I only recently came back to imageboards and this reminds me of how 4chinpol used to be when everyone without an extra chromosome left that shithole years ago. I didn't miss out on anything that's for sure. And behold now this place too is fucked up as well. It's the same shit aids ridden spiritual jew cuckporn merchant garbage over and over, go figure. A fucking low quality shithole to like 4cuck where everything of any productive value whatsoever is slid/shilled/deleted.
Onliners, you have no right to call yourself anything by just posting shit online LARPING like 99% fags i see here and other places. It may be painful to most of you that someone points this out, but you are literally fucking nothing, because you never realized your potential. This is real life and not some fucking VR simulation or alternate reality. And if you've been on these 4/8ch shitholes for ages it's time to take a fucking hike. Waste of fucking time besides occational news. Most of you know everything there is to know about this Jewish world, go and do something, go and actually accomplish something.
People here should be getting to know their peers, connecting with new friends, and politically doing real life shit instead. But no instead you keep sitting here and allow literal jewish paid shills to enduce most of you into paranoid schizophrenia. It's really fucking pathetic. For gods sake people get a life, you were created for the real life, not this garbage. I'm sick of all you mother fuckers literally doing nothing but crying ONLINE only about all of this, let me guess it's all you been doing this garbage for years? Man up instead and get real become a real man like alexander the great, AH, oswald mosley etc. Strive and become the change you want to be in this world, or else there will be nothing.
Just let it sink in that this isn't a fucking game of monopoly or some freak alternate reality dream nigger VR game. This is real life. It's not going to get better, it's going to get fucking worse every day. and it will all end worse than you think IF you people don't muster up a little fucking courage and do something that actually matters.
The outcome of you not doing anything is that we'll be living in a coffee colored consumer slave dystopian USSR shithole soon always being watched, and in this jewish future you did not struggle against you'll always regret you never did something real that actually mattered before it was too late. You'll always regret you no real purpose in life and ultimately that your life never mattered, because you never did the right thing, even though you were on the right side you always took the easy way out. You knew the truth and saw evil, but you did nothing. It will haunt you for the rest of your coward life.
Remembder: It's the future you choose. Every last one of you that cares about our future has a responsibility.
Anyway enjoy your stay faggots, until you become real men enjoy your loser containment zone. And thanks a lot you fucking losers who run this shit, i hope everyone of you fucking losers responsible for this garbage board has a freak accident and dies a painful death for being reprobate human trash.