back the FED, all of that money will have been created out of thin air. The solution to fixing the hyper inflation will be creating a totalitarian command economy.

Meanwhile, the Socialists will be telling everyone that working your entire life for nothing is altruism. The Wealthy elites and politicians will be laughing all the way to the bank, and most of you are too stupid to even understand what I've just said.

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American politics is just one big theater, they're all actors. Stop being a dumb ass. "Muh joke celebrity Zio-stooge is tryna save us".

Which use would banks have for a digital currency?

But yes. That is the plan. It is a fucking shame how many anons nowadays don't know that economy is a swindle based on the pyramid scheme known as money. WEAPONS for QUIET WARS.pdf


AMEN BROTHER! It all first started when OBONGO made a deal with LUCIFER against the revived tribes of Israel who THE LORD WILL PROTECT! Now Americas got some hard times comin because we turned away from the gospel! PRESIDENT TRUMP (always love typing it that way to trigger libtards because HES THERE PRESIDENT TOO) was THE LORD giving the people of America one last chance to turn away from wickedness! And we have! Revolution is coming baby and where gonna put those commie democrat basterds down once and for all with Q's help! PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITION

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there was no recession because to do so would cause irrepairable damage to the bubble of illusions that holds the plebs up
next recession all the promises of the past regarding social contract, health care and pensions evaporate like snow before the spring sun
such an event would be extreme enough to provoke the plebs into open rebellion if not outright violent at least passive by not showing up to work or halfassing it

so they need a cover to kill all the social entitlements that the plebs would swallow like fresh bagels
and that cover will be war with iran
it serves several goals beside the domestic cover for far ranging social changes it will also completely fuck up the middle east and cut of asia from the global oil trade (almost all ME oil goes to asia) thus making the us and eu/russia the only players left standing
and the us doesn't even have to do a costly ground invasion only a naval engagement is enough with limited risk to us war platforms, just watch the latest news as eu powers are quickly evacuating all military in the region, western oil companies are evacuating and embassies are cleared out, the interesting part is putin probably agreed to this plan as throwing iran under the bus makes russia come out pretty damn strong as the only stable provider of oil left (minus us/canada)

Yeah guys what could go wrong with giving the global bankers a way to control all of our money electronically what could go wrong.

God, I hate zogbot veterans. How exactly are American freedoms protected by the military since the war for independence? The war with the barbary coast pirates maybe when they took American ships and sailors into slavery? The war with Mexico in the 1840s and 50s? Nothing since then.

Hurting your faggot feelings is DOST violation?

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It's a cryptocurrency, well a branch of crypto at least. It will be a digitalized currency that all countries will use, those who are unable to use it will continue using their native currency. However, it will be better because crypto is not centralized, however just like with everything, there are possible ways that a person or many people can affect it. Crypto whales for instance, are super good at controlling the tides even if they do it unintentionally. My point is, it /will/ be better than our current system because the use and power of banks will decrease by more than half. Now if they start selling or forcing chips that go in your neck or somewhere else for transactions, then that's when you know youre in the bad timeline.

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Blaming everything on a specific thing is what the issue is, trump isn't a zion, but at the same time he does kneel to them due to previous contracts and agreements. The whole $36 million bullcrap was signed by Obunga for instance, and councils like AIPAC were funded by Bush Jr. You see, the world isn't so black and white, the jews are part of the problem but only a part. The real evil lies in the collective movement towards a certain goal, for corporations it's to get more money, for the elites it's to get more money, for the peasants it's to get more money, for the government it's to sustain it's people and get more money. All except for the peasants use the same method to make money, exerting more influence or gaining more power. It's a constant seesaw of power between the people and the rest.

Tl;dr trump isn't a zion and jews aren't the problem per se, only a part.

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Notice crypto is leaving the bearmarket

Gonna have to agree with satan, here. No way they will allow any kind of recession, it would be a major threat to their strange hold on power. Everything is completely centrally managed and controlled now, economic data is totally divorced from actual physical trade of goods and services, everything is done via bots doing HFT (high frequency trading). They will move heaven and earth to avoid another recession.

Ok now I'm spooped, user

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None of what you mentioned is new. The high-frequency trading isn't new, complete central management and economic fantasy isn't new. But recessions have happened with these things in place and will continue to happen as recessions/depressions/economic shifts are an extension of politics by other means. And there's just as much money to be made on the way down as there is on the way up.

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The only thing thats going to cause the jews to pull the plug is if americans start discussing jewish rule everywhere, at that point the jews will evacuate to israel and do absolutely everything possible to destroy the united states, including economic flatline, debt collection, purchase of land, causing double front war in the ME, and with brazil/mexico from the south. Brazil is the dagger of the whole thing, the ME war at somepoint will involve china, and necessarily russia and iran.

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ZTE and huawei ignoring the Iran sanctions?

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Slightly kek'd here, Isaac.

Uh not sure what you are trying to imply but the US enforces sanctions pretty heavily, its even illegal for Americans to boycott Israel

That's pretty good.

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Yes, I heard that the deep statewants to do a US recessionto get rid of Trump.

We should have crashed back in 2015-2016. We didn't. Nobody trusted the Obama economy, so the common man wasn't buying shares. Now that they've suckered everyone into thinkimg rhings are great, the peasants are putting their money up which will allow them to crash it. And thats how it works. All the big rich guys bought everything up in 2009 but didn't have anyone to dump their shares on until now. It's easy to see, just look at the charts.

Leave this board magakike.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but there ain't gonna be a 2020 US presidential election. You heard it here first, spooks.

reminder: nerds have been calling for economic collapse, weekly, for DECADES. there has never been anything since the 30's but controlled contractions so the kikes can consolidate power.

there will be no collapse. there will be no collapse. this will slowly become brazil with a police state on top and no fucking hope whatsoever.


Yeah he only constanly praises kikes and isreal, and has jews in his family, and moves harder against Isreal's rivals than Obama, but he's totally not a kike puppet.


checking your own digits negates the coincidence dummy. S A G E D

Good point, they aren't even banks anymore… they are just a criminal syndicate that is going to monopolize the ability to generate new currency… and they're still going to manage to go broke…

It isn't that the bankers are smart… the bankers are simply knowledgeable about the fraudulent system that they themselves created..

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You're just retarded, is all.

You heard nothing, Q-LARPer.

It's a jew.
You're brain damaged.
You're brain damaged.
You're brain damaged.
It is, yeah.
The source.
by jews
for jews
owned by jews
be jewish
be exterminated by jews
be run by jews
Reported for spam.
Reported for paid shilling.

You're what Karl Marx considered a "Useful Idiot"


Why do you 16 year olds even come on here? Not everything is der juden, get over it. Dealing absolutes is how we got into this mess in the first place, don't make it worse and spread the malicious autistic standard of:

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checked and checking if it outlines a method for subtle social control, thanks fam

truly redpilled
trump's merely another who's forced to kneel
altho i assumed the jews were like 50-90% of the problem, with the muslims being their war dogs
who are the other large players?
i presume most secret societies (like the free masons) are either jew-led or controlled by jews

Babylonian religions/gnostics/cult of mithras/secret Greek, Roman, and German homosexual frats

Catholics = Jesuits

yeah the Catholic church has been infiltrated by kikes
interesting. What portion of the problem would you say they make up? 10%, 30%, 90%?
I'll be looking into them, thank you

ah just looked into the jesuits more, so they're not infiltrated by jews but allies of jews

Reported for Q-LARP spam. You have a containment board.

See, you're not even fun anymore.


but are allies of the jews*
coinciding objective

Play their game is like this….. putting things in an impossible situation where only what you want, is the right move for everyone.

Their will be no economy crash because that would only help our side, a good economy keeps the goyim in check a little longer, their will be no end to brown and black immigration because that would only help our side, but so would be non-stop immigration, people will continue to get pissed.

Either way long term our side will win, the question is how bad will it get first, and will AI and robot armies be unstoppable.

The yield on treasury bonds with 3 month maturities is higher than 10 year maturities which means that investors are pricing in a recession >3m from now. The same is true with 3y maturities which would place the next recession >3m from now but

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I didn't check my own digits, I only commented on it. Learn the difference summerfag.

The other large players include fortune 500 companies who collectively push for less regulations/more power using their large wealth. There are many players really, it isn't just a set amount of corporations of social circles affecting it. As much as I hate to say it, but the only real way to reduce or eliminate this push against the people is to limit companies even more, or to create a Nationalist Socialist-esque society where companies can only do what the government says is beneficial to the people. Free market capitalism fits into the solution as well, but I can't comprehend how it'd save the current dilemma. The circles filled with jews is most of them, this is due to jews being more attuned to the material and being more adept at making money. This very skill they have is a birthright from Satan himself. I do not know much about Catholic circles, but I agree it has been infiltrated to be the peace-loving hippies that kiss jew feet that it is now.

Fed, get off this thread. Muh jews isnt the only answer and you know it, I hate jews as much as the next guy and would like the zionists in israel to burn from nuclear fire. However, that doesn't cloud my judgement of the mechanics of modern capitalism. The things you should wonder about is how companies inadvertently use adverts like propaganda, for instance the once slave-owning democrats turned into liberalists, and now they want as much government as possible. How does a cultural shift like that occur? Jews? No, it occured because of ourselves. Our collective thinking, our collective movement, everyday conversations are what shifted political atmospheres. These things are natural and have happened, and will continue to happen throughout history. However, corporations are sensitive to cultural shifts as they are always looking for a way to further get more money, more power, and elites behind those companies simply twitch their finger on the puppet string and the corporations react. If you can't argue against what I said, and can only spew filth like
Then how am I, or you not anything but a useful idiot to the corporations that want to restrict your rights and gain more power?

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Exactly no one is trying to make Trump lose in 2020, the kikes named a city after him for fucks sake

Le cringe

Your acting like your vote maters goyim, It doesnt and the winners are pre-decided, stop pretending like democracy exists.


I guess I should bump if you're sageing

Hey, I condone slavery as long as they aren't treated entirely like shit. Fuck off with le leddit talk you actual fag.

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What Trump is doing with tariffs and sanctions is forcing everyone to choose other countries to do business. What this does is moves capital out of China, regardless of if they honor any tariffs or sanctions. It requires shooting yourself in the foot to do it but for a Boomer it's pretty clever.

It is a continuation of the imperial policies that have hollowed out America's industrial base in the first place. Industry is kept out of the US and away from American workers in order to keep periphery vassals satisfied and away from the rival bloc [now China, formerly Soviet]. Jobs going to Indonesia, Vietnam, India, etc. don't help White America. It just helps the niggerjew imperial industrial complex that has institutionalized victimizing its White population to curry favor with strategic foreigners.

Isn't that censorship?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a Communist?

We're literally just living in 1928 again
The kikes will run their first out right jewish communist candidate
artifically create a recession
and finally get their new world order
we even have (((accelerationist))) niggers running around
just like they did in 28
claiming that if we just vote for this communist jew he will definately "redpill the normies" and THAT will save us
since" the idea that Trump will is for stupid miga pedes lol"
its all the same shit
trump wont save us
accelerationism wont save us
only national socialism can save us
and in order for that to happen we actually need you to get off your lardy fucking ass and so something other then weight for some "grand plan" to come fruition
be it through the bullshit "trust trump plan" or the bullshit "trust accelerationism" plan.

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I like this pic a lot but the angle bothered me a bit so I tried fixing it (while keeping the aesthetics of animu).

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Finally, a decent fucking reply. I mean holy shit people.

Same. I've been doing this for a while now but only very recently have I been considering the prospect of a coming downturn. Based purely on the political schedule that I had in mind when I made the original post since I was thinking along the lines of how politics/policies play into market manipulation, economic distortion (space is the place!), I'm thinking this time next year is when we'll start seeing it.

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It's very subtle, but I like it a little more than the oregano. Good job user! I have a new phone wallpaper.

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you would be surprised.

Yes, next month.

7 years

This. A "one world government" comes from one unified currency (that they control).

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Better keep your eye on….

get lost faggot

The system falls apart

The Boomercaust cannot come soon enough.
Leave and never come back before killing yourself, boomercuck.

Go away summerfag, you'll be the first one culled in the ethnostate. I'm generation zyklon so don't even try it.

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Checked and saved. Thanks user.

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This faggot thinks that the Government exists.
The FED owns this country. The Rothschilds own the FED.
Figure it out, dipshit. We are all owned.

Never mind the fact that it is Israel that has tons of sayanim and has actively acted against North America, not Iran.
This is nothing else but a repeating of "Iran has WMDs" with now +120% more secret agents.
Surely, the crypto-Jews are going to attack Israel.
That narrative is so old, Muslims vs US/NATO/EU/YIDS and Russia throwing in some weapons just because.
This Stirling hypothetical scenario is not believable.

That's just rich. Get back to 4cuck or the_Donald, or wherever you come from.

OP's shitting up the board with yet another shit thread. If the mods weren't such passive kikes, they'd have banned and deleted this kind of nonsense.
This board truly is dead when trash like this gets that many replies.

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